Rollease Acmeda Automate Pulse hub integration

Shame the SmartThings integration didn’t work, the instructions seemed hopeful.
Not to matter, I’ve done the same as you; a HomeKit integration with Home Assistant. I have 11 roller blinds connected and working well with HA automation’s, all bar a few minor quirks here and there. Imagine it will work for you also

I also assume they’re exposed as cover entities in HA for manual control?

Yep, they are :slight_smile: Manual control is a bit limited. You can do up/down and the blind status can be a little slow to update. Looks like this;
manual control
@Michael_Griffin has done scripts, scenes and automation’s above. I’ve followed his lead and that’s how ours are controlled almost all the time. So far seems to be working well

  alias: Blinds - Lounge East - Close
  description: ''
  - event: sunset
    offset: 00:20:00
    platform: sun
  condition: []
  - data:
      position: 0
    entity_id: cover.rollease_shade_ihm
    service: cover.set_cover_position
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Yeah, I used scripts so that I can have easy access to the scenes, plus use automation.

Then, I can use the automations like this

- alias: Tilt shades before sunset
    platform: sun
    event: sunset
    offset: '-01:00:00' # 1 hour before sunset
    - service: script.tilt_windows
    - service: script.close_back_doors
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Very nice!

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I also have the v2 hub and am looking at local control. I received the attached documentation and tool from the manufacturer, but its probably outside my scope of knowledge to develop an integration, we will see…!AsvluGrRkv0Ch6MWBSe2dEfM7J_bWQ?e=o1atDx

Hi All, just an update on the native integration I’ve been developing (confirmed working on v1 hubs). It uses direct communication to the hub over a LAN without a serial interface or MQTT. I’ve created a new topic with information on how to test is out here:

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Wonderful work. thanks.
I have copied your code into my config/python_scripts folder, run and I am now able to discover, connect and issue commands from the command prompt.
I would like to be able to call a script similar to but where I can pass some parameters and have the script connect to my hub, issue my open or close command and then exit.
I would then simply call this script from an automation using the python_script service.
Is this possible?

Can we continue this conversation in the thread dedicated to the API and integration?
You shouldn’t need to use the python_script service as I’m developing a native integration.

Thanks everyone for contributing. I really like the Rollease Acmeda motorised blinds and setup.

I have the Automate Pulse 2 Hub, but am not able to integrate into Home Assistant as a Homekit Accessory.

Did you first pair the hub with an iOS device so it can obtain the wifi network of HA, unpair and the integrate through Integration > Homekit Accessory?

I have done a few different combination but had no luck getting HA to see the Pulse 2 Hub as a Homekit Accessory.

If anyone’s still using my add-on based on the serial port protocol, I’ve just updated it to 0.8.

The key issue was that my hub died, I got a new one from Rollease, and there was a slight change in the serial protocol. This version copes with that and has a couple of other small changes.

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I set mine up using the Automate Pulse app (not homekit) so it was connected to the network. I then used the HomeKit controller integration to connect it to HA.

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@dgaust Thanks for your reply. I tried reset everything and start again.

With the Automate Pulse 2 app, I connect mafter going My Home > ADD NEW HUB > CONNECT TO NEW HUB, it can detect the presence of the hub.

Right after selecting the hub and clicking NEXT however, it takes me straight to connection to Homekit. I am not able to proceed further unless I pair the hub to my phone’s Homekit.

Can you kindly tell me how you are able to do so without Homekit? Perhaps is the app an older version or used another OS?

I used an Android phone.

That makes sense! Will dig out one to try. Thanks again @dgaust!

It worked after getting the hub onto the wifi network using an Android tablet I had.

It is integrated successfully into HA minus the nice stats such as battery level / signal strength. But I am happy with that. Hopefully someone will be able to integrate it better than via HomeKit in the future!

Thanks again for your time, @dgaust! :slight_smile:

Hey @timolol and @dgaust ,

Im replying to you because you managed to set up your Pulse Hub 2 successfully, but i am having trouble with no entities showing up.

I outlined the errors in this post: Rollease Acmeda Automate Pulse 2 hub integration

Any help would be appreciated, im at my wits end :’(

Hi @Phillip, looks like you’ve done all the right steps. Once the hub has been integrated in HA, the blinds / accessories should automatically populate. From your error log, not sure if it is the hub communicated with your HA incorrectly. Perhaps try removing the integration, restart both systems and re-integrate again?

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Thank you for taking a look at that. I will try again

Just a bit of an update on the native integration, I’ve got a pull request that I’m hoping will get accepted shortly:

Once accepted, it’ll live in the home assistant dev branch until the next release. I still have no idea if it will work with Pulse v2 hubs, if anyone with a v2 hub is keen to do some troubleshooting for me I’d be happy to add v2 support to the API.