RFXTRX: Signal sent but not working

Hi all,

Already spent a lot of time looking in the docs but without success.
I don’t know if anyone can help you but since the last HA updates the RFXcom integration no longer works.
Entities and devices (lights) are created but when I try to use them the RFXcom lights flash but nothing happens.
My RFXCOM works fine with the RFXmngr when I try to send the code.

HA version is 2021.3.2
The RFXcom is version RFXtrx433XL

In the log file, I have the following:
When usind the remote :
2021-03-10 16:26:29 DEBUG (Thread-31) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x09 0x13 0x00 0x0b 0x65 0x76 0x02 0x01 0xb0 0x70

When sending with HA;
2021-03-10 16:29:24 DEBUG (SyncWorker_8) [RFXtrx] Send: 0x09 0x13 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x01 0xb1 0x00 2021-03-10 16:29:25 DEBUG (Thread-31) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x04 0x02 0x01 0x00 0x00

I already deleted and reinstall the RFXtrx integration but without success.
Why it doesn’t work anymore ?

Received data is: 0913000B657602010070
Packettype = Lighting4
subtype = PT2262
Sequence nbr = 11
Code = 657602 decimal:6649346
S1- S24 = 0110 0101 0111 0110 0000 0010
Pulse = 256 usec

But you transmit: 0913000000000101B100
Packettype = Lighting4
subtype = PT2262
Sequence nbr = 0
Code = 000001 decimal:1
S1- S24 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001
Pulse = 433 usec

Packettype = Receiver/Transmitter Message
subtype = Transmitter Response
Sequence nbr = 0
response = ACK, data correct transmitted

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Thanks for the reply, but I don’t understand why this is modified. The device is created with the following HA integration: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/rfxtrx

But when I try to use it, the code sent is wrong. Where can I find the registered code created by the HA integration?

It’s interesting how you get this information from debugging.
How do you get this result?

Thanks for your help.

This seems an issue with the update to 2021.2.0.

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Hi all,

Spending a long time to understand this but is quiet easy.and I want to share this.
First set the debug in the configuration.yaml file

  default: error   
    RFXtrx: debug

When you press the remote, you will see in the “home-assistant.log” the following:

2021-03-10 16:26:29 DEBUG (Thread-31) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x09 0x13 0x00 0x0b 0x65 0x76 0x02 0x01 0xb0 0x70

This means that the following data is received: 0913000B657602010070 (retrieve all “0x”)

Now, just call the service rfxtrx.send with this data:

              - type: 'custom:button-card'
                name: Bedroom
                icon: 'mdi:light-switch'
                  action: call-service
                  service: rfxtrx.send
                    event: 0913000B657602010070
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Note that the data string is also visible (without 0x) in RFXmngr for receive and transmit commands.

Hi b_weijenberg,

Indeed at the top right of the date.

25-03-21 01:49:00:509= 0913000B657602010070
Packettype = Lighting4
subtype = PT2262
Sequence nbr = 2
Code = 657602 decimal:6649346
S1- S24 = 0110 0101 0111 0110 0000 0010
Pulse = 432 usec
Signal level = 6 -72dBm

Thanks for your help.