Rollease Acmeda Automate Pulse hub integration

That sounds like it should work (although as an FYI: HA will take care of installing modules when required, so you don’t need the first step). You should be able to test the path is correct by going into the container, and running the following ls to get a valid file, eg:

bash-5.0# ls -l /config/custom_components/automate/
-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000          1482 Sep  4 07:41 /config/custom_components/automate/

Once installed (and you have restarted HA), in the web interface, go to Configuration > Integrations > + (add), and search for automate. Select the Automate Pulse Hub v2 and follow the prompts (which is just entering the IP address/host name of the hub). Let us know if any of the above steps don’t work and we can try and figure out what’s next.

Still no joy. Here’s what I see from the console:

bash-5.0# ls -l /config/custom_components/automate/
-rw-rw-r--    1 1001     1001          1466 Sep 19 18:10 /config/custom_components/automate/

I turned logging onto debug level and I can’t see any reference to aiopulse2, though I can see it looking in the custom_components directory:

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for automate which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.
DEBUG (SyncWorker_15) [homeassistant.util.json] JSON file not found: /config/custom_components/automate/translations/en-GB.json

I can’t see any errors relating to aiopulse2 or files in custom_components.

However, I think that the issue may be the aiopulse2 library. After restarting HA a few times I went back to check aiopulse2 library in python but it said it can’t be found.

bash-5.0# pip show aiopulse2
WARNING: Package(s) not found: aiopulse2

I manually installed it again through PIP and it persisted after the HA container restart but the debug logs don’t show the file being accessed.

bash-5.0# pip show aiopulse2
Name: aiopulse2
Version: 0.5.0
Summary: Rollease Acmeda Automate Pulse Hub v2 integration.

Any suggestions for what to try next greatly appreciated.

What’s the issue now (as the shell of things looks correct)? Does it show up in the web interface at all, or it’s just not there?
(The python module will get installed only when the integration is actually in use)

The problem was that I couldn’t see the module in the web interface under Integrations, however, when I checked again while writing this response it has now appeared. The only thing I’d done in between was upload some changes to configuration.yaml for other devices that I was adding.

Thanks for your help.

@sillyfrog do we know what’s still pending to get merged?

@Michael_Griffin It’s still just waiting for review - of which there is a large backlog. However any developer is able to review - it does not need to be one of the core dev’s :slight_smile: .

Have you thought about packaging the addon as a custom component that can be installed via HACS while we wait for the review?

@Michael_Griffin - I haven’t (I haven’t used HACS either). At the moment you can deploy it by dropping the files into the config/custom_components folder, so not sure it’s worth the effort (I don’t use HACS, so not sure how much effort it would be) - but if someone puts in a PR, happy to review/accept :slight_smile:


Hi, I’m relatively new to HA so still getting to know it. I am running Home Assistant 2020.12.7 on HassOS 5.9 on Hyper-V as a test environment of HA.

Thank you for all the excellent work on the Pulse 2 integration with HA.

I’ve had a Pulse2 hub for a year or so and it has been working fine using the Pulse 2 app on the iPhone. I’ve tried adding the Rolleasa Acmeda Automate integration to HA (using the UI and Configuration -> Integrations -> Add Integration) but it fails to install with a "No devices found on the network). HA and the Pulse 2 are on the same network.

From reading a number of different forum posts (including this one) it seems like the integration currently bundled with HA supports the Pulse 1 but not the Pulse 2. From the discussion above it appears that there is an update for the Pulse 2 which has been folded into the full project yet. I assume that this where the problem is. Is that correct?

I have tried the manual steps above to install aiopulse2 but I can’t get them to work. It seems that HassOS does not have a Python available to run from SSH so “pip install” does not work. Would anyone be able to provide some advice on how to install this on a HassOS/Hyper-V environment?



You can install the component just like any other custom component. Basically, inside your config directory, you would find or create a custom_components directory, then you would either git clone or download/unzip the git repo into that custom_components directory, then you just need to restart HA and add the automate integration.

├── automate
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── manifest.json
│   ├──
│   ├── strings.json
│   └── translations
│       └── en.json

FWIW, this is basically what happens if you install something from HACS, but since we’re close to getting this integrated into core, sillyfrog didn’t mess with getting it configured for HACS.

Thanks @Michael_Griffin. I added the custom_components directory, did a git clone from as per the structure in your message, and restarted HA.

Apologies, but I don’t know what you mean by “add the automate integration”. Can you elaborate please?



Configuration > Integrations > Add Integration

Doh!! Apolgies @Michael_Griffin. Rooky mistake :frowning:

All working now.

Thanks for your help.


Another person here waiting for the official integration to support Pulse 2. Sounds like it might be soon, so I will hold off on going down the HACS rabbit hole.

Hah… well, “soon” is relative. The PR was created on Aug 31 and frenck got around to reviewing it on Nov 21 and had some comments that sillyfrog fixed almost immediately. Now, it’s been in the “Needs followup review” stage since Nov 25. Who knows when it’ll actually get a second review?

In case anyone is wondering, I have just upgraded to HA version 2021.1.5 and aiopulse2 works just fine.

Thanks for all the work you’ve put into this @sillyfrog!

My Pulse 2 has just arrived, and I’ve been tinkering.

I think I’ve got a few bugs, due to an older firmware in some rollers. I’ve got six blinds with hardwired rollers (no battery), but with varying firmware levels. Rollers with firmware version 12 and 22 work great!

Version 10 has a few deficiencies that aren’t handled well in aiopulse2:

  • This firmware can’t report the position (e.g. Blind ID 222 in the telnet protocol: !222r?; always reports !222Esh,<signal>;)
  • The “ol” (online) parameter in the web response flaps mysteriously to “false”. But the blind isn’t really unavailable - You can still send commands to it, and it will act on them. The Automate app even says for these blinds that are reporting “offline” to just try to send a command to it.

I’m not sure I can suggest a solution for the first issue - a quick glance at the HA Cover Entity API doesn’t appear to have a way to expose a cover that can’t report it’s position (either as “opened” or “closed”). An inelegant solution perhaps would be to always report the position as 50% for firmware version 10 :confused:

For the second issue, perhaps a toggle switch on the config (or entity) page to allow overriding the “offline” report, and send commands to it anyway? For the moment I’ve just edited to always return True

Thanks for the info @peterdey . Are you able to please log a ticket at with some detailed logs.

To crank up the logging in Home Assistant, add the following to your config:

  default: info
    aiopulse2: debug

Be warned, this will create a lot of logs! :slight_smile: Maybe if you can include an open or close event in there as well, that would be great.

If you can also use the latest version from GitHub (slightly more debug logs), that would be great.

I’m hoping there’s something we can detect as to what we would likely expect back (ie: is it just version, or is there some other flag we can rely on to get the info back as to if we would expect feed back from the roller). We should then be able to make those specific rollers “optimistic” (they just report the last sent position as their current position).

Hi Michael,
this is probably a stupid question, but I added the git repo files as per your instructions to the existing custom_components folder, but when I restart home assistant, I don’t see the option for this in the ‘add integration’ section.
Is there anything else I should be looking to do?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just updated HA and it worked :slight_smile:

For anyone interested in a HACS integration for this, I have now (finally) updated the repo to have full HACS support, including releases should there be updates in the future. Follow the directions in the README here: GitHub - sillyfrog/Automate-Pulse-v2: Rollease Acmeda Automate Pulse Hub v2 integration for Home Assistant

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