Ring Doorbell to Flash Lights

I used to have this working until recently, but it has stopped working. Appears “Tuya” gave me permission deny for some reason, so I deleted it and tried setup again. My automation seems to have stopped working.

I’ve lost my backup code ( I know I should’ve made a copy of it :frowning: )

Currently, this is what I have and it only flashes twice but then it goes off - I’ve tried varies settings but seems something’s off with me and I’m unable to shake this issue myself.

alias: Doorbell Press
description: ""
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door_ding
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
  - repeat:
      count: "5"
        - type: toggle
          device_id: e95dcc373c4d46c955e3cb312220fa58
          entity_id: light.study_room_smart_light
          domain: light
        - delay:
            hours: 0
            minutes: 0
            seconds: 0
            milliseconds: 500
        - type: toggle
          device_id: e95dcc373c4d46c955e3cb312220fa58
          entity_id: light.study_room_smart_light
          domain: light
        - delay:
            hours: 0
            minutes: 0
            seconds: 0
            milliseconds: 500
mode: single

My aim is if the lights are in an “off” state, they should return to the off state as soon it finishes the automation. The same goes if they’re in an “on” state.

I want it to repeat 5 times but that isn’t important of how many flashes it does.

I have set it to 300ms before but it doesn’t do the action on the spot, I increased it to 500ms to see if it helps but no difference. All I want is to flash for like 3-4 sec and then go back to normal how it was previously.

The reason is, I’m profoundly Deaf and I rely on doorbell flash. I do not wish to leave the light on during the daytime, but I need the light on at night.

I have a mixture of brands, used to have Lifx but I’ve noticed Tuya compatible bulb seems to connect quicker than the Lifx bulb, so I’m getting rid of those Lifx for Tuya’s bulb.

I have checked and have used some of those example scripts found in some topics,

I find it useful but doesn’t seem to work for me - assuming it’s not compatible with the new version of HASS?

Home Assistant 2022.10.4
Supervisor 2022.10.0
Operating System 9.2
Frontend 20221010.0 - latest

Seems it has fixed itself, not sure why this is happens to me.
Wondered if anyone experiencing similar issues I’m having?


Glady you post this as I was thinking exactly same things with doorbell flashing lights.

I using home assistant for months and stills ongoing learning.

I currently working on my new house and when I come to setting up in home assistant then would be gladly working on it.