Risco Lightsys Alarm component

I have configured the integration, but is it normal that all sensors are recognized as motion sensors (
even the doors and windows)?

Also for excitsting users, cause that would be verry lame!!

Yup for every one.

Too bad :frowning:
So every alarm reseller need to contact their customers? Or is it a direct sell from risco?

Sorry, bit of a newb question. On the “official” Risco Component has anyone figured out what the alarm trigger (the sign the alarm has triggered) is?

I was monitoring sensor.risco_home_alarm_events which provides a couple of states like Unkown and Triggered, but when mine got triggered, it stayed in that state for a couple of days.

I’m trying to do an automation that turns on my outside lights when the alarm is triggered.

Also wanted to know if anyone has successfully figured out how to bypass sensors with a switch?

The alarm control panel entity switches its state to triggered.

As for bypassing a sensor, there’s a service for that.


Does anyone know if the sensor.risco_home_alarm_events only switches between “unkown” and “triggered”. Those are the only two states I have seen. What does bother me is the fact that it stays in the triggered state and seems to switch back to unknown when it feels like it. So if I have an automation that occurs when “unkown” switches to “triggered”, it won’t work if the state is triggered, hasn’t switched back to unkown, and then it switches to “triggered” again.

So the service thing I did, pretty simple:


  • platform: template
    friendly_name: “Bypass Pavement”
    service: risco.unbypass_zone
    entity_id: binary_sensor.pavement
    service: risco.bypass_zone
    entity_id: binary_sensor.pavement

Works nicely

dont use the events for automations, use the binary sensors or the panel
the events are just for info , these are the events pulled down from risco site itself, so its the “last” event
the case of unknown is probably when this component was not able to retrieve the status , because of for example a timeout or website issue on risco site

As mentioned above - the alarm control panel entity switches its state to triggered. That’s the entity you should use, rather than the informational events.

Ah, okay, thanks guys. Apologies for the newb stuff. I see that panel option for triggered.

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Is it possible to detect the “arming” state from Risco Cloud service? I would love to be able to detect that the system is ‘going to be armed’ within a certain amount of seconds. Possibly even with a countdown… This would help me to know if a user has activated alarm with a rico alarm wall panel, I want to be able to automate a light to show that the system is about to be armed.

I’m seeing arming during my alarm countdown. Didn’t require any special configuration.

Great news. I am definitely going to install this now!

Seems firmware dependent on the risco panel, I have an older lightsys, I don’t see the arming state… It only changes when it’s armed eventually…

You can always create an template alarm panel with timers, is you really want it with an older panel

I just received a mail from risco they are about to update on 10 november risco cloud to version 5.4
Not sure if that will change something

received also, requested some more info
not yet public API

After this update I have noticed very unstable work in HA. I get this while trying to set up this integrations during startup and all my sensor are offline

Logger: homeassistant.components.risco
Source: helpers/update_coordinator.py:166
Integration: Risco (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 13:54:18 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 13:54:18
Error fetching risco data: {'result': 72, 'validationErrors': None, 'errorText': None, 'errorTextCodeID': None, 'status': 200, 'response': None} 

I still can connect throug official app

No problems here…
All working fine…

That error I have sometimes in log, but can be ignored

Hi all,

I am hoping someone can help me. I am a bit new to home assistant and playing around with automations. I have previously installed the RISCO integration but I am not too sure what or how to set it up properly.

I created a new user in RISCO called home assistant with an access code. Used these credentials for the integragtion. It worked fine for a day but then there was an eorror logging into RISCO. I reset the account, reinstalled the integration and the same thing happened again.

Any guidance and help on hw to set it up properly would be a great help,

Thank you.

What was the error? Maybe the user is locked out? Maybe you are polling to much?