Rinnai Heating/Cooling Wifi Module

I’m not sure if something has recently changed but the integration from @funtastix also stopped working for me and I’ve had to revert to the HomeBridge/mantorok1 approach.

I’ve done some crude debugging of the and feel it has something to do with an issue in pyrinnaitouch (a dependency) Cooler.py referencing HGOM instead of CGOM · Issue #1 · funtastix/pyrinnaitouch · GitHub which understandably hasn’t been tested due to @funtastix not having the cooler addon.

Further to my above post funtastix has released a fix to the code and the integration is working flawlessly.

Hey @funtastix

First up thanks heaps for supporting the community with this awesome Integration :slight_smile:

I have a 3-zone setup with refrig AC. The way I use the setup is mostly in Auto mode, occasionally setting custom temps but mostly turning the master Heat/Cool/Fan control on/off and letting the schedule do its thing.

I have added the integration however the controls don’t seem to do anything. Nothing is in sync with the actual unit - HA is displaying actual mode & room temp, but set point temp is 0, and sending any Heat/Cool/Fan/Temp commands does nothing. It all works fine via the Rinnai Touch app.

In the Core log I get loads of

2023-01-18 07:10:19.176 ERROR (MainThread) [pyrinnaitouch.cooler] No GSO when cooling on. Not happy, Jan

The debug log shows the command sending & the mylink responding but as mentioned no change on the unit

2023-01-18 14:20:48.086 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyrinnaitouch.system] Sending command: N000002{"CGOM": {"OOP": {"ST": "Z" } } }
2023-01-18 14:20:51.086 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyrinnaitouch.system] Sequence: 3 Json: [{"SYST": {"CFG": {"MTSP": "Y", "NC": "00", "DF": "N", "TU": "C", "CF": "1", "VR": "0183", "CV": "0010", "CC": "043", "ZA": "                ", "ZB": "                ", "ZC": "                ", "ZD": "                " }, "AVM": {"HG": "Y", "EC": "N", "CG": "Y", "RA": "N", "RH": "N", "RC": "N" }, "OSS": {"DY": "THU", "TM": "14:18", "BP": "Y", "RG": "Y", "ST": "N", "MD": "C", "DE": "N", "DU": "N", "AT": "999", "LO": "N" }, "FLT": {"AV": "N", "C3": "000" } } },{"CGOM": {"CFG": {"ZUIS": "N", "ZAIS": "Y", "ZBIS": "Y", "ZCIS": "Y", "ZDIS": "N", "CF": "N", "PS": "Y", "DG": "W" }, "OOP": {"ST": "Z", "CF": "N", "FL": "11", "SN": "N" }, "ZUO": {"UE": "N" }, "ZAO": {"UE": "Y" }, "ZBO": {"UE": "Y" }, "ZCO": {"UE": "Y" }, "ZDO": {"UE": "N" }, "ZUS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "241", "ID": "N", "CP": "N", "FS": "N" }, "ZAS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "229", "ID": "Y", "CP": "N", "FS": "N" }, "ZBS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "241", "ID": "Y", "CP": "N", "FS": "N" }, "ZCS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "233", "ID": "Y", "CP": "N", "FS": "N" }, "ZDS": {"AE": "N", "MT": "241", "ID": "N", "CP": "N", "FS": "N" }, "APZ": {"ZV": "N" } } }]
2023-01-18 14:20:51.086 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyrinnaitouch.cooler] Circulation Fan is: Z
2023-01-18 14:20:51.086 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyrinnaitouch.cooler] Fan Speed is: 11

Any tips on where to go from here?

Cheers, Jason

@dpeluso I just installed v10.2 (the latest version) of the Funtastix solution via HACS and I still seem to be seeing the issue yourself and others have reported - I see the each of my thermostats temps reported correctly, but nothing will accept a command. I have a 3-zone heating and cooling Brivis system with NC-6s.

How did you resolve it? Do you think that installing via HACS is not picking up the fixes that were made maybe? I am a complete newbie with HA - first day. Just set it up with VirtualBox on a Windows 10 PC so still trying to understand what I am doing haha.

@jbolger did you ever have any luck resolving it?


@Chase07450 you seem to have got the Funtastix solution working, would you mind helping me with a couple of pointers? This thread seems to have gone silent.
Full disclosure: I am brand new to Home Assistant and not a developer by any stretch, so please excuse my limitations.

I installed the Rinnai Touch integration using HACS and straight away I could see my three thermostats reporting the temperatures, but no commands would work.
Re-reading some information I thought that maybe pyrinnaitouch was needed so I took a stab at using the terminal to install that with pip (pip install pyrinnaitouch). At this point I have no idea what I am doing and clutching at straws. After doing that all thermostats just displayed unavailable and I am lost.

Are you able to lay out the steps in laymen’s terms to actually getting this working?

@Ifte did you ever get up and running?

I dont mind helping out where I can. Can even remote to your screen if it helps.
The integration is self contained and does not need anything else to make it work. So not needed.

Does the rinnai android app work to let you control the thermostats directly without HA. That is the first step. Recycle the rinnai touch device to ensure it gets a clean boot…

Try with a single thermostat first… keep it simple and progressively get it working step by step.
The author is pretty good at jumping on things…
Check logs and turn on debugging. if suspicious send the logs funtastix.

Thanks for the message, Ben.

Some background:
I have a Brivis system with heating and refrigerative cooling. 3 separate zones with 3 x NC-6 thermostat controllers - Master (which is also Zone A), Zone B and Zone C.
I have the Rinnai Touch WiFi kit setup successfully and App working on an android phone perfectly. Despite some people reporting that their NC-6s don’t report temperature through the Rinnai Touch app, mine does. See attached screenshot of the 3 zones in the Rinnai Touch App.

I then installed Funtastix’s integration via HACS on Home Assistant (running via Virtual Box on a spare PC). All 3 zones immediately show up and correctly report the current state (E.g. cooling on) and the correct temperature of each of the 3 NC-6s. However, they show 0 degrees for the target temperature within the thermostats. Weirldy, each of the individual Zone Target Temperature Sensors report the target temperature. Screenshots attached.

This is where I hit a wall. The thermostats on the dashboard show the correct information, but nothing happens when I try to control them. I.e. if I try to adjust the target temperature the slider moves and the number displays, but it doesn’t actually do anything - it doesn’t take and doesn’t seem to send a command. If I try and change the mode from cooling to heating it doesn’t do anything etc.

Do I have to install the pyrinnaitouch python package, or just the rinnaitouch HACS integration?

Other than just installing the rinnaitouch integration and putting in IP, selecting zones etc. is there anything else I have to do to set it up?

There are two errors in the logs that I can see. One specifically refers to cooling but I don’t seem to be able to control anything with heating either.


The other is when trying to change the slider temperature on one of the thermostats I get this pop-up error at the bottom of the screen:


The log shows this:

[139707032835008] RinnaiSystem.set_cooling_zone_temp() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘temp’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/commands.py”, line 200, in handle_call_service
await hass.services.async_call(
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py”, line 1755, in async_call
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py”, line 1792, in _execute_service
await cast(Callable[[ServiceCall], Awaitable[None]], handler.job.target)(
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_component.py”, line 213, in handle_service
await service.entity_service_call(
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/service.py”, line 678, in entity_service_call
future.result() # pop exception if have
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py”, line 958, in async_request_call
await coro
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/service.py”, line 715, in _handle_entity_call
await result
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/init.py”, line 613, in async_service_temperature_set
await entity.async_set_temperature(**kwargs)
File “/config/custom_components/rinnaitouch/climate.py”, line 682, in async_set_temperature
await self.async_set_target_temperature(kwargs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE))
File “/config/custom_components/rinnaitouch/climate.py”, line 696, in async_set_target_temperature
await self._system.set_cooling_zone_temp(target_temperature)
TypeError: RinnaiSystem.set_cooling_zone_temp() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘temp’

@funtastix - for your reference if there is anything here that you are able to help with, or is of interest to you.

After a little more playing, it seems as though some controls do work - the fan Icon on the master thermostat will set to “Fan Only”. Once this is enabled each of the zones display as on and the “Off” switch responds.

This seems to be about it though. Other than turning on fan only and being able to then turn off, none of the other buttons work - E.g. setting to heat or cool, adjusting the target temperature etc.

i add the rinnai integration like this…

which gives me this screen… which I can then add to my dashboard.

which then adds this widget to my dashboard that I can use to control things…

Thanks, Ben. Appreciate the input. That’s what I’ve done as well.

I am now fairly confident that I have installed and integrated everything correctly, and that the issue is that there is possibly a bug somewhere.

My 3 thermostats are recognised and the main HVAC card displays the current state and temperature, as well as some functions like fan only and off switch working. Given the errors thrown that I referenced above there must be something not quite right behind the scenes.

@funtastix - could you have a look at the log errors I posted a couple of comments up and let me know what you think?

Nope, still borked. Praying for some tips in this thread.

dont forget to post an issue on github

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Raised at Issue with latest version · Issue #51 · funtastix/rinnaitouch · GitHub

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Funny I’ve just come across this - I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why my HA has been running slower and things have been struggling to respond for a few seconds from time to time. Will have to troubleshoot and report back but in hindsight it does correspond to installing this integration.

@funtastix I know there could be a lot of reasons, but can you think of anything that might cause this integration to slow down HA generally?

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Good stuff. Thanks for kicking off. I have now also added my issues to this entry.

Despite my rinnaitouch integration not functioning correctly, I can’t say that I am seeing any slow down with HA in general. Other devices are still responding in a timely manner. So rinnaitouch may not necessarily be the cause of your problems.

We’re having the same issue from what I can tell.

Yeah - it seems like it, mate.

We seem to have very similar setups.

What thermostats do you have… NC-6 or NC-7?