Revert back to the old way of handling Tuya please

The path wich Nabu Casa decided to follow with Tuya is probably the worst idea ever.

Not only will the function a start to degrade, but it will also start to cost eventually.

Creating user accounts here and there just to turn off a lamp isn’t the right way to go. We’ll for me the new Tuya simply doesn’t work…

Also, making it local will probably never happen?

I am together with a lot of other smart home users actually leaning towards going a different path then HA. It is just too buggy and it continues to disappoint.

If you really want local, buy devices that support local control natively.

Alternatively, step up and help developers of alternative integrations, like local Tuya.

Buying a cloud first device and then complaining that the manufacturer is supporting Home Assistant seems pretty backwards to me.


Aint gonna happen, The old tuya integration uses a API that tuya will be turning off at the end of the year
Have a look at local tuya if you want local control
rospogrigio/localtuya: local handling for Tuya devices (

You need to work on how you interpret what people are saying.

The old Tuya integration was cloud based aswell, that one worked. You didn’t have to create user and get trial accounts on some tuya iot platform that in the end will end up costing money for the end user.

The decision to take that route was purely based on money.

We have already been over this over at discord Tinkerer. The fact that I got blocked there for asking legit questions is a really bad way of handling the users.

Or… the decision was based on the fact that the manufacturer was going to support the new integration.

That’s not why you were blocked, and you know it. I’ll just remind you about the code of conduct.

Ye, I know that the support for the old version will end in 6 months.

At the moment Home assistant does not work for me. I have to use my redunacy Echo dot to control everything.

If time is better spent with software development instead of hardware development and getting business contracts I might consider continuing with HA. It was once a good platform.

I need something reliable so I will look into other alternatives.

while I agree on buying local devices or stepping up to help, I did not like the way of handling this migration at all. Old tuya integration was mature enough, everyone was relying on its functionality. now, we have a half baked one and we just killed the old one to migrate into new, but we should have at least make them equal in terms of functionality (not performance).

Checkout localtuya, it works well for me for more than a year.

I admire how so many think so highly of it.

Still, a complete ban is quite harsh don’t you think? But it ain’t a problem. I am still in there watching the many complaints and problems since the brilliant idea Nabu Casa had.

You were asked multiple times by multiple people over a 2 week period to stop and you didn’t. Eventually you have to face the consequences of your actions.

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Petro, I was merely asking legitimate questions and I got stomped on with comments from people who supposed to be moderators/admins.

My questions was never answered in full.

I just hope Nabu Casa reconsider the path they are on. That’s all, you can close this thread now because it is going down that route again and that ain’t very creative.

Same frikkin people answer every single time BTW. Get some fresh thinking in this community.

Close the thread please

The trial accounts don’t end, it will not cost you money. You seem to be confused by tuya’s requirement to go through a checkout, there are no fee’s.

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Ifttt didn’t have fees either, once upon a time.

That’s a false comparison. Ifttt software is their product, there is no other revenue stream. Tuya sells physical products.

In their cloud api registration, going beyond one project is limited to paid accounts.

That’s strange as I have 2 cloud projects and wasn’t charged :man_shrugging:

Ok, you are right, let me clarify, there are multiple account types and tuya v2 requires a specific account type which is restricted to one for each trial account. But, please take this with a bit grain of salt, i need to find out exact documentation.

On the other hand, i feel like we (developers) can fix and improve localtuya, which works fine but requires a lot od technical tricks.

I have multiple sockets, covers, one lamp, one garage door opener, one led driver and all are fine with localtuya.

Moreover my point(e. that there is no charge for trial accounts), as implied by the op’s post, that HA’s developers motivation for making the change would be additional revenue by forcing people into paid tuya accounts(e. which isn’t the case).

E. I see how this could be misinterpreted. Tuya doesn’t charge for trial accounts, so there is no revenue.

But do we really know this or just assumption? I don’t want to take it as a fact if it is just a rumor.

Know what? If HA developers are making changes in order get under the table kickbacks should Tuya decide to charge to use their developers platform? I guess anything is possible but I mean really, that would mean the whole project was fucked, backdooring revenue streams.

You’ve got something to back up these statements?

Because, as they stand, they look pretty slanderous.