Salus/it600/CO10RF - Working with home assistant?


Our central/underfloor heating is controlled by a JG Aura devices ( This seems to be a rebanded Salus device that is zigbee compatible.

The USB stick used for that is the CO10RF ( or

Is there maybe somebody that has tried to make this work with home assistant?
I don’t have the USB stick/controller itself (yet), but would be keen to know if somebody does have it.

The USB stick seems to use the silabs drivers as the drivers point to here:

I would also be more than happy to go with a CanBee/RaspBee or so, but i’m not sure if that will work. I’ve got some zwave expirience and a philip hue at the moment, but don’t know zigbee very well.

@cyclops Hopefully, someone can respond with a success story. In the meantime, I would try contacting the Johnguest support people and tell them what you are doing and see what they may have already done. See if they can connect to a Smarthings hub or Wink. You might try searching the other open source home automation forums as well as Smarthings. Hopefully, you can get some reasonable information. Good luck.


I’ve contacted them, but the lack of ‘technical’ information on their website is bothering me :slight_smile:

I think i’ll also contact salus directly, as they probably know a bit more!

Hello, any news?

I have the same system, from Salus - it600 :frowning:

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hello, get someone Connect IT600 to ha? there is also a system on IT600.

Is there any chance to see the integration for Salus IT600 underfloor heating system? I bought some components of it and I need to decide whether to sell it and buy Homematic IP or leave and wait. Please help.

Haven’t seen any update :frowning:

i will receive soon a raspbee module and i will try …maybe i will have luck…

Ordered the hardware for zigbee2mqtt. I believe that should allow me to do some debugging to see if we can get it to work. We’ll see :slight_smile:

Any good luck? :slight_smile:

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Interesting, the coordinator das drivers for mac an win…
I wonder what is that for?

I recently discovered this python script made by Julius Vitkauskas, he uses the IT600 Gateway for controlling local thermostats. Unfortunately in my case I can’t see any thermostat, the connection is made successfully to the gateway but I can’t see anything more.

Maybe someone else is more lucky
seems to be the closest way to integration into hassio.

A small update, I managed to pull the data from the Gateway with help of Julius Vitkauskas, now to see if I realize how I can do that from hassio.

The data looks like this:

            "PairedTRVShortID":"                        ",

Hello. I am also interested in using SalusIT600 with hass. Did you succeed?

Hi, someone else was faster than me. Find here the integration made by another user ‘Konrad’, is working great!

Hi, I can’t make it works. I’ve started issue on Konrad github, but the problem is blowing my mind at the moment. Will you mind taking a look? issue

Maybe it will be obvious for some familiar with python.

Salutare Virgil.Am tot cautat cum sa integrez salus cu H.A. si am dat de postarea ta:)Ai reusit pana la urma?

Salut, da, gasesti integrarea aici:

is it feasible that the iT600 range could eventually be controlled via zigbee2mqtt meaning the Salus Gateway wouldn’t be needed?

Hi I also have the it600 (not really happy with but ok) I was just wondering anyone know if it is possible to flash the gateway so it would not need internet connection and become more or less just a zigbee hub…
Pretty new to this so maybe I’m asking for wonders :joy: