Rolling RGB, but also moving RGB

Hi there,

so I want to put some lights out, I catually want to do that since years, but this year, Im sick and therefore got some time to at least start research.

I know thers a blueprint for roling RGB on Zigbee

this one and the one given credit to in the first note of the script:


What I dont know is, if there is a thing to make it a walking rolling RGB on a E27 (230VAC) light bulb socket string of lights…

You know, those green flat two wire cables where you can decide where to put the bulb sockets, and build your very own string of lights with Y and jucktions and so on…

What I want to do is put socktes on ever 30 cm or so, then group every 10th bulb together, or so (depending on total numbers of bulbs), and then make the rainbow kind of walk around the house, sort of. you know what I mean, all change rgb, but it looks like the colors move around the house.

well i could implement several blueprints, for each group one, and just devide the full RGB intervall by the groups and start each blueprint with an offset of that.

Would that work? how often would i need to resync the blueprints?

Whose done that before?

And im looking into what RGB bulbs to use, so IF you bought some at below 5 €/$ and are happy with them, Id like to hear your recommendation.

I wanted to use E14 candle bulbs, but discovered that the bulb socket for E14 is 4 times the price of E27 on my choosen string of lights system…

And i found there is no price diference for E27 to E14 bulbs. but the E27 tend to have more power (Watt) but I dont want them to be bright, i want them to go real low, like 10% or so at night. I dont want to run a 25kw light house, I estimate about 120 bulbs, each running at around 1-2 watts of the rated usual 6-12 watts.

Hence my hunt for the cheapest “deamed good by the community” bulb… buing 120 of them is a serious chung of money.
