Ring integration setup fails

Same here. Do you have a ring subscription? I don’t…

Can you verify the ring-doorbell version
pip list

Fails on 102.3 as well

Sun Dec 22 2019 03:23:57 GMT+0100

Unable to connect to Ring service: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://api.ring.com/clients_api/session

So looks for me not a HA version issue rather an ring url change on the api?

To Clarify for you
the Ring Component Intergration for HA depends on the following python library


this is what has the code to correctly connect to ring

that is the part that needed to be fixed

you need to check your python library and see if you have the 0.2.5 version

sudo docker exec -it homeassistant pip list

sudo docker exec -it homeassistant pip install ring-doorbell==0.2.5

will install it if it isnt

@Harry13 i have just done a:

docker exec -it homeassistant pip search ring-doorbell > /usr/ring.txt

and the output shows:

ring-doorbell (0.2.5)          - A Python library to communicate with Ring Door Bell (https://ring.com/)
  INSTALLED: 0.2.5 (latest)
pixel-ring (0.1.0)             - respeaker series pixel ring library
Ring-Buffer (0.1)              - A circular/ring buffer written in C
doorbell (0.2)                 - A visitor pattern implementation for Python
ring (0.7.3)                   - Function-oriented cache interface with built-in memcache & redis + asyncio support.
beward (1.0.4)                 - Python API for Beward Cameras and Doorbells.
py-august (0.9.0)              - Python API for August Smart Lock and Doorbell
  INSTALLED: 0.7.0
  LATEST:    0.9.0
CountRings (0.1.7)             - Count rings in a graph.
admcycles (0.2)                - Tautological ring on Mbar_g,n
pyhashring (0.1.0)             - Hash ring wrapper for python.
threefive (1.1.71)             - scte 35 decoder ring
numpy_ringbuffer (0.2.1)       - Ring buffer implementation for numpy
qroutes (0.1.0)                - Compojure/Ring like WSGI library
pyringbuf (0.1b2)              - A circular/ring buffer written in C
ringing-lib (0.3.0)            - Python wrapper for the Ringing Class Library
nlring (1.0.1)                 - NLNOG Ring task execution library
swift-scality-backend (0.4.4)  - Scality Ring backend for OpenStack Swift
mmringbuffer (0.0.2)           - A memory-mapped ring buffer in Python
pa-ringbuffer (0.1.3)          - Python wrapper for PortAudio's ring buffer
ringbuffer (0.0.2)             - Random access associative ring buffer
pyTrigger (0.12)               - Software trigger for data acquisition (with ring buffer).
anillo (0.1.7)                 - Ring/compojure like nanoframework build on top of werkzeug
anillo_auth (0.1.2)            - Ring/compojure like nanoframework build on top of werkzoug
geojson-rewind (0.2.0)         - A Python library for enforcing polygon ring winding order in GeoJSON
redis-hashring (0.1.3)         - Python library for distributed applications using a Redis hash ring
python-ew (2.1.5)              - Allow reading from and writing to Earthworm shared memory ring buffers.
rtttl (0.2)                    - Nokia Ring Tone Text Transfer Language (RTTTL) parser for python
TiRiFiG (1.0.1)                - A graphical user interface that allows users of TiRiFiC to modify tilted-ring parameters interactively.
msrflux (1.3)                  - Computes the neutrino flux from a muon decay ring while averaging over the detector and accelerator.
QiPy (1.0.5)                   - A Python library to work with elements, ideals, ideal classes and class groups from quadratic integer rings.
itk-ringartifact (0.1.1)       - ITK filters to reduce stripe artifacts or ring artifacts common in x-ray computed tomography, focused ion beam images, etc.
calcDiameter (0.17)            - The program takes in a Molecular Assembly PDB file as arument, finds the right orientation such that the ring sits on the XY plane, projects all atoms onto the XY plane and calculates the max diameter between two atoms that lie furthest apart on the XY plane

so it appears i have the latest version installed?

@Sir_Goodenough yes, i have a Ring subscription

Have you deleted the .ring_cache.pickle file?

I deleted that file yesterday. It still hasn’t come back yet even after a few reboots

Thing found the issue :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: password in config file was for the wrong account :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:. Changed password, rebooted HASSio and all now working

I updated to 103.4, and it didn’t work. I deleted the .ring_cache.pickle file without any luck.

So, I went to ring and changed my password - It worked!

I suggest that everybody needs to do this!

Someone before made a good suggestion earlier
If you want 2FA, just add a shared user and use that account in HA to access the ring.

Not a good suggestion. I just updated to the later HA version to make mine work again.

  1. Upgraded to Home Assistant 0.103.4
  2. Changed password at the ring website
  3. Removed .ring_cache.pickle
  4. Restarted Home Assistant.

2019-12-24 00:28:35 ERROR (SyncWorker_10) [homeassistant.components.ring] Unable to connect to Ring service: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: https://api.ring.com/clients_api/session
2019-12-24 00:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for ring: Integration failed to initialize.
2019-12-24 00:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform ring.binary_sensor: Unable to set up component.
2019-12-24 00:28:36 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform ring.camera: Unable to set up component.
2019-12-24 00:28:36 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform ring.sensor: Unable to set up component.

Not working and out of ideas!

yup seeing the same thing here.

Glad to hear I’m not the only one having problem…

yep same, not working again. Although it was for a little bit

same here. dead again worked for a short while ;(

Do you have quotation marks around the ring password? That was my problem and I got the ring integration to work by removing the quotation marks.

Mine was broke, turned of 2FA, started working, now offline again, but only with HA. I have Smartthings also and it works

Same here…rebooted today and Ring integration is down again.
SAme error as @per.takman

Same here. Got it working with the patch after last week’s post-2FA fail, now down again as of a few hours ago. Error logging in to ring api - unauthorized. The connection just failed silently sometime in the last few hours, then the error showed up on restart. Do you think Ring is deliberately trying to break HA?

At this point I’m thinking to link HA to Ring motion trigger via IFTTT webhook and forget about trying to keep fixing this…

Darn, I was hoping that I could use the set_state.py script to set the Ring binary_sensor via an IFTTT trigger, but annoyingly HA makes that sensor unavailable but unremovable, and refuses to allow another sensor of the same name to be created. So I would have to go through all my Node Red flows to change it. Grrr… HA is being really, really annoying this week.

Oh well, the user agent change mentioned below works for the moment.