Risco Lightsys Alarm component

i think indeed readme is wrong, you created config.json
needs to be :

ENV RISCO_MQTT_HA_CONFIG_FILE=“/config/risco-mqtt.json”

ah its not config.json but risco-mqtt.json

changed the json file to risco-mqtt.json, restarted addon, restarted HA but still nothing in the addon’s log :frowning:

Log from system:
Failed to to call /addons/c774f33c_risco-mqtt-local-addon/stats -

21:12:27 – (FOUT) Home Assistant Supervisor

Timeout on /addons/c774f33c_risco-mqtt-local-addon/stats request

21:12:27 – (FOUT) Home Assistant Supervisor

:frowning: this aint going smooth

  • Failed to to call /addons/c774f33c_risco-mqtt-local-addon/stats - 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/containers/addon_c774f33c_risco-mqtt-local-addon/json: Not Found (“No such container: addon_c774f33c_risco-mqtt-local-addon”)

ok it seems that the addon doenst work yet for rpi
I will have to keep going the cloud route then for now

Then i come back to my original question:
For the integration i need an email, password and code

I made a new user but that one has no email and no password
Do i add a new user or new cp user? And what should the role be?
Both type of users dont have all 3 fields, so im not sure what to do
3 fields:

new cp user i believe, it needs offcourse arming rights

are you running on RPI? maybe thats the issue why the addon doesnt work

see here : Risco alarm system - #31 by spurn_hail

creds to @spurn_hail

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yes i’m running on rpi… i posted the message there :wink:
So for now, im stuck to cloud

I created a cp user, with user rights
I have a pin, but no emailadres or password.
If i want to add the integration now, i need to enter email and password (and pin but that i have)

Now what? Something is not right there: )

no idea, long time ago i used that integration :slight_smile:
if i remember correctly, i just entered indeed that email/pass/pin , and then the entities were being created automaticly

yeah but i dont now what email / pass /pin, cause the user doesnt have one (only pin)

you need to create the user on www.riscocloud.com , there you can give it an email/pass
or just just your own credentials, doesnt mather

Yeah i am creating it there, but theres no field for the email / pass
I tried “master” cp user now, and still no email/pass

as you can see i can give those users an email?

seems i created regular users , not cp users

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ok think i found it
Edit: Succeeded with normal user :slight_smile:
Now waiting for local version for RPI :slight_smile:

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Wait no more.

Copy this directory:

to addons (local addons storage) and replace Dockerfile’s content with:

FROM swiergot/risco-mqtt-local:v0.4.2
ENV RISCO_MQTT_HA_CONFIG_FILE="/config/risco-mqtt.json"

Then go to the Supervisor, refresh addons and install.

Works for me on RPi 3B+.

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Addon compatibility for arm64 arch has been added in 0.5.0-beta.1
Some people already confirmed it is working.


Loveley, will try, thank you so much !

Got it working in proxy mode on my RPI3b+, wonderful!

Are there any setbacks from using proxy opposed to the direct connection?
Couldn’t get it to connect via direct mode, so tried proxy and worked like a charm. So, if either of these offer the same functionality, I will leave it like this for now :slight_smile:

Are you planning to provide builds for 32-bit too?