Ring integration setup fails

Ring made a bunch of changes in this area. Previously the on state at the API would be on for 2 minutes on each motion and ding event. Now they are only on as long as the device is actively streaming to Rings servers. This means if you don’t create motion for 10 seconds (which is how often it currently scans) then you will miss those events. The last updated sensor hits a different API so you will see that update because of the Ring history. I submitted a PR that is in 0.105 that will update this interval from 10 to 5 seconds. This should help ensure that we don’t miss events in the binary sensors.

Anyone have any ideas where else I can possibly look for remnants of my old ring setup? Everything is out of my config, nothing in custom components, and no pickle. I still keep getting unexpected error when I try to add via integrations.

More problems when I had to restart HA today.
It’s getting to the point where I can’t keep this shaky house of cards known as Home Assistant standing for more than a day at a time now without something going wrong. :frowning_face:
I know this is not the fault of the dedicated developers who work so hard to keep this going, but this unwillingness of manufacturers to work together or to follow standards, or to keep legacy interfaces running is going to be the death of open home automation.

Mine were in my seperate sensor.yaml files as well as the configuration.yaml

I was struggling to get this to work and it turned out that I had to force a reload of the Lovelace front-end (Ctrl-F5) for Ring to appear in my Integration options. My Home Assistant (Core not HASS.IO) sits behind an NGINX reverse proxy.

I don’t seem to have sensor.yaml files. The weird thing is it works fine on the ha instance I have running on a pi that’s used just for automations.

Looks like Ring is going to force 2-factor auth very soon. Is this supported now? I still haven’t enabled it myself but just got an email from Ring.

yes its supported and working

Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply!

So it appears that Ring has now made 2FA mandatory as of Feb 24, and the Ring support used in previous versions of Home Assistant is now broken permanently in spite of the patches made. Version update of HA to the latest version required.

My Ring Door Bell and Ring Alarm with all sensors are working fine. I use a 2nd user with 2FA.

I am still on 105.x atm and my Ring works, but every day at 3.23pm I get 3 text messages for the 2FA. I dont have to do anything, but they just come in.

Going to try an upgrade in a bit to 0.106

Check to make sure you are not using any older ring custom components or addons. Sounds like you may be using an older version of something.

Noticed with .106.x that you have to remove all

 - platform: ring

additions at sensors, switches, camera’s, etc.

Otherwise you get setup errors in the log

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So we would have to look under the Python directory, and under Custom Components for any Ring subdirectories and remove them, as well as commenting out anything to do with Ring in configuration.yaml before updating?

I did the latter, but for the moment I don’t have time to play around with all the breaking changes in another new version of HA, so I just created a new virtual motion sensor for the Ring doorbell (all I need from it in HA), and linked it to IFTTT for notifications. I’ll get around to the version update sometime in the future.

Remove any and all ring custom components. Remove ring from all configuration and set it up via Integrations panel.

I had to rebuild my HA from ground up and went to integrate Ring into it and I put username (email) and password but got back a red “Unexpected error”. Not sure what I am doing wrong since I have no old Ring stuff configured. I am building this from the ground floor up to mainly clean up old stuff, but I seriously broke something since I was unable to restore from any of the snapshots. So thought it was a good time to rebuild it piece by piece. Ring is the last part I need to add and it will not let me do it. Any suggestion would be great.

if you attempted to restore from a snapshot then I would double check the config folder for things like hidden files and stuff. You will want to make sure no ring custom components are in there and also check to make sure ring is not configured in configuration, binary sensor, sensor, light and switch yaml files. If all that fails check the error log.

Yeah once I realized the snapshots were not going to work I built if from scratch re-adding all the stuff back in one by one. I have a printed out copy of all my configs and stuff so made it easy. I had the Ring added by the integration before it crashed but now it is just not letting me do it. I will tinker with it some more.

My ring integration has been working fine after the fixes earlier this year but I do wonder why it still works since I got the email from Ring about 2FA.
I have not enabled 2FA but everything still seems to work.
(I know that after this post it will probably stop)