Risco Lightsys Alarm component

seems ok to me?

The overview is always empty - I never get anything on MQTT. I tried both the master and development branches. Which one are you using?

i also have that, its normalā€¦

31-01-2020 11:01:46 debug: return null, overview empty!

31-01-2020 11:01:46 debug: Polled...counter:  14579

31-01-2020 11:02:01 debug: polling ...

31-01-2020 11:02:01 debug: return null, overview empty!

31-01-2020 11:02:01 debug: Polled...counter:  14580

31-01-2020 11:02:16 debug: polling ...

31-01-2020 11:02:16 debug: return null, overview empty!

But itā€™s always like that - overview is always empty, ā€œno new statusā€, and nothing gets sent over MQTT

Also nothing different when you arm/disarm the system?

Nothing, and I also keep getting this:

31-01-2020 12:22:13 warn: Disconnected from cloudā€¦relogin and initā€¦

Hmz , thatā€™s not good :wink:

Have you special characters in your login email user?

none other than @ :slight_smile:

I also tried typing in wrong details for email and password to verify that Iā€™m getting a login error in that case.

Also tried changing the @ to %40. Same behavior

Hmm, no idea :frowning:


Thanks, but Iā€™m using the correct version and itā€™s still happening.

Actually it did help - seems like I did have the wrong version lying around there for some odd reason, and npm clean-install resolved this. Thanks so much!

Good ;). Have Fun with it

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Hi All,

Iā€™m trying to use lucacalcaterraā€™s bridge on an HassOS installation. Following the instructions found here, I have a running MQTT broker and Iā€™m trying to make the docker container work. Iā€™ve created it with Portainer, downloading the lucacalcaterra/risco-mqtt-bridge image and, I think, setting it up correctly. When I start the container it stops suddenly and the only log line Iā€™ve got from the Portainerā€™s log system is:

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"

Do you have any hint?

Thanks a lot,

Any news about risco developers API? Iā€™ ve just received an email about risco upgrade being scheduled soon. So maybe they will rlease API as well?

No, yet part of 5.3ā€¦

Probably next release

I have a question but not directly related to home assistant but the risco alarm setting.

Does anyone know how to partition one of the sensors (garage sensors) so that I can partial set my alarm to only arm the garage overnight.

Any change there will be a official integration?
I also have a risco group alarm, and i would like to integrate it