Risco Lightsys Alarm component

I agree. That’s why great measures are usually taken to secure admin credentials, and to make sure that if any credentials leak, they are for an unprivileged user.
Yes, I agree that enabling this integration increases the attack surface, but with proper security for admin credentials, the weakest link will be elsewhere.


Hope, this is not off topics, but this thread seems to be the only one active about Risco.

Since I am planning to change my alarm system, I’m thinking to go with Risco.
I’d like to know if it works with any of these products:

Risco LightSYS™ 2;
Risco ProSYS™ Plus;

If I understand I need to have Risco Cloud enabled, is this done by default? or do I have to pay extra money for this?

One last question, I see that this integration creates binary_sensor for each zone, but does it create a binary sensor also for every physical sensor such as windows sensor, barrier motion detection?

Thanks in advance for any reply.

i too have lightsys , yes , riscocloud is a payed service, but only once … its not a subscription
its like you can pay a sim card module, or voice , …

the binary sensors are coming from indeed hardware …, so i have for each pir detecor a binary sensors, and also for each fire detector…
but pay attention, the polling time < 5 is a no-go, so if you want to create automations to turn on light in a speficic room , thats not ideal

also note, risco is changing their riscocloud, there is something happening early 2021 , so it might be possible that this integration will go down or needs to be redeveloped , cause its now using a reversed engineered API

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Fabio thanks for your answer which is really helpfull

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I have a question concerning the risco integration

I have a button showing the state of the alarm and if u press it pops up the control panel to give in the code

This is the code using homekit button card

              - type: custom:button-card
                entity: alarm_control_panel.risco
                name: Alarm
                show_label: false
                size: 40%
                icon: mdi:shield-off
                  - icon: 'mdi:shield-on'
                        - color: var(--sidebar-selected-icon-color)
                    value: 'on'
                    - color: var(--primary-text-color)
                  action: call-service
                  service: browser_mod.popup
                      entity: alarm_control_panel.risco
                        - arm_home
                        - arm_away
                      type: alarm-panel
                      - this
                    title: Alarm

I got 2 problems:

  • the button doesnt change icon when its armed, so there might be something wrong there?
  • when pressed and i give in my code, the alarm state doesnt change

Any idea?

I made an automation depending on my binary sensor state.
However, when i move in front of it, it doesnt change?
Any idea?

Can you show the code? Make sure you set a correct polling interval, mine is 4 sec

Not sure why you need t he code…
As long as the state doesnt change, the automation (code) wont work
Anyway here it is

- id: '1578251418685'
  alias: Lichten inkom aan bij beweging
  description: ''
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.det_inkom
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: sun.sun
    state: below_horizon
  - data:
      entity_id: light.inkom
    service: light.turn_on

But you do mention something, you say your interval polling is 4 sec?
Mine is 30
Maybe thats the reason

edit: changed it to 5 now, and was running around for min 10 sec but state of the binary sensor still doesnt change

No problem here, do you see the binary changing? Do you see it changing in risco app?

Its working now, love it.

Only thing that doesnt work for the moment is the alarm panel (card) to arm it

If I were you I’d start with a simple alarm control panel, see if it works, and check the logs if it doesn’t. I’d switch to the more advanced UI only after verifying the simple one works.

I will, just asking

When it asks for the code.
What code do i fill in? the one from the specific home assistant user i made? right?

Yes, the same code you used when you set up the integration.

It’s now on 4
But i still think it reacts too slow…
What if i set it to 1?

Yesterday i automated my stairlights on the movement detectors upstairs.
Strange but sometimes they reacted and sometimes not…
It was like cause of the darkness.
However if i try that with the alarm… it immediately reacts…
Not sure where to look for the problem
Might be the 4 sec too

It’s not working for automation for lights and stuff like that… This is a poll technology!

1 sec is going to rush the risco site,. Probably working worse then…

Wait for official api, and maybe push technology… Remember , this is reversed engineering, and not supported by risco at all

What do you mean, its not working for automation for lights…
I thought you used that as well?

Why having the binary sensors then?

Yeah, i use it too for automation, but I don’t need the response immediately like a light , I don’t care about the lag for a few sec…

The binary sensors is just a + for this integration, the main goal is to have a panel and automations on the panel…

I do use it for lights in the hall… would be silly to hang 2 motion detectors for it…

So theres nothing we can do , to make response faster …

How do you know in 2021 this will all change?

because risco is making the API to public, but dont know yet it will support push
also, probably a paid feature

Yeah, my wife works in a security firm selling risco.
I asked her, and she said that next year the risco app will be a payable option
It will costs 20 euro/year