RF 315Mhz Bridge?

Hi team,

I own one of these natural gas fireplace that is controlled by a 315Mhz remote control (Actual fireplace user manual where I found that info).

I, indeed, want to be able to control that appliance from my home assistant installation but I just cannot figure out what I need. Every RF research I have done leads me back to 433Mhz frequency and the sonoff RF bridge which, from my understanding, does not support 315Mhz.

Looks like I am going to need to setup OpenMQTTGateway but what hardware should I be using to learn, send and receive 315Mhz RF signals with Home assistant?

I am using Home assistant 0.99.2 on hass.io, installed on a mac-mini i7 with Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS. I already have my z-wave and zigbee bridges up and running.

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you

You are probably best asking on the OpenMQTT forum.
But have you looked at the device list on the GitHub page?

I did… and I am still confused :slight_smile:
Good point about asking on the OpenMQTT forum. Will do that now.
I was just thinking someone else must have already done that with his home assistant… I can’t be the 1st one.

I did order this one https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32878945000.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.745a4c4ddTIG41
for use with openmqttgateway, but did not receive it yet.

The Broadlink RM Pro+ has a 315MHz sender/receiver.

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Broadlink RM Pro+ ordered !
It’s not obvious from the product description that 315MHz is supported, but looks like this is actually the case.
Thank you for the info!

EDIT: Reread and noticed you want to send on 315 mhz.

I’d still start with rtl_433 and an RTL-SDR for learning, receiving, and reverse engineering your remote.

Original reply:

rtl_433 with an RTL-SDR and the right length antenna can be used to receive 315 mhz.

Some of the devices that are implemented are 315 mhz (Honeywell security sensors, at least in the US).

If there isn’t a decoder for your device a flex decoder might do the job if you are willing to do a little reverse engineering.

Hope this helps,

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Sorry to bump your thread. But was your project succesful?

Just got the same fireplace remote as you!

I was thinking of going with some sort of ESP connection wired in direcly. But the Broadlink RM Pro+ might be a better option.

Care to update the thread?

I am able to turn on and off my fireplace with that device. I used nodered to “learn” the codes from the remote.
I did not spend more time on it, I don’t know yet if I can catch the signal sent from the remote to the fireplace and automatically update a sensor (fireplace ON/OFF) automatically so the sensor always knows the status of the fireplace even if it’s turned on by the remote (not homeassistant).
There is most probably a more reliable way to do the same with an ESP but I did not dig into that.

Hey, me agian.

I ordered the RM PRO+ and like yoou i have the exact same remote. I could not teach it any RF commands which seems like an on going issue in the forums.

I am pulling out my hair trying to get this working.

Any chance you can share your learnt remote commands here?

Hi, sorry for open thread after one year, but i’v searching 315mhz bridge nowadays and i found upgraded Sonoff RF Bridge Long Range https://www.joom.com/en/products/5caaf2fe36b54d0101c5c152
(i’v read that is sucesor of old Sonof 433mhz bridge that its flashable with tasmota). I was searching in many places and could not found anything about working it with HA or even possibility to flash tasmota firmware like this old one. It is fresh new devices that i cannot found anything about it? or it would not work with HA yet? Somebody have that one to play with or test with or without HA? I think that it could be great alternative to Broadlink you’ve mentioned in thread.

It uses ewlink, just as sonoff. But it is definitely not a sonoff device. Nowhere to be found on the itead website.

I don’t think this device is related to SONOFF, I used to have one but I don’t have it anymore. I can confirm it is an ESP into it but the decoding part seems to be done by a nuvoton uC.

I would be interested by your source?

Finally i bought Broadlink 4 RM Pro and it has 433, 315 mhz and irda (and even temp and humidity sensor in some aliexpress wersions). Broadlink write about working 315 mhz in rm4 pro on their site only, all aliexpress rm4 pro has both frequency… They do new app for it which is working great as an app, but when trying decode 315 mhz codes for HA purpose I had some issiues. But 435 and irda with HA works like a charm. Posting it for this who is lurking for 315mhz.

Now I’m intrigued. I always thought the broadlink RM Pro was a send-only devices, and you had to do a lot of workarounds to get it to catch codes. So you can just a button on a rf remote and it gets transmitted to HA for processing, without first having to use broadlink.learn etc ?

For the possible clarification of anyone else coming to this thread belatedly from search engines:

the current (updated 2022-02-25) manual pdf of the Broadlink RM4 Pro says (last all the way to the far right bottom of the ~broadsheet):

The product hardware supports 305~335MHz and 430~440MHz but 305~335MHz is not available in some countries / regions such as United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all EU countries.

This may clarify why (via firmware constraint?) it seems to work for some and not others

(and certainly offers a better/any explanation compared to how on Amazon.com there is no mention of 315 band except in the thumbnail of the descriptive video and on the product page where it mentions only 433 in text but then only says 315/433 in the infographic below

also fun fact, according to wikipedia, “Radio” part of EMF description actually tops out at 300MHz (wavelength of 1m), and all of this “RF” is actually formally microwaves anyway!)

Anyway, I just bought one anyway hoping to control my 315MHz ceiling fan and not wanting to pay 3x as much for the Bond, soooo… ¯\(ツ)

Sorry for opening such an old post? I have a broadlink Pro and I’m trying to get it to learn a 315 mhz remote control and I can’t… someone help me!

Facing the same thing. After a bit of research Im finding that while the specs “say” its working at 315MHz, there are caveats (FSK encoding &/or rolling codes). Was able to get a couple LED remotes to work fine, however I also have a couple more fan controls that I cannot connect with the BroadLink (those are known 303.875MHz). Im ordering a “bond bridge” today - that’s confirmed to work with my fans, but unsure about the LED remotes (probably as the bond seems to be a bit more ‘robust’ from the spec sheet.