Rhasspy offline voice assistant toolkit

First of all, thanks for this project - it would really round up many things once I can get it up and running :wink:

I am trying to run it within a docker container, running on a rpi4 within a Kodi/libreelec installation.

Tts, intent recognition and handling is running on a different server and is connected to a HA installation. I somehow managed that part using various docker container successfully.

But now i am stuck at the audio playback and recording. I can see a long list of devices in audio in- and output settings but none seem to work. I have tried to use a usb sound/microphone adapter, hmdi tv, as well as the re-speaker 4mic. But I cannot get any sound in or out.

Any help is appreciated.

Ps: In case you are not familiar with it, Kodi is somewhat limited to what you can install on it (no apt-get).

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I assume you’re adding --device /dev/snd:/dev/snd to the docker run command, right? If so, there may be a conflict between Rhasspy and Kodi. I’d try these two things:

  1. Switch between PyAudio and ALSA in Rhasspy for audio input
  2. Create virtual sound devices for both Rhasspy and Kodi based on this issue response

Just realised that i never responded here. Sorry :frowning:

I’ve managed to get the audio (using a different microphone) in the meantime and i have an “almost” working satellite setup so far. Still struggling with this error: https://community.rhasspy.org/t/nluexception-not-enough-values-to-unpack-expected-2-got-1/1880

Great :slight_smile: all is working fine, but only one small problem. I have no sound. I have tried the aplay option for audio-out, and at he “Available Devices:” option i tried JACK and DEFAULT (when i use default the line above starting with “Device” is empty)

I want my audio get out of the jack-output not HDMI.
I already using Mopidy and sound is working nice. Maybe there is a conflict i created when installing Mopidy? Maybe screwed-up some settings? I don’t know where to start.
Also… when i use the aplay command on my Raspberry Pi, i see it is playing, but i hear nothing!

Would be great if someone can help me or can tell me how to bypass this problem. I only need the audi-out for the “Wakeword” .


@synesthesiam just installed your addon, can see the Web interface, good start! Now my problem is that the HA server is in the office and I was just wondering what was the easiest way to have a remote microphone. Now there is no possibility to use the mic of the phone, with the HA app installed? Or do I need to install a Rhasspy with a microphone and HP in the living room? Thanks.

Is there a way to play voice announcements through browser instead of speakers or Rpi’s internal audio jack ?.

Here is the post url for details of where i am stuck at

Any help will be highly appreciated as this is driving me nuts

You must have a dedicated raspberry pi then as a satellite. I am actually setting mine up. Satellite works well now intents are needed .is there a custom component for it ?

Did you add something like this for the microphone?

Ok, same brand, Seeed, did you need a special driver? Happy with?

More than happy.minebhas 4 mic and I can use it even if I’m in the first floor.server with mic is in the kitchen downstairs. Well it worked awesome with snips too. Actually I am searching for a good tutorial how to get this rhasspy working with intents. Dunno how to set it up.it works well… server and satellite bit now I need to create intents and I didn’t find a good tutorial yet

So a raspberry with mic, Rhasspy on it and some settings I will try to find on Rhasspy github, thanks!

Well I use an Intel nuc as base and raspberry as satellite. Like this o can place it wherever in my house .I’ll maybe add a second one when I got my intent stuff working

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I tried searching this thread first but couldnt find anything about it, so here goes nothing: I m running Home Assistant Core in a jail in TrueNAS and I was wondering if there is a way to install Rhasspy in HA Core other than using the add-on function of Hassio eg through custom components maybe? Thank you

You can find all install methods here:

I dont think any of those is for the Home Assistant Core and was wondering if there was a way to accomplish that.

I think you are a little confused as to what you want to do. :slight_smile:

HA core is “simply” the Home Assistant installation, like a venv in python. If you will a bunch of python scripts. There is no “environment” to install anything in HA core.

The same goes for Rhasspy. It is software, that needs to be installed in an environment (OS), that is supported. What you could do, is to install it in another “jail” (whatever that means). Or, depending on how this “jail” looks like, you maybe can install it in there as well, but neither has anything to do with your installation method of HA. :slight_smile:

Rhasspy is a standalone software, that connects with your HA server, that’s all.

What do you understand by “Home Assistant Core”?

HA Core is what paddy0174 says, a venv installation.
If you use that, you can either install docker on that same machine and run Rhasspy in a docker.
Or, install it as a precompile package.
You can also install it in a Virtual Environment

Those methods are exactly what is in the link :slight_smile:

This :slight_smile:

Ah ok, that explains a lot. Thank you both for taking the time to reply :slight_smile:

Hi there @synesthesiam,
great work, thanks for this awesome addon! It works like a charm with the PS3 Eye camera.
I am thinking about getting some Sonos speakers and I am wondering if I would get the One with a microphone if it could be possible with the Home Assistant Sonos integration to choose the Sonos microphone as a Rhasspy input device?
Any information about that? It would be great!
Thanks again for your awesome work, stay safe!


Hi @Br3b, thanks and sorry for the late reply!

I would expect it to work only if the Sonos integration somehow exposes the microphone as an ALSA sound device. If not, I’m not sure of the best way to do this.

There is a “Local Command” option for Rhasspy’s microphone service, so if you can get access to the microphone via the command-line, it might be possible through this.

Good luck and let me know what you find out!