Russound MCA C5 Tuner

Which protocol you used for the connection? Which adapter you use? I try to connect the same way and I don´t get any connection. I tried everything. I use a Moxa N5210

I am using the RIO protocol. It has a much better feature-set then RNET. As such, I’m using the Russound RIO integration in HA.

I’m using an Global Cache IPSL adapter.

What protocol / integration are you using?

I tried several, but nothing seems working:

Serial seetings I tried also to adapt, right now I use that:

Probably you can help to find the right direction. I use the HA internal Russound RIO integration, with IP from the IP to RS232 device and a given port number

In SCS-C5 (for the Russound device), make sure the RS232 port is set to Protocol: RIO and Baud Rate is 19200.

Looking at the manual for your converter, I think TCP Server Mode is correct for this use case. I’d change the TCP alive check time to 99 minutes, and set the “max connection” field to the highest number. Make sure you are using the local TCP port number in the config for the Home Assistant integration.

Hmmm, strange, your recommandation is exactly what I tried…I will check again all values and try again.
Thanks a lot for your help!

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I made it :slight_smile:
Finally I checked everything and tried it with several settings. But I think the best idea was to remove the network cable completely from the device (MCA C5) and test different settings. Was not aware that there is an issue because of that

@heidle78 Nice! Which mode on your unit ended up being correct? Just in case others run into the same issue.

I used the TCP Server Mode with the following settings: