SAMBA wont start after new router? SOLVED

Heya, this really bugs me. Tried for an hour without making any progress.

Ive swiched routers from Asus RT-AC88U to RT-AX88U. Imported all the router settings from the old to the new router and everything worked right out of the box, except for SAMBA.

Error in log:
FATAL: No supported interfaces found to bind on.

I dont understand why I see this error. Tried reinstalling samba and tried adding
interface: eno1

eno1 is the outputs i get if i run ifconfig -a its also the output that shows the local ip of my HA-server.

Any ideas? There are no search results matching my error code on google, im pretty much stuck :frowning:

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Came from google?

Here you go:

Solution: Samba 9.6 Upgrade Killed Samba