

i don´t know wherer to place my post correctly, so i left it uncategorized… sry

i am a noob to HA so i´m struggling with almost everything of basic knowledge and it takes me hours of google research, mostly what is quite anoying…
i mostly copied syntax for template sensors, automations etc. not knowing the exact meaning of syntaxes what prevents me from adating examples for my own needs, or doing anything from scratch.

so at first, i wondered in template sensors the meaning of float, float(0), round(1) etc. and i tried to find a documentation about syntax, but couldn´t get any usefull via goolge search, because i didn´t know what kind of language this is related to (yasml, phyton, java?) or what it is commonly named…
So today, just by accident, i stumbled over a hint in a thread this are called “filters”. So after month of straing around, i could find at last a documentation about that within minutes :slight_smile: what many of my question are answered Template Designer Documentation — Jinja Documentation (3.1.x)

so i wonder, that i found a syntax like that: round(1,'half'), what is not documented there
i´m aware this documenation is for filters used in “templates”, but the example it´s from a automation? are therer differences? (Tuya radiator valve (TS0601) calibration from external sensor (via zigbee2mqtt) - #16 by Neil_Brownlee)

so i wonder if there is an own documentation for filters used in automations?
Or what does the mehtod “half” mean?
thanx in advance

Half appears to be a Home Assistant extension of the jinja round filter, it is documented here: Templating - Home Assistant

@tom_l thank you very much!