Rinnai Heating/Cooling Wifi Module

I’ve been running two days now, with 20 second interval updates.

Except for one unexplained lockup last night that required resetting homebridge it’s been perfect.

If it happens again I’ll switch to debug mode for you.

Edit: three days and no more lockups.

I’ve got the HA MQTT Climate integration working fine. I tried setting the status frequency to 1sec, but the module stopped responding after about 10mins (as expected).

I was able to get the Zone status values, which is great. @Mantorok - If you’re planning to add a topic to switch the Zones, and Manual mode, that would be great!

I’d like to configure virtual switches to use with my GUI, but unfortunately I’m struggling to get HA MQTT Switches configured. For the Mode, I’m able to send the payload, and the state turns ON, however if I switch to another mode, the original state doesn’t turn off. I noticed the HomeBridge plugin MQTT client is using double quotes for the state payload, so I’ve tried using a value_template as per below, but HA doesn’t like the syntax (commented out). Is it possible at all to remove the quotes, or are they necessary?

- platform: mqtt
  unique_id: hvac_fan_mode
  name: "HVAC Fan Mode"
  state_topic: "rinnai/ha/mode/get"
  #value_template: "{% if value == '"fan_only"' %}ON{% else %}OFF{% endif %}"
  command_topic: "rinnai/ha/mode/set"
  payload_on: "fan_only"
  state_on: '"fan_only"'
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true


I think the current topics would work well with the addition of the Zone and Manual/Auto modes. Great work!

@aquavass - Try deleting the HomeKit integration/entities and forcing a new discovery (you’ll have to change the MAC address in HomeBridge and restart to do this). When you readd the HomeKit integration, check the HA logs for errors.

Thanks mate I really appreciate it.

With regards to the Zone switch, I asked @David_M how his config showed up the Zones which doesn’t for me and he suggested that I reset the device and remove the Homekit control from HA and re-add which ufortunately did not work.

I checked your documentation and it states “Zone Switch: Shows if the zone is currently On or Off and allows you to change it. Zone Switches will be added if you have 1 controller with more than 1 zone”.

Does this mean that as I only have one controller which has a Zone A function (which is picked up in the logs @ Homebridge level… [INFO] Found Zone(s): Zone A). If this is the case are you able to make a change to your code for it to show up?

Many Thanks.

Hi @aquavass, so does your Brivis system have have more than 1 zone but the plugin is only finding one (ie. Zone A)?

When you use the Rinnai Touch app on your phone, how many zones do you see?

The Rennai Touch app shows one zone labelled Zone A which is linked to upstairs.

When I start home bridge the logs show that Zone A is found but a corresponding button in HA is not shown.

Ok, so if you just have the one zone then there’s no need to be able to switch it off and on. You can just turn the HVAC itself off and on. The zone switches are there so you can direct the air flow to specific zones if you like.

So I’ve finally got some time to get this going properly - i.e using @Mantorok’s plugin :slight_smile: It doesn’t seem to be discovering my Rinnai Touch though. Pretty sure that is due to my network setup (the touch is on a different network segment, so the plugin can’t see the UDP broadcasts …). Mantorok - is there a way to manually configure the Touch’s IP addresses (I can’t see it being possible …)?


Problem is that zone A which is upstairs gets very hot, hence would love the option to switch this zone off when temp hits 22 degrees and downstairs still runs. This is available in the Rinnai app.

@aquavass, it sounds like you have 2 zones. Can you post a copy of your status when the heating is on and I’ll take a look

@FrontBottom, at the moment it doesn’t support supplying an IP address in the config but it shouldn’t be hard to add that in if you like. BTW, do you have any iOS devices? I’m keen to know how well the evap cooling support works in the Home app. You’re the only one I know on this forum that has evap.

For the time being I’ve just hardcoded my IP/port combo into the code - might be worth making it configurable for configs like mine.

Happy to share info on setup - I’ve noticed a few possible quirks on my particular setup
(Single controller, 4 zones (heating), Evap) - shall we take “offline” to DM’s?

Yes, DM me any quirks you find. FYI, I’ve made a few changes to the Evap after looking though that API doc. A few assumptions I made were wrong.

Thanks @Mantorok appreciate you looking into this,

I defiunitely have one - Zone A. I suspect the guy who installed it should have set up 2 zones, one for 1st level and one for 2nd level. Currently the unit runs downstairs only and Zone A opens the vent to the 2nd level.

As requested below is the status of the logs when it boots up. It does find Zone A but does not come up with a Zone A switch. Also attached is a screenshot of Zone options in the Rinnai Touch App.

[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] Loading 1 platforms…
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] Initializing RinnaiTouchPlatform platform…
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] false
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] true
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Configure HeaterCooler A
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Configure Fan
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Configure AdvanceSwitch A
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Configure ManualSwitch A
Setup Payload:

[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] Homebridge is running on port 52520.
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Connected to MQTT broker at http://XXX.XXX.X.XX:1883
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Subscribe: homeassistant/brivis/ha/fan_mode/set
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Subscribe: homeassistant/brivis/ha/mode/set
[6/9/2020, 10:16:08 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Subscribe: homeassistant/brivis/ha/temperature/set
[6/9/2020, 10:16:09 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Found Rinnai Touch module at XXX.XXX.X.XX:27847
[6/9/2020, 10:16:10 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Found Heater
[6/9/2020, 10:16:10 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Found Controllers: 1
[6/9/2020, 10:16:10 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Found Zone(s): Zone A
[6/9/2020, 10:16:29 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Publish: homeassistant/brivis/ha/action/get, Payload: “idle”
[6/9/2020, 10:16:29 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Publish: homeassistant/brivis/ha/fan_mode/get, Payload: “low”
[6/9/2020, 10:16:29 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Publish: homeassistant/brivis/ha/mode/get, Payload: “heat”
[6/9/2020, 10:16:29 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [INFO] Publish: homeassistant/brivis/ha/temperature/get, Payload: “18”

Thanks @aquavass, that does seem like an odd setup. I was actually after the status JSON blob that is output by the WiFi module. If you turn on debugging you’ll see it in the logs. It looks something like:
[{"SYST": {"CFG": {"MTSP": "N", "NC": "00", "DF": "N", "TU": "C", "CF": "1", "VR": "0183", "CV": "0010", "CC": "043", "ZA": "Bedrooms ", "ZB": "Living Areas ", "ZC": " ", "ZD": " " }, "AVM": {"HG": "Y", "EC": "N", "CG": "Y", "RA": "N", "RH": "N", "RC": "N" }, "OSS": {"DY": "TUE", "TM": "17:11", "BP": "Y", "RG": "Y", "ST": "N", "MD": "H", "DE": "N", "DU": "N", "AT": "999", "LO": "N" }, "FLT": {"AV": "N", "C3": "000" } } },{"HGOM": {"CFG": {"ZUIS": "N", "ZAIS": "Y", "ZBIS": "Y", "ZCIS": "N", "ZDIS": "N", "CF": "N", "PS": "Y", "DG": "W" }, "OOP": {"ST": "N", "CF": "N", "FL": "03", "SN": "N" }, "GSO": {"OP": "A", "SP": "22", "AO": "N" }, "GSS": {"HC": "N", "FS": "N", "GV": "N", "PH": "N", "AT": "R", "AZ": "R" }, "APS": {"AV": "N" }, "ZUO": {"UE": "N" }, "ZAO": {"UE": "Y" }, "ZBO": {"UE": "Y" }, "ZCO": {"UE": "N" }, "ZDO": {"UE": "N" }, "ZUS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "222" }, "ZAS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "222" }, "ZBS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "222" }, "ZCS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "222" }, "ZDS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "222" } } }]

Ahh OK sorry mate Rookie mistake… is this what you’re after:

[6/9/2020, 11:32:58 AM] [RinnaiTouchPlatform] [DEBUG] RinnaiTouchStatus(log,[{“SYST”: {“CFG”: {“MTSP”: “N”, “NC”: “00”, “DF”: “N”, “TU”: “C”, “CF”: “1”, “VR”: “0183”, “CV”: “0010”, “CC”: “043”, “ZA”: " ", “ZB”: " ", “ZC”: " ", “ZD”: " " }, “AVM”: {“HG”: “Y”, “EC”: “N”, “CG”: “N”, “RA”: “N”, “RH”: “N”, “RC”: “N” }, “OSS”: {“DY”: “TUE”, “TM”: “20:54”, “BP”: “Y”, “RG”: “Y”, “ST”: “N”, “MD”: “H”, “DE”: “N”, “DU”: “N”, “AT”: “999”, “LO”: “N” }, “FLT”: {“AV”: “N”, “C3”: “000” } } },{“HGOM”: {“CFG”: {“ZUIS”: “Y”, “ZAIS”: “Y”, “ZBIS”: “N”, “ZCIS”: “N”, “ZDIS”: “N”, “CF”: “N”, “PS”: “Y”, “DG”: “W” }, “OOP”: {“ST”: “N”, “CF”: “N”, “FL”: “00”, “SN”: “N” }, “GSO”: {“OP”: “A”, “SP”: “20”, “AO”: “O” }, “GSS”: {“HC”: “N”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “R”, “AZ”: “L” }, “APS”: {“AV”: “N” }, “ZUO”: {“UE”: “Y” }, “ZAO”: {“UE”: “Y” }, “ZBO”: {“UE”: “N” }, “ZCO”: {“UE”: “N” }, “ZDO”: {“UE”: “N” }, “ZUS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “999” }, “ZAS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “999” }, “ZBS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “999” }, “ZCS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “999” }, “ZDS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “999” } } }])

Ah, it looks like you have a common zone (Zone U) and Zone A enabled:
... "CFG": {"ZUIS": "Y", "ZAIS": "Y", ...

When Zone A (upstairs) is ON does that stop the air flow to downstairs, or is downstairs always ON regardless of the how Zone A is set?

FYI - mine is similar to this. There is an “always on” Zone that can’t be changed, and then 4 other zones that can be changed. I thought this was pretty common for gas heating.

@FrontBottom, in my case the Common Zone is disabled and Zones A & B are enabled for Heating mode. Oddly, for Cooling mode all 3 zones are enabled.

In your case what would happen if you turned off Zones A to D while the heating was on? Are some vents not covered by your 4 zones?

Yeh that’s right - my main living area must be considered that “Common Zone” and always on; so it is perfectly normal to have all “Zones” off, and just have that area heated.

Regarding the Evap - I had a quick play this evening (forgot to do it while the sun was out today :cold_face: ) It seemed to work logically (it removed Zones etc), could control fan speed, water pump (I then quickly manually set it back to heater and I think the plugin got a bit out of synch as it continually tried to read ECOM settings, even though it was back in heater mode).