Risco Lightsys Alarm component

Hi there,
I’m using Risco integration without problems (lightsys panel) from months but there is something new I need to ask you.
Yesterday I added another panel in a laboratory I recently bought. I succesfully connected the new panel (another lightsys 2 identical to the first panel) to the Risco cloud and my Risco account-app. I use it from the Risco app without problems. I tried to add the new panel and the new sensors to Home assistant but if the integration retrieve the first panel (already integrated to HA) creating a new istance in the HA integration page (but no new entities are created onto HA).

Someone can help to add the new panel to HA?
Thanks a lot

Are they configured as separate sites?
From the integration documentation:

If you have multiple sites, only the first site will be used.

ok, I see :roll_eyes:
They are actually 2 separate sites…
Thank you anyway :wave:

Outside of HA I see lots of issues with risco cloud. It seems those of you using it don’t have many issues?


Did you solve the problem?
I have the same issue.
If the HA integration is enabled Mobile App only report status, Any command report connection errors


Anyone using this with risco?
Will this work?

Also, still not ypaying here for the cloud and still working

Guys, i have an older lightsys panel, was running 2.59 firmware
did an upgrade , but its now on level 2.7 (update from keypad)
anyone an idea how i can goto firmware version 5.x ?

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For the people who are not followling github, there was a project created about a year ago, some clever guy reverse engineered the risco configuration software
you can find all about it here : GitHub - TJForc/risco-lan-bridge: risco-lan-bridge is a "bridge" between a node.js application and a Risco Panel

its not written in python yet, but there is now a docker available!! So we can now use it with MQTT
i have it now running, works perfect, its based on LOCAL lan now, so no more polling needed

for users who have the single socket TCP on the lightsys board, there is also a proxy availble

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this is genius :slight_smile: will test it asap! that would solve the need of my custom motion sensors everywhere

Yes, it’s working very stable!! The PR is waiting to get merged, then you can add it also as repository for addon… You can already do it now, if you take the PR release

Instant traffic also, npmo polling anymore, much better for sensors

I’m not running Hassio but HA core (docker) but I think I’ll manage! :wink: I’m definitely interested to see if it works as well as the other implementation.

Yeah, you can also run it seperate

Hi all,
sorry I’m not really familiar with docker/npm. I’ve added
GitHub - vanackej/risco-mqtt-local: Provide Risco alarm system integration to Home assistant using local TCP communication (no cloud required) and MQTT as repository but my understanding (and also looking at the configuration tab) is that there should be something else to be installed.
Can someone explain me what to do?
I’m running basso on rpi4

Is it possible to determine the motion sensor (zone) which caused the alarm to trigger?


With this local access, can you get the state of motion sensors? If yes, is the state change immediate when a sensor is triggered? Is it reliable?

I haven’t been able to get that working correctly with the cloud over GPRS.


I’m using the cloud integration and I have a template sensor that extracts it from the alarm event:

{% if is_state_attr("<alarm event entity_id>", "type_id", 3) -%}
    {{state_attr("<alarm event entity_id>", "zone_entity_id")}}
{%- endif %}

Yes, when using the local integration, it’s super fast, the cloud integration is indeed based on polling

Thanks, Fabio. Are binary sensors created automatically by the local integration for each individual motion sensor (like the official/cloud integration does) or is it done in some other way?

All automatic, just like the cloud…

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