Samsung Smartthings - Constantly Having to Reload due to frozen/stuck states

I’m just wanting to check if anyone else has a similar issue’s with Samsung Smartthings integration.

Mines been running for a couple of years now, over the time I’ve had to ‘Reload’ the Integration has some states we’re getting stuck and not updating

  • Samsung App = Shows the contact closed
  • Home Assistant = Shows the contact open until reloaded, then updates to closed

I’ve seen the feature request Add service integration.reload as I was hoping to set up an automation to reload the Smartthings at press of a button but that isn’t ready yet.

I also stumbled across this Can I write an automation to reload/restart an integration? but similar with the Reloading Core Config, you have to specify the sensors you want to reload rather than the whole integration (I don’t know which entity will get “stuck”)

Any other solutions for reloading the whole Integration?

Or, does anyone know the fault/bug reference in Github?

Right now with SmartThings finalizing thier migration from groovy to Edge there’s lots of stuff not working right on thier end… ETA for completion of the current phase is near end of year.

Are you sure it’s not a SmartThings issue?

I haven’t really debugged it other than smartthings shows the correct state and reloading HA updates the states.

I’m curious to keep an eye on the migration though especially in the UK/EU if you have any resources.

This might explain my issue with 3 Samsung Vision sensors being stuck. Very annoying. Glad they only cost me $15AUD each instead of $150 or whatever they cost. Not my main motion sensors but more of a backup as they are hard wired and I don’t think have a cool down period

I’ve noticed it’s “hit and miss” with mine.
It’s mainly the contact sensors, but I’ve had it with the motion sensors a couple of times which is annoying as some motions depend on them.