Roku HA Dashboard

OK - I’ve seen all of the excitement on the board concerning dashboards.

I just wanted to mention that a few weeks ago I started a new project to create a HA interface for status and control developed for my Roku.

This is currently a pre-Alpha phase project. I am missing some very fundamental capability.

But, I’m posting an image here to give you an idea of the type of interface I’m woking on.

This has some similar characteristics of other dashboards but is built specifically for the Roku and uses the Roku remote for navigation.

This is a ‘live’ view meaning that updates to components are reflected in the interface near real time.

The menu to the left represents the current components I’m looking to manage.

The Dashboard menu will be a quick view and simple control interface. While the other items will list all of the entities within that domain.

There will be grid items for direct control - highlight the item and use some remote buttons to change state.

There will also be detail views where you hit “Ok” on the menu and are presented with a screen showing the detail view of the entity.

This project has a long way to go. I have not decided if or how I might distribute this application.

This is not the first time I’ve used my Roku to control my home. Two old apps I still use interact with my lighting system and thermostats. Here are screenshots from each of those apps:

As you can see the new app is a little more modern looking and hopefully much more functional than my old apps. And the old apps didn’t use HA. So, we can’t have that can we.

I’ll keep this thread update as the app progresses.


VERY cool. Looking forward to trying this on my Roku.

Wow, that’s pretty awesome. Immediately I thought it would. E cool to have an accompanying screensaver to play on the rokus that could have various house information. Home tiles.

Now I must research pulling MQTT into a roku screen saver! Thanks for the glimpse!

Yep. I’ve considered that. It would be difficult to do. There are two different kind of Roku screen savers. Those that are just screen savers and those that are built into apps.

I would think that you would want to have a fixed flow of screens.

But, I’lll wait to look at that after the rest of this thing is working.

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AWESOME! If you woukd keep the style like the first screeny … I am 100% agree :slight_smile:

Very nice indeed!

Pretty neat, but I agree, the first screen looks much nice. It would certainly sway me in to giving it a shot.

He already said its just some of his old apps :slight_smile:

I don’t have a roku but I would definitely be interested in this if I did, looks great! Maybe one day someone will be motivated enough to make one of these for android TV/firetv. Maybe Ill look into it one day…

Yep. The later screen shots were from my old apps. The new app is a Roku “scene graph” applications. It has a different mechanism for designing screens with more flexibility.

Also - I am still looking into whether I will eventually release this new app and if I do release it what form that will take. But, still very early on.

Good to know there is some interest.

This is very cool. Keep us posted.

The idea of viewing camera streams from the roku is making me salivate

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I’m very interested in this. How are you developing it?

How did it go :D?

Has this been released anywhere?

Any update on this?

Sorry - I have been really tied up with ‘real’ work in the last few months.

I was able to get a websocket connection between the Roku and the HA server. This allow me to receive ‘live’ updates.

But, that is about it for now.

I am not sure when I will be able to work on this again.

I have abandoned this project. Instead of working on a dashboard I’ve decided to focus on a single component - thermostat control.

I just posted a topic asking for some feedback.

Here’s a link to that posting: