Rika FireNet support

It would be juste perfect to be able to use the http://rika-firenet.com from HA.
This can remote command Rika heating system.
Actually I only have a web access and no documentation on possible API.

Only implementation I have found have been made by parting webpage provided on : http://rika-firenet.com

Many thanks in advance.


I’ve written a custom sensor for the Rika Firenet. Currently I’m able to fetch some basic information and show it in HA.
This was my very first piece of code I wrote for HA, so I’m 100% sure that it is far from perfect.

Someone with more skills should maybe take a look at my code. Maybe help me to convert my code into a proper component so controlling the state and heating power is implemented.
Does someone know a good example which I can use as guide in developing the new component. Someone willing to help me before I ‘release’ this code?

Main goal: have the component included in the ‘official’ list of component with the help of all the great people here.


This is amazing ! I’m really looking forward to have your code supported. Meanwhile if I can help by testing :wink: ?

Just a small status update:

Currently I’m able to set the ‘heating power percentage’ and the ‘state’ of the stove trough a service I’ve created.

Currently I’m not able to fulfill all the requirements to create a pull request towards the home-assistant dev branch. I’m lacking a bit of experience in the Python world. Any dev that wants to help out?

Currently the component registers a set of sensors based on the ‘monitored_conditions’ list. (like Yr sensor
Is this a good approach or should I create 1 sensor with a bunch of attributes ?

Do you have news about it?

I just had my stove. Do you have information to communicate to me? Can you share your code? Thank you


Same counts for me. Just this weekend I installed my Rika stove and are planning to change from Indigo Domotics to Home Assistant.
Would you mind if you please share your code?


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If someone could transfer this from Domoticz to HA this is welcome
The GitHub page

Anyone have reprogram or add on HACS for Rika ?

sadly not to my knowledge

Hi guys,

Locally I started to conversion of https://github.com/iero/Rika-Stove logic towards Home assistant based on the Tado component. The base sensors and climate entities are functional already. Once working I’ll share on my Github.




Great news!

In case you are looking for some testers feel free to ask.

I have a Rika Domo.


The most awaited moment is finally here :grinning: Initial Rika Firenet integration can be found at https://github.com/Fockaert/rika-firenet-custom-component

This initial version is tested locally with Rika Sono, that’s connected with an external room thermostat. I’ve added a short planning for next steps on the Github readme page.

@Antoine1 Feel free to try it out :crossed_fingers:

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Great news!
Thanks fort working on it !

Ready to test but blocked at the first step…
What shall I put in the host?
Username and password are the ones from the firenet website or?

On the previous home automation solution I was using, it was like that.
Here I’m unsure about what to do…


Reply to myself…

Go it working!
For the host, the input I used is https://www.rika-firenet.com/ which makes sense now when looking at your code.

All the sensors are there and the data seems to be correct.

Will play around with it today and let you know.
In case you want me to look at specific functions please let me know.

Thanks again for the job!


Perfect! In latest commit I’ve removed the host config as it probably not changing that often. Would be good if you look at the behaviour of the climate component.


Ok, with the last update I confirm that this is not asked anymore.

I have the feeling that sometimes, when you send an update on temperature or state of the stove, it is not taken in account at the first time by the stove.
On Jeedom I remember that I had the same issue so I assume that this is more related to the Firenet website than to your integration.

Could you please explain what you expect from me with the climate component?
Sorry but I am not familiar with it.
Do you mean at looking at automations and so on through climate.set_temperature and so on?


I try to install, but the component is not listed in integration.
The folder on server should be : config/custom_components/blueprint/rika_firenet/ or config/custom_components/rika_firenet/ ?


Hi @ghayoz,

It should be config/custom_components/rika_firenet/. I corrected the readme.


With climate I mean the thermostat card https://www.home-assistant.io/lovelace/thermostat/ which you already tested it seems :slight_smile: The current implementation is based on Rika behaviour, changing the temperature is de-coupled from planning feature with base/lower temperature config. I would like to change behaviour that the actual target temperature is shown, so during the night it will show 16 (night temperature) degrees instead of 21 degrees (day temperature). When increasing the temperature it should also directly fallback to heating mode.

So far I do not have problems with updating the state of the stove.