Rinnai Heating/Cooling Wifi Module

@Mantorok, just had an expensive callout because my heating all of a sudden started turning itself off. Been using your plugin for a year now.

The technician tried replacing the whole PCB board, but in the end he disconnected the WiFi module and it stays on without turning off (shortly after preheating stage).

The Homebridge logs show:
[5/6/2021, 2:57:40 PM] [Rinnai Touch] Set PowerState to ‘F’ is invalid due to module’s current Status
[5/6/2021, 2:57:40 PM] [Rinnai Touch] Set FanState to ‘F’ is invalid due to module’s current Status

Any idea what was causing this? Or how I can fix this?

Hi @Hass10, so it was the plugin that kept turning off the heater? Is the WiFi module still disconnected?
The above log indicates that the plugin is attempting to turn the Power and Fan off but the status is not in a state to do that.
To help me diagnose the issue could you provide the following:

  • The plugin’s json config
  • The json file in the RinnaiTouchPlatform folder
  • A sample of the status json blob (if the WiFi module is connected)

I reconnected it and the issue seems to be back.

Here is the plugin json, not sure where the other two are sorry.

"platforms": [
        "name": "Config",
        "port": 8080,
        "platform": "config"
        "name": "Rinnai Touch",
        "controllerType": "T",
        "zoneType": "S",
        "showFan": true,
        "showAuto": true,
        "showAdvanceSwitches": true,
        "showManualSwitches": true,
        "seperateModeAccessories": false,
        "seperateFanZoneSwitches": false,
        "invertComfortLevel": true,
        "setAutoOperatingState": true,
        "showHomebridgeEvents": true,
        "showModuleEvents": true,
        "showModuleStatus": false,
        "clearCache": false,
        "forceAutoDiscovery": false,
        "mqtt": {
            "host": "mqtt://",
            "port": 1883,
            "username": "Stuart",
            "password": "hassIO",
            "topicPrefix": "brivis",
            "formatHomeAssistant": true,
            "publishStatusChanged": true,
            "publishIntervals": false,
            "publishAll": false,
            "showMqttEvents": true
        "pushover": {
            "connectionError": true,
            "faultDetected": true
        "platform": "RinnaiTouchPlatform"

Further testing the unit with Homebridge disconnected but the Rinnai Touch, I can turn it on and off no issues.

Therefore, fairly confident it’s an issue with the Plugin :frowning:

I’ve been using this plugin for a year with no issue, and even using it 1-2 weeks ago with no issue.

I notice you’ve got the showAuto option set to true. This is an experimental feature so may not be functioning correctly. Try setting it to false and restart the plugin/Homebridge

Ummm. I’ve disabled the plugin but the following is showing in the logs:
[5/6/2021, 6:56:40 PM] [Rinnai Touch] MQTT: Received: brivis/hvac/mode/set, Payload: off
[5/6/2021, 6:57:40 PM] [Rinnai Touch] MQTT: Received: brivis/hvac/mode/set, Payload: off
[5/6/2021, 6:58:40 PM] [Rinnai Touch] MQTT: Received: brivis/hvac/mode/set, Payload: off
[5/6/2021, 7:04:23 PM] [Rinnai Touch] MQTT: Received: brivis/hvac/mode/set, Payload: off

So something is sending off false commands to my Heater to turn it off? Therefore, slight chance it isn’t a plugin issue?


I’m SO sorry, it was my bad Node Red flow coding that was the culprit. Most expensive mistake yet…

Was testing some code to automate turning the unit off at a certain time without realizing that the message “off” would repeat forever… causing the issue.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your help debugging my stupidity. Sorry for wasting your time!

D’Oh! At least you found the cause of it

1 Like

Version 3.3.6 of the plugin is now available. No functional changes just updating dependencies, some of which had security vulnerabilities.

Hey @Mantorok - Firstly a massive Thank you for all the wonderful work you have done here.

I’ve been following this thread for a while, and finally got your homebridge plugin working properly with my homeassistant setup via MQTT.

For some background:
I have a MTSP Setup at home with one Brivis Touch controller, 4 zones and add on cooling. All 4 zones can be operated independently while heating, but Zone A stays on always when in cooling mode.

I’m having issues being able to switch off any zone’s independently without turning the whole heater / all zones off.
I can control the temperature independently between the zones without any issues.
I haven’t really mucked around with cooling mode yet given how cold it is.
To eliminate the variables, let’s forget about homeassistant mqtt right now, as i can reproduce the issue in the homebridge accessories page, so i think once we solve that one - everything else should flow on.

I’ve been playing around with the settings and I get a different error message when showauto is set to true and false.

The below testing is done from the HomeBridge Accessories page.

when showauto = true - and i turn off Zone B “Theatre Room” - It Turns off the whole heater (All zones) and i see this in the logs

[6/12/2021, 9:47:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Setting characteristic ‘Active’ to ‘0’
[6/12/2021, 9:47:39 PM] [Brivis] Sending: N000236{“HGOM”:{“OOP”:{“ST”:“F”}}}
[6/12/2021, 9:47:41 PM] [Brivis] [{“SYST”: {“CFG”: {“MTSP”: “Y”, “NC”: “07”, “DF”: “N”, “TU”: “C”, “CF”: “1”, “VR”: “0183”, “CV”: “0010”, “CC”: “043”, “ZA”: "Main Living ", “ZB”: "Theatre ", “ZC”: "Master Bedroom ", “ZD”: "Rear Bedrooms " }, “AVM”: {“HG”: “Y”, “EC”: “N”, “CG”: “Y”, “RA”: “N”, “RH”: “N”, “RC”: “N” }, “OSS”: {“DY”: “SAT”, “TM”: “21:47”, “BP”: “Y”, “RG”: “Y”, “ST”: “N”, “MD”: “H”, “DE”: “N”, “DU”: “N”, “AT”: “999”, “LO”: “N” }, “FLT”: {“AV”: “N”, “C3”: “000” } } },{“HGOM”: {“CFG”: {“ZUIS”: “N”, “ZAIS”: “Y”, “ZBIS”: “Y”, “ZCIS”: “Y”, “ZDIS”: “Y”, “CF”: “N”, “PS”: “N”, “DG”: “W” }, “OOP”: {“ST”: “F”, “CF”: “N”, “FL”: “07”, “SN”: “N” }, “ZUS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “222”, “ID”: “N”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “ZAS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “222”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “ZBS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “205”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “ZCS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “201”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “ZDS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “201”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “APZ”: {“ZV”: “N” } } }]
[6/12/2021, 9:47:41 PM] [Brivis] Command succeeded. Took 2002 ms

When showauto = false, and i attempt to turn off Zone B “Theatre Room” - the result is the same in that the whole heater turns off, but the error message in the logs are:

[homebridge-rinnai-touch-platform] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ‘Heating Threshold Temperature’: characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 8. See Characteristic Warnings · homebridge/homebridge Wiki · GitHub for more info.

and payload is:

[Brivis] [{“SYST”: {“CFG”: {“MTSP”: “Y”, “NC”: “07”, “DF”: “N”, “TU”: “C”, “CF”: “1”, “VR”: “0183”, “CV”: “0010”, “CC”: “043”, “ZA”: "Main Living ", “ZB”: "Theatre ", “ZC”: "Master Bedroom ", “ZD”: "Rear Bedrooms " }, “AVM”: {“HG”: “Y”, “EC”: “N”, “CG”: “Y”, “RA”: “N”, “RH”: “N”, “RC”: “N” }, “OSS”: {“DY”: “SAT”, “TM”: “21:28”, “BP”: “Y”, “RG”: “Y”, “ST”: “N”, “MD”: “H”, “DE”: “N”, “DU”: “N”, “AT”: “999”, “LO”: “N” }, “FLT”: {“AV”: “N”, “C3”: “000” } } },{“HGOM”: {“CFG”: {“ZUIS”: “N”, “ZAIS”: “Y”, “ZBIS”: “Y”, “ZCIS”: “Y”, “ZDIS”: “Y”, “CF”: “N”, “PS”: “N”, “DG”: “W” }, “OOP”: {“ST”: “F”, “CF”: “N”, “FL”: “07”, “SN”: “N” }, “ZUS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “223”, “ID”: “N”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “ZAS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “223”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “ZBS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “213”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “ZCS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “202”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “ZDS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “202”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N” }, “APZ”: {“ZV”: “N” } } }]

My current config is:

“name”: “Brivis”,
“controllerType”: “H”,
“zoneType”: “H”,
“showFan”: false,
“showAuto”: true,
“showAdvanceSwitches”: false,
“showManualSwitches”: false,
“seperateModeAccessories”: true,
“seperateFanZoneSwitches”: false,
“invertComfortLevel”: true,
“setAutoOperatingState”: true,
“showHomebridgeEvents”: true,
“showModuleEvents”: true,
“showModuleStatus”: true,
“clearCache”: true,
“forceAutoDiscovery”: false,
“mqtt”: {
“host”: “mqtt://mqtt.xxx.xxx”,
“username”: “mqtt”,
“topicPrefix”: “brivis”,
“formatHomeAssistant”: true,
“formatConnection”: false,
“publishStatusChanged”: true,
“publishIntervals”: true,
“publishAll”: true,
“showMqttEvents”: true,
“subscribeTemperature”: {
“U”: “zonu”,
“A”: “zonea”,
“B”: “zoneb”,
“C”: “zonec”,
“D”: “zoned”

Apologies if this has been solved above, but couldn’t find it in my trawling of the thread.

Thanks in Advance for any guidance, and let me know if you need any more info.

Hi @SJM,

Just want to confirm that you are seeing 4 Heater Cooler accessories in the iOS Home app (1 for each zone). This should be what you see based on your config. You’ve set zoneType to H but this should have no effect in your case (ie. you’re not seeing a 2nd set of 4 Heater Coolers are you?)

Turning off one of the Heater Coolers will instruct the Birvis system to turn off, which will in effect turn off the other 3 Heater Coolers. This is by design as there would be no way to turn off the Brivis if each Heater Cooler only turned it’s zone off. ie you could possibly have all 4 zones off but the Brivis still on. Some have worked around this by setting the temperature low for the zone you want to turn off.

Perhaps a better solution would be to have a seperate on/off switch that controls the Brivis power so the Heater Coolers can turn on/off the zone they are controlling. What do you think?

The warning you are seeing in the logs is probably because the plugin is unable to get the temperature set point while its in the OFF state as it’s not supplied in the status json blob, however, the plugin should handle that better so I can fix that in a future version.

Thanks for the speedy response @Mantorok

Just want to confirm that you are seeing 4 Heater Cooler accessories in the iOS Home app (1 for each zone). This should be what you see based on your config. You’ve set zoneType to H but this should have no effect in your case (ie. you’re not seeing a 2nd set of 4 Heater Coolers are you?)

Yup - I think that’s correct (my iOS home app is linked to the HomeAssistant, which would be picking up its heating config from mqtt, but this is the screenshot from my homebridge accessories page. (let me know if you want me to untangle my setup and just get the iOS home app pointing directly to homebridge to confirm this.

It’s actually interesting that homebridge shows the Theatre Zone as still on and temp set to 8 degrees

But in the Brivis Touch App - the Zone is actually set to off, and MQTT Explorer shows that the target temp for that zone is 0 degress (when i try and set that zone to 0 by sending the JSON - it never sticks)

Perhaps a better solution would be to have a seperate on/off switch that controls the Brivis power so the Heater Coolers can turn on/off the zone they are controlling. What do you think?

Not sure - I guess the outcome i was after was to be able to switch an individual zone off (especially given we hardly use that zone). I thought we might be able to achieve it in the same way that the Brivis Touch App does. I’m happy to be guided on the best way to get there though.

I thought i could do this via MQTT via the brivis\switch\zone* or brivis\switch\manual* but none of these states seem to change (they are always on “off” even though heater and zone is actively running)

Thanks once again for all your help and effort on this awesome plugin. It’s really Appreciated!!

Something seems odd with the accessories you are seeing. I would have expected that you only see 4 (one for each of the 4 zones) but you have 5.

Could you please post the contents of the json file in the RinnaiTouchPlatform folder inside Homebridge. I want to make sure it correctly reflects your Brivis system.

Also I noticed you have clearCache set to true. Is there a reason for this? Normally this would be false unless you wanted to blow away all the accessories the next time the plugin starts.

I thought the 5th was the common zone - this is what the json shows inside the RinnaiTouchPlatform folder:


clearCache=true is probably me jus mucking around with the settings to figure the zone switch off. I have now turned it off.


Ah yes, that json file looks incorrect for MTSP. There was a bug in an earlier version of the plugin that likely caused this to happen. Let’s get that fixed up first. Can you try the following:

Set forceCache to false
Set zoneType to "N"
Delete that json file (or set forceAutoDiscovery to true)
Save the config
Restart Homebridge.
Set forceAutoDiscovery back to false and Save (if necessary)
Post the contents of that json file again.

ok cool - done.

JSON now looks like this:


and accessories page looks like this:


Yep, that looks more like it. So back to your original problem(s).

I would expect now that if you turn off one of the Heater Coolers it will switch off the other 3 after a second or two. Is this correct? I know this may not be what you want but that’s how it should currently behave.

The next thing to try is add the zone switches:

Set zoneType to "S" in the config, save and then restart Homebridge

This should add 4 switch accessories (1 per zone) to the Homebridge accessories page. These should be able to turn on/off the zone. Give it a go and let me know if it works or not.

One last thing, do you still see that log message about the characteristic ‘Heating Threshold Temperature’ being set to 0?

ok - good news and bad news.

Did this and this is what she looks like now

Bad News is - those newly created switches don’t have their status update depending if zone is on or off - so they always appear off.

If i hit the original temperature range buttons, i can turn things off (as per before = 1 zone turns everything off)

but if i hit the newly created Main Living Heat or Theatre Heat buttons while the unit is turned on, nothing happens, and they don’t change status even when the zone is actively heating.

If all zones are turned off, and i hit the Theatre Heat button (or any Heat switch button) it will turn the heater on, but the status doesnt change to On (so it looks exactly like the pic above even though i used the newly created button to turn the unit on).

Log output is below for when i attempt to hit the Theatre Heat button while the Zone is running (In theory it should be turning it off, but i think it’s getting tangled because the status is already showing as off)

I’m not sure if this is related, but this seems consistent with what i was seeing earlier in MQTT where the status for the switch zones and manual zones all show as “off” even when they are actively running the heater.

[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre Heat: Setting characteristic ‘On’ to ‘true’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Set UserEnabled to ‘Y’ for zone ‘B’ is invalid due to module’s current Status
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre Heat: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘Active’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘TargetHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘HeatingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘CoolingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘TemperatureDisplayUnits’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘Active’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘TargetHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘HeatingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘CoolingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [homebridge-rinnai-touch-platform] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ‘Cooling Threshold Temperature’: characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 8. See Characteristic Warnings · homebridge/homebridge Wiki · GitHub for more info.
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘TemperatureDisplayUnits’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘Active’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘TargetHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘HeatingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘CoolingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘TemperatureDisplayUnits’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘Active’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘TargetHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘HeatingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘CoolingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘TemperatureDisplayUnits’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Main Living Heat: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre Heat: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom Heat: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms Heat: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Main Living Cool: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Theatre Cool: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom Cool: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:37 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms Cool: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘Active’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘TargetHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘HeatingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘CoolingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Main Living: Getting characteristic ‘TemperatureDisplayUnits’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘Active’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘TargetHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘HeatingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘CoolingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [homebridge-rinnai-touch-platform] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ‘Cooling Threshold Temperature’: characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 8. See Characteristic Warnings · homebridge/homebridge Wiki · GitHub for more info.
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre: Getting characteristic ‘TemperatureDisplayUnits’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘Active’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘TargetHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘HeatingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘CoolingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom: Getting characteristic ‘TemperatureDisplayUnits’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘Active’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘TargetHeaterCoolerState’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘CurrentTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘HeatingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘CoolingThresholdTemperature’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms: Getting characteristic ‘TemperatureDisplayUnits’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Main Living Heat: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre Heat: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom Heat: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms Heat: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Main Living Cool: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Theatre Cool: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Master Bedroom Cool: Getting characteristic ‘On’
[6/14/2021, 4:05:39 PM] [Brivis] Rear Bedrooms Cool: Getting characteristic ‘On’

Yup - although i’m guessing it’s for the cooling now, as every zone is enabled with heat when it’s throwing this error.

Let me know if you need any more info or logs.

Thanks once again.

Do you mind if we simplify things a bit to help find the problem. Firstly lets turn off the seperate mode switches (i.e “seperateModeAccessories”: false) so you only have 1 set of switches for the zones.
Also can you turn on show module events & status in logs (ie. “showModuleEvents”: true and “showModuleStatus”: true). I’d like to see what the status is.
After restarting Homebridge with the above settings can you post a copy of the status when the Brivis is in the following states:

  • Brivis and all 4 zones are on
  • Brivis and 3 zones are on and 1 zone is off

Use the Touch controller to set the above states.

UPDATE: Can you also turn off the Auto mode too (ie. “showAuto”: false)

Ok, I think i’ve captured all that.

Here is the Status when Brivis & All 4 zones have been turned on via Touch App
Zone A set to = 26, Zone B set to = 25, Zone C set to= 23, Zone D set to = 22

[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] [{“SYST”: {“CFG”: {“MTSP”: “Y”, “NC”: “07”, “DF”: “N”, “TU”: “C”, “CF”: “1”, “VR”: “0183”, “CV”: “0010”, “CC”: “043”, “ZA”: "Main Living ", “ZB”: "Theatre ", “ZC”: "Master Bedroom ", “ZD”: "Rear Bedrooms " }, “AVM”: {“HG”: “Y”, “EC”: “N”, “CG”: “Y”, “RA”: “N”, “RH”: “N”, “RC”: “N” }, “OSS”: {“DY”: “MON”, “TM”: “18:16”, “BP”: “Y”, “RG”: “Y”, “ST”: “N”, “MD”: “H”, “DE”: “N”, “DU”: “N”, “AT”: “999”, “LO”: “N” }, “FLT”: {“AV”: “N”, “C3”: “000” } } },{“HGOM”: {“CFG”: {“ZUIS”: “N”, “ZAIS”: “Y”, “ZBIS”: “Y”, “ZCIS”: “Y”, “ZDIS”: “Y”, “CF”: “N”, “PS”: “N”, “DG”: “W” }, “OOP”: {“ST”: “N”, “CF”: “N”, “FL”: “07”, “SN”: “N” }, “ZUO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “20”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZAO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “26”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZBO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “25”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZCO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “23”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZDO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “22”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZUS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “235”, “ID”: “N”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZAS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “235”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZBS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “213”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZCS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “214”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZDS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “210”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “APZ”: {“ZV”: “N” } } }]
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [homebridge-rinnai-touch-platform] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ‘Cooling Threshold Temperature’: characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 8. See Characteristic Warnings · homebridge/homebridge Wiki · GitHub for more info.
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/action/get, Payload: {“A”:“off”,“B”:“off”,“C”:“off”,“D”:“off”}
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/current_temperature/get, Payload: {“A”:23.5,“B”:21.3,“C”:21.4,“D”:21}
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/fan_mode/get, Payload: medium
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/mode/get, Payload: heat
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/temperature/get, Payload: {“A”:26,“B”:25,“C”:23,“D”:22}
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/a/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/b/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/c/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/d/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/heat/get, Payload: on
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/cool/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/evap/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:33 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/fan/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] [{“SYST”: {“CFG”: {“MTSP”: “Y”, “NC”: “07”, “DF”: “N”, “TU”: “C”, “CF”: “1”, “VR”: “0183”, “CV”: “0010”, “CC”: “043”, “ZA”: "Main Living ", “ZB”: "Theatre ", “ZC”: "Master Bedroom ", “ZD”: "Rear Bedrooms " }, “AVM”: {“HG”: “Y”, “EC”: “N”, “CG”: “Y”, “RA”: “N”, “RH”: “N”, “RC”: “N” }, “OSS”: {“DY”: “MON”, “TM”: “18:16”, “BP”: “Y”, “RG”: “Y”, “ST”: “N”, “MD”: “H”, “DE”: “N”, “DU”: “N”, “AT”: “999”, “LO”: “N” }, “FLT”: {“AV”: “N”, “C3”: “000” } } },{“HGOM”: {“CFG”: {“ZUIS”: “N”, “ZAIS”: “Y”, “ZBIS”: “Y”, “ZCIS”: “Y”, “ZDIS”: “Y”, “CF”: “N”, “PS”: “N”, “DG”: “W” }, “OOP”: {“ST”: “N”, “CF”: “N”, “FL”: “07”, “SN”: “N” }, “ZUO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “20”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZAO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “26”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZBO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “25”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZCO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “23”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZDO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “22”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZUS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “235”, “ID”: “N”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZAS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “235”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZBS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “213”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZCS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “214”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZDS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “210”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “APZ”: {“ZV”: “N” } } }]
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [homebridge-rinnai-touch-platform] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ‘Cooling Threshold Temperature’: characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 8. See Characteristic Warnings · homebridge/homebridge Wiki · GitHub for more info.
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/action/get, Payload: {“A”:“off”,“B”:“off”,“C”:“off”,“D”:“off”}
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/current_temperature/get, Payload: {“A”:23.5,“B”:21.3,“C”:21.4,“D”:21}
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/fan_mode/get, Payload: medium
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/mode/get, Payload: heat
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/temperature/get, Payload: {“A”:26,“B”:25,“C”:23,“D”:22}
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/a/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/b/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/c/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/d/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/heat/get, Payload: on
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/cool/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/evap/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:16:35 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/fan/get, Payload: off

And this is Zone B set to Off in Touch App

[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] [{“SYST”: {“CFG”: {“MTSP”: “Y”, “NC”: “07”, “DF”: “N”, “TU”: “C”, “CF”: “1”, “VR”: “0183”, “CV”: “0010”, “CC”: “043”, “ZA”: "Main Living ", “ZB”: "Theatre ", “ZC”: "Master Bedroom ", “ZD”: "Rear Bedrooms " }, “AVM”: {“HG”: “Y”, “EC”: “N”, “CG”: “Y”, “RA”: “N”, “RH”: “N”, “RC”: “N” }, “OSS”: {“DY”: “MON”, “TM”: “18:24”, “BP”: “Y”, “RG”: “Y”, “ST”: “N”, “MD”: “H”, “DE”: “N”, “DU”: “N”, “AT”: “999”, “LO”: “N” }, “FLT”: {“AV”: “N”, “C3”: “000” } } },{“HGOM”: {“CFG”: {“ZUIS”: “N”, “ZAIS”: “Y”, “ZBIS”: “Y”, “ZCIS”: “Y”, “ZDIS”: “Y”, “CF”: “N”, “PS”: “N”, “DG”: “W” }, “OOP”: {“ST”: “N”, “CF”: “N”, “FL”: “07”, “SN”: “N” }, “ZUO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “20”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZAO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “26”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZBO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “00”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZCO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “23”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZDO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “22”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZUS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “233”, “ID”: “N”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZAS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “233”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZBS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “213”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZCS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “218”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZDS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “213”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “APZ”: {“ZV”: “N” } } }]
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [homebridge-rinnai-touch-platform] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ‘Heating Threshold Temperature’: characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 8. See Characteristic Warnings · homebridge/homebridge Wiki · GitHub for more info.
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [homebridge-rinnai-touch-platform] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ‘Cooling Threshold Temperature’: characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 8. See Characteristic Warnings · homebridge/homebridge Wiki · GitHub for more info.
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/action/get, Payload: {“A”:“off”,“B”:“off”,“C”:“off”,“D”:“off”}
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/current_temperature/get, Payload: {“A”:23.3,“B”:21.3,“C”:21.8,“D”:21.3}
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/fan_mode/get, Payload: medium
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/mode/get, Payload: heat
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/temperature/get, Payload: {“A”:26,“B”:0,“C”:23,“D”:22}
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/a/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/b/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/c/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/d/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/heat/get, Payload: on
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/cool/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/evap/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:55 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/fan/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] [{“SYST”: {“CFG”: {“MTSP”: “Y”, “NC”: “07”, “DF”: “N”, “TU”: “C”, “CF”: “1”, “VR”: “0183”, “CV”: “0010”, “CC”: “043”, “ZA”: "Main Living ", “ZB”: "Theatre ", “ZC”: "Master Bedroom ", “ZD”: "Rear Bedrooms " }, “AVM”: {“HG”: “Y”, “EC”: “N”, “CG”: “Y”, “RA”: “N”, “RH”: “N”, “RC”: “N” }, “OSS”: {“DY”: “MON”, “TM”: “18:24”, “BP”: “Y”, “RG”: “Y”, “ST”: “N”, “MD”: “H”, “DE”: “N”, “DU”: “N”, “AT”: “999”, “LO”: “N” }, “FLT”: {“AV”: “N”, “C3”: “000” } } },{“HGOM”: {“CFG”: {“ZUIS”: “N”, “ZAIS”: “Y”, “ZBIS”: “Y”, “ZCIS”: “Y”, “ZDIS”: “Y”, “CF”: “N”, “PS”: “N”, “DG”: “W” }, “OOP”: {“ST”: “N”, “CF”: “N”, “FL”: “07”, “SN”: “N” }, “ZUO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “20”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZAO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “26”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZBO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “00”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZCO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “23”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZDO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “22”, “AO”: “N” }, “ZUS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “233”, “ID”: “N”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZAS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “233”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZBS”: {“AE”: “N”, “MT”: “213”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “N”, “GV”: “N”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZCS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “218”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “ZDS”: {“AE”: “Y”, “MT”: “213”, “ID”: “Y”, “FS”: “Y”, “GV”: “Y”, “PH”: “N”, “AT”: “W”, “AZ”: “W” }, “APZ”: {“ZV”: “N” } } }]
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [homebridge-rinnai-touch-platform] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ‘Heating Threshold Temperature’: characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 8. See Characteristic Warnings · homebridge/homebridge Wiki · GitHub for more info.
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [homebridge-rinnai-touch-platform] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ‘Cooling Threshold Temperature’: characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 8. See Characteristic Warnings · homebridge/homebridge Wiki · GitHub for more info.
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/action/get, Payload: {“A”:“off”,“B”:“off”,“C”:“off”,“D”:“off”}
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/current_temperature/get, Payload: {“A”:23.3,“B”:21.3,“C”:21.8,“D”:21.3}
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/fan_mode/get, Payload: medium
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/mode/get, Payload: heat
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/hvac/temperature/get, Payload: {“A”:26,“B”:0,“C”:23,“D”:22}
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/a/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/b/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/c/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/zone/d/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/heat/get, Payload: on
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/cool/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/evap/get, Payload: off
[6/14/2021, 6:24:57 PM] [Brivis] MQTT: Publish: brivis/switch/fan/get, Payload: off

Please let me know if i’ve missed anything.

Thanks once again

I see the problem. Your module is reporting a zone as off by having the SP value as 00:

“ZBO”: {“OP”: “M”, “SP”: “00”, “AO”: “N” }

Compare that to my module’s status for Zone B when it’s off:

"ZBO": {"UE": "N" }

That would also explain the warning you are seeing in the log.

I’ll need to update the plugin to handle that.

1 Like

Nice pick up!!

Thanks heaps.

Would that difference be specific to how my zones have been setup, or something else like firmware version of module, controller, etc?

Thanks once again!