Hello All ,
i am new to HA and started integrating my home appliances . i tried using the below custom integration for my Samsung smart TV (2020) QLED .
I already have smartthings configured way before and works very well and i am able to control everything.
I was able to configure all the steps as said on github for this integration including providing my Token key…etc
and then i started setting up a custom tv card as per this
and that was easy to install but when i look at the remote . the buttons in red are all not working and the buttons in green are working fine
here is how my custom card is configured
- type: custom:tv-card
entity: media_player.dlna_media
title: TV Remote
- power
- channel_up
- info
- channel_down
- netflix
- youtube
- spotify
volume_row: buttons
navigation_row: buttons
- return
- home
- source
- rewind
- play
- pause
- fast_forward
i used the entity media_player.dlna_media instead of the media_player.tv that is mentioned in the example card cause this is the only entity i have coming from the smart TV integration
If anyone can help point me to what i am doing wrong or missing i will appreciate it