Rinnai Heating/Cooling Wifi Module

Hi @Alesum, @jbolger, @nathbullen, and @Chase07450 ,

Thanks for keeping things alive. I hadn’t been notified of any responses in this thread for a while, but I see issues raised on Github pretty easily and respond there quite quickly. The zone issue is a bit of a big one to look at, but I’ll try to check that out next week. I don’t have zones and just wasn’t even aware of how such a setup runs. Should be possible to do though.

Today I’ve rewritten a fair bit of the network handling, which had always bothered me. The unit pushes updates (once a second), but the default setup for integrations is poll. I’ve now changed that and can only say response times are now much improved for me. The new version is 0.11.3. It may fix the issue for some that have experienced delays and lag, as it should now mostly leave the main event loop alone.

Any feedback welcome. Please raise issues on Github.

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@gpwil1, would you mind trying 0.11.3? It’s a complete re-do of some of the things that should be responsible for the slow-down. It’s switched networking from polling to push.

Thanks mate, I’ll give it a go tonight - I’ve just set it up via HomeBridge a couple of days ago - removing this integration brought my HA back to normal speed and responsiveness, so happy to test if the updates have resolved the slowdown :slight_smile:

Legend. Thank you!

I’ve added a comment on GitHub. I’ve created a refactored/experimental branch code_refactor that should now support zones much better. Unless someone comes here and puts a few zones in, I cannot test other than with mock data, so over to the people with zones …

Thank you @Fantastix! I’ll give this a whirl in the next day or two and let you know.

After a fair bit of testing all functions, at least for my system, I’ve released the new version as 0.12.3.

I’m getting an issue with zones not showing as being turned on. I’ve got 3 zones (ABC) but they’re all showing off despite B&C being actually on on the controller and the Rinnai app.

Are you able to:

  1. Ensure you have the latest version 0.12.6
  2. Open an issue on GitHub
  3. Post a debug log along with a screenshot of the device (from the settings->integrations->Rinnai touch)?

Did anyone’s Rinnai touch setup get a automatic firmware update? Mine looks totally different as from about 330am last night… It now wants to be a mysimplelink dhcp server??? :thinking:

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to @funtastix and everyone else that has contributed to making this integration a possibility. Having complete access to our HVAC anywhere, anytime, and an almost unlimited number of automation options has seriously been a game changer. The fact that so many of you have put in this time, energy and expertise while asking nothing in return is beyond admirible…You are all a bunch of legends.


Hi, Firstly, a huge thankyou to funtastix for this !

I have been using the homebridge / mantorok method previously, and all was working as I would hope.
but with the aim of removing complexity, I have installed the funtastix integration, and I get some unexpected results.
I have a Brivis Ducted Heater with 1 Zone (Zone A), and I have evaporative cooling (no zones).
with a single NC-6 and the Rinnai Touch Wifi module.

Oddly, with the Funtastix integration, I now can run “Fan Only” from my Heating Unit, previously via HomeBridge I could run “Fan Only” with the Cooling Unit and not Heating…
I prefer the Fan only from the Cooler, but Ideally being able to Run Fan only from Heater OR Cooler would be awesome. So, why do I not get Fan Only option when in Cooling Mode ?

Also for the Heating Mode, I could manually open / close Zone A, I do not seem to be able to do that now?
I have 2 useable ZoneA entities, however. I have hidden the “unavailable” ones though…

I assume the ‘switch’. should open and close the zone Valve?

Hi @grouts,

You can get the fan only in cooler mode by simply turning the water pump off. I have previously been thinking to enable the actual Fan Only mode from evap, but it’s a little more complex as the unit then has to go into heater mode technically. (Evap doesn’t have true fan only).

I was always wondering if a zone config like yours exists and I’m not sure if the integration behaves correctly, as I couldn’t have tested with it. It would be greatly helpful to get some debug logs from your system and a description of what happens when you try to turn off zone a either using the switch or the climate control for zone a. It should close it, but as I understand you it doesn’t seem to.

Btw, this didn’t work correctly until just recently with the very latest version 0.12.12

How to enable debug logging is described on the GitHub: GitHub - funtastix/rinnaitouch: Rinnai Touch Wifi Integration for Home Assistant. Works with Rinnai and Brivis systems.

Hi @funtastix

I have bravis Ducted heating with add on cooling and Rinnai wifi module. I managed to install your addon and get the below to work. But with two zone setup on my unit the buttons highlited in yellow does not work as in when you click on it nothing happens. Is there something more to the config that I am missing?

The control buttons works on the top image, but the control buttons on individual zones does not work except for the off button, I cannot just switch on the unit by clicking Cooling from either Zone, I have to click Cooling on the main card which is at the top and then change temp change individually on the other two zone cards. I would preffer to eliminate the card at the top and just have two cards for Zone A and B with both ON and Off button and to change the modes from cooling to heat etc. The temp changing on individual zones works but not on the main card.

Any info for me to troubleshoot will help. Thanks.

Sorry just saw your post, hope you progressed since then. Let me know if you need any help. I have just updated the post with a question to the author so he can help. I am stuck with that. See my latest post. But ya I can defintely help you out if you need with some basic setup knolwedge I have.

That’s a good point. That happens when you make things you don’t actually use. The way the zones work is that the off button should work and the cooling/heating should work to switch the zone back on, but not to change the actual mode, so they only work if the main unit is in the same mode. I didn’t really consider that with zones you don’t need the main unit actually, but that’s because I didn’t expose the common zone previously.

I’ll have a look next week. I suppose what you’re suggesting is to change the mode for the whole unit with any zone switch. I’ll just have to consider what happens to any other zones that are switched off at the time.

Awesome work - but I’m still having issues, I’ve edited this post too many times now haha

so I updated core, and the integration at least starts now, but it isnt getting any device info, just says unavailable

working now! - just needed patience …

Excellent work again @funtastix !!!

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Hi there, a HA newb here. I’m setting up the Rinnai touch module on HA. Initially it worked flawlessly, but then it turned into “unavailable” and remained there. I did read somewhere that if you connect with the official app on the smartphone, that it could mess with HA’s ability to control Rinnai touch module directly. Is this the case?

Okay I had to reset the wifi controller a few times. It seems that the wifi controller can only accept 1 local connection at a time and for some reason, HA was hogging it but Rinnai module still showed as unavailable. A few more resets seem to do the trick.

Once HA takes over the wifi controller, the app will only function in cloud mode. Something to be aware of. Also when setting up the wifi controller, you really need to turn off HA Rinnai module since it spams the wifi controller so much it messes with its initialisation.

Now if someone would make a module for B&D garage door controller…