Risco Lightsys Alarm component

So direct mode is advised with all panels ?
Like the old RW132IP

So we have to:
Deactivate RiscoCloud and then restart my control panel (or the IP module by deactivating it and then reactivating it in the configuration from the keyboard). This action will prevent the control panel from connecting to RiscoCloud and i will no longer be able to use it remotely from the iRisco application.***

You can give a try with proxy mode.
If it’s stable enough feel free to use it. Some people are actually using it, not perfect but good enough.

I use proxy, it’s quite stable, just sometimes I need to restart addon… Would be great of you could detect it, so the service restarts again, created an issue for it a while ago…

Anyway, for people using an older board , with older TCP module, that board only allows 1 socket connection.

So the decision is yours…

  • deactivate cloud and use direct mode (most stable)
  • use proxy method, less stable, but you can still use riscocloud as backup
  • buy a new TCP module that allows multiple connections

Just a note: as I stated before in this thread, an older main board and a newer IP module will NOT allow you to use both the cloud and the local access. What is possible though is to have the GSM/GPRS module alongside the IP module and use the former for the cloud while latter for the local access.

Hmm , normally it should work, but the firmware on board needs to be upgraded too…
But my board was too old to be compatible with a new TCP module, so I didn’t upgrade, cost was too high

@vanackej thanks for all your hard work on the local integration. Are there any plans to support group arming? That would bring it to parity with the cloud integration.

Older boards cannot be upgraded to the latest firmware. Mine is stuck at version 3.25.

Mine at 2.7 :slight_smile:

You mean arming/disarming several partitions at once ?
Not planned, but I think it could be achieved using groups/scripts or other customizations directly in Home assistant, don’t you think ?

Partitions and groups are two distinct features. Risco systems allow you to arm in away mode, home mode (which they call STAY IIRC), or by arming a group. The groups are named A,B,C,D, and you can control which zones every group arms.
In the native HA integration, you can map each group to a HA arming mode.

Ok, I understand.
The underlying communication library can read the groups, but has no support for arming a specific group and integrating it to HA.
If you can elaborate a little bit more how this is supposed to work and to be mapped to HA concepts, you can create a feature request on the project issue tracker

Maybe you can use a script in ha to restart it if the addon stops working?

Thats the issue, the addon isnot stopped, it’s the service in the addon

Another question: by default no pin is required to arm/disarm in HA when connecting Risco locally via MQTT. However I’d like to have one for disarming.

I can add the code below in my configuration.yaml to make this work, but I was wondering if this is the correct way to go? This creates a duplicate entity for my alarm, which seems unnecessary. Can I pass these values via the add-on config?

    - name: Risco Alarm
	  state_topic: "riscopanel/alarm/1/status"
      command_topic: "riscopanel/alarm/1/set"
	  code: 1234
	  code_disarm_required: true
	  code_arm_required: false
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OK, I reached out to the owner of the native integration to see if he can open a feature request and explain how group arming currently works.

@MichaelT Not currently supported in the library.
I think the right way to do it in Home Assistant is using customize.yml : Customizing entities - Home Assistant
Let me know of it’s ok. I don’t want to add to many features in the addon if they can be done easily in Home assisant.
Let me know it worked.

@DudeShemesh Who did you contact ? Because right now I’m the maintainer of the underlying lan communication library.
I forked this library https://github.com/TJForc/risco-lan-bridge because the maintainer was not very responsive to my proposals. I have since rewritten most of the codebase.

I meant the owner of the native HA integration, the one based on Risco Cloud.

Good suggestion! I’m trying it out now, but can’t get it to work.

Using the code below via customize.yaml. “code_format: number” actually enables the keypad in HA, but you can still arm/disarm without entering a pin.

Any ideas?

  code_format: number
  code: 1234
  code_arm_required: true
  code_disarm_required: true

Trying to set up direct mode
Heres my config

  "log": "info",
  "logColorize": true,
  "panel": {
    "panelIp": "x.x.x.x",
    "panelPort": 1000,
    "panelPassword": xxxx,
    "panelId": "0001",
    "watchDogInterval": 10000,
	"guessPasswordAndPanelId": false,
	"Disable_RiscoCloud":  false,
	"Enable_RiscoCloud":  false,
	"autoDiscover":  false,
	"socketMode": "direct"
  "mqtt": {
    "url": "mqtt://x.x.x.x:1883",
    "username": "xxxx",
    "password": "xxxx"
  "zones": {
    "default": {
      "off_delay": 0,
      "name_prefix": ""

When i start , i get this in my log
Loading config from: /config/risco-mqtt.json
7/9/2022, 1:52:07 PM [info] autoConnect enabled, starting communication
7/9/2022, 1:52:07 PM [info] Connecting to mqtt server: mqtt://xxxx
7/9/2022, 1:52:08 PM [info] Connected on mqtt server: mqtt://xxxx
7/9/2022, 1:52:08 PM [info] Panel is not connected, waiting
7/9/2022, 1:52:37 PM [error] Socket Timeout.
7/9/2022, 1:52:37 PM [info] TCP Socket Disconnected
7/9/2022, 1:52:37 PM [info] Automatic reconnection will be attempted in 10000 ms

Something wrong in my config?
Ip adres is correct, but how do i know if the port and id is correct?