Salus/it600/CO10RF - Working with home assistant?

Salutare! Ati reușit sa integrați? Mi-e îmi da o eroare la IP când încerc sa îl conectez.

Hello, I’m trying to add my system to HA, but when I input IP and UID of my gateway, I get an fault about UID, but is OK, I checked it many times. Does anyone had same situation?

Hello, yes, reset the gateway and try again.

By reset you mean to unplug and plug it again to power, right?

No, device reset, factory reset.

Ahh, this will be a little harder, as I will have to reprogram the hole system and it will not be an easy job for me. But thank you for your suggestion.

I know, but unfortunately sometimes this is the only solution, and often it doesn’t work right away :frowning:

Hello, I’ve managed to add my UG600 to ha, I managed to ad thermostats also, but is there any way to see when heating is on? Now I can only see set temperature, and existing temperature.
Thank you in advance.

it’s simple, the sensor will switch from idle to heating.

For those who have problems with UG600 EUID. You can also try with 000000000000000000.

Thank you , I did not pay attention to that, now I saw. I was thinking if there is also a way to make it more visible when heating, something like changing color, text color, or background color.

Is there any method to get humidity information? The display on each thermostat displays this.

Is there anyway of adding the Salus TC100 wiring centre so that zones/actuators are controlled?

This would allow non-Salus or even non-zigbee thermostats/temp sensors to control heating zones in a Salus system via HomeAssistant.

If not currently possible, please could this be a request for the next release @Virgil_Popa?

@Virgil_Popa I would be also interested in directly connecting the Salus Sq 610 to Home assistant. However I realize that there is some handshake protocoll involved and some people tried to reverse engineer this protocoll.

unfortunately, I don’t think anyone has managed to do this, but I think it works without problems when you use the ug600 gateway.

Unfortunately I do not have the gateway, and I also do not want to buy that thing. I find it redundant.

Hi guys,

I’m using Salus UGE600 gateway. Couldn’t connect the first time around, so performed a factory reset and re-added it to the Smart Home application. However, I still cannot connect to it using the integration (both real and all-zero EUIDs). Any suggestions?

I hate salus smarthome app. It is useless. Can ibinstall another gateway to use it with all thebother salus equipemntvi have already installed?
I am interested in an app that shows heating runtime in each room, humidity, set temp, target temp, etc etc. And some charts if it is possible. But salus app allows you only to change the set temp, and does not give you any usefull info.

I’m a bit late to the party here but for those wanting to integrate JG Aura devices into HA can use an integration I created:

It’s a bit scruffy as it’s the first time I’ve ever written Python, or a HA integration but it does the job.

Can’t the CO10RF coordinator (which seems to be a pretty generic ZigBee coordinator) be connected to my Home Assistant’s server’s USB port and exposed to Home Assistant?

Current setup: I have all my devices (KL08RF and the thermostats) paired with the CO10RF. The CO10RF itself is plugged into a USB wall adapter. So I figured it could be powered by the server’s USB port as well and I was hoping that Home Assistant would be able to read its values somehow, through some integration perhaps (Zigbee2MQTT or something)? Or doesn’t CO10RF expose anything through its USB port?

Side point - I have some salus devices and find them to be really solid and reliable.

But I have never owned a salus hub. I just use a 3rd party zigbee dongle (zzh, now sky connect).

You don’t need the salus hub.