Rinnai Heating/Cooling Wifi Module

I had to refer back to the API document but your status is to be expected for a MTSP. Mine’s a STSP which is why its different.

So how do you turn a zone off via the Touch App (or controller)? Do you just set the temp to 0 degrees?

For me when I click on the “Zones” button I see the following screen which allows me to turn them on/off.

So when I launch the app, it just takes me to my Main Zone (I’ve always wondered what the house screen grabs were that were being posted in this thread)

When I hit the Zone button, it cycles through my four zones (you can see this towards the end of the gif).

You can then see me turn the temp down in the theatre room, and once it goes below 8 degress- it moves to off.


Ok that clears it up a bit.

For your MTSP setup you can remove the zone switches (ie. set zoneType to "N") as they are not applicable.

The plugin currently only allows temperatures between 8 and 30 degrees. What I could do is allow between 0 and 30 so you can turn off a zone in the same way as the app/controller. Note that the Heater Cooler accessories will still be lit (ie. not greyed out) as that represents the on/off status of the whole Brivis system not the individual zones.

For the time being you can just set the temp to 8 via the plugin. This will essentially turn it off unless the temp drops below 8 in your Theatre zone.

Sounds like a plan - Thank you Very Much :smiley:

Out of curiosity, what happens if you set the temp to zero for all 4 zones (via the controller/app)? Does it turn off the whole Brivis system?

Just tested - The Power button on the Brivis remains ON after i have turned off all 4 zones.

Confirmed the behaviour on the actual Brivis NC7 Controller too.

All zones showing as below.

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Hi @SJM, another question for you. When your Brivis is in fan mode what do you see when you click the Zones button in the app/controller?

You know - I’ve never done that…

Just tried it -from the app - she looks like this.

I can also confirm, even though Zone B is turned off for heater. When i put it into Fan Mode, Zone B opens up automatically.

Hope this helps.

Yes it does, thank you. It confirms what I’ve read in the API doc.

The zone switches in the iOS Home app should work for you but only in the fan mode. If you’re not likely to use the fan mode then no need to add them.

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Ok cool, Thank you

Version 3.3.7 of the plugin has been released. It contains the following changes:

  • Add “Boot Module” option
  • Allow setting temperature to zero
  • Update dependencies, one of which had a high severity vulnerability

The reason for the new “Boot Module” option is to mitigate intermittent disconnections when the plugin has be running for many days. The module will normally reboot itself once a day but because the plugin holds a connection to it the module doesn’t get a chance to reboot. This new option in the plugin’s settings will force a reboot at a specified time of day.

The plugin will now also allow setting the temperature to zero. Any temperature below 8 degrees will be set to zero. This is useful for Multi Set Point setups where the zones can’t be turned off via a switch like Single Set Point setups can.

@SJM, please let me know if that fixes the issue you were having.

@Mantorok - Thank you - this works a treat!!

Can set temp in Home App & Home Assistant to 7 degrees which turn’s it to zero and switches the zone off.

In Homebridge:

Which translates to this in home-assistant:

Which in turn, shows up as expected in the Touch App:

Also - i couldn’t find any errors in the logs.

A really big thank you for your effort here, reach out if you need any further testing done down the track.


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Hi @Mantorok. The latest HA update has made the entities become unavailable intermittently. Logs aren’t saying much and not sure how to change log level in this instance. Running homebridge integration into HA. Let me know what else I can do to help.

I’ve the same set up as yours - Homebridge to HA. Probably an HA issue. I’d the same problem after core update and reverted to HA core 2021.6.6 and that fixed the issue. For now I wont update HA until I can figure out what is going on.
Also, there are few issues raised in the 2021.7.0 thread about Homekit integration instability.

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Yup… ditto here. HB into HA as well.
HB appears quite stable but HA seems to be losing the HB entities.
Imma downgrading as well!

I’ve released version 3.3.8 of the plugin. It just fixes a minor issue with the pushover notifications that occur when the WiFi module is rebooting. I doubt it will fix the HB integration into HA issues but it sounds like that is a problem with HA not the plugin

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I have since moved to 2021.7.3 HA core and everything is back to normal. I’ve also updated to plugin version 3.3.8 and that version is working fine too.


I’ve been following this thread for some time. I’m getting the Brivis wifi module soon.

I don’t use HomeKit at all but installing an instance of Hosmebridge and then using mqtt to integrate into HA isn’t a bad idea.

Interested in everyone’s real world experience with this plugin? My HA setup is rock solid and passes the wife test easily - don’t want to add instability.

Once you have the HVAC interfaces with HA, your wife won’t need to TOUCH the thing.
I’ve got mine running via the MQTT to a homebridge docker container running on my R-Pi4 HASS install.

Between that and Node-Red, I’ve got my HVAC:

  • turning on when we come home
  • turning off when we go out
  • turning on at 6am when we’re home
  • turning off at midnight
  • switching to a/c if the temp goes above 25c
  • switching to heating if the temp goes below 20c
  • turning OFF zones we don’t use during the day
  • turning ON the master bedroom zone an hour before we go to bed
  • turning OFF the HVAC if any of our perimeter doors are open
  • turning ON the HVAC once all perimeter doors are closed, and we’re home AND it’s within operating hours!
  • And finally - we have a slider in HA to set the master temperature - but we’ve not changed it from 21c in the past 18 months…!

My wife LITERALLY does not need to touch the existing thermostat at all, nor does she change any settings in HA. It just…works…!


really well done. Kudos to you for setting up so thoroughly.
I recently purchased my wifi unit, and set it up with homebridge container, seems to work ok.
It is interesting that my wifi unit does NOT report current temp. Consequently it does not come through the hombebridge interface.
Has anyone else observed this? I wonder if I’m not doing something wrong… The physical thermostat (NC-3) report current and target temps just fine. Not being picked up by the wifi unit is odd to me.
Please shout out if you’ve observed this behaviour.
