Samsung TV constantly needing to be reconfigured

I am greeted with this at least once a day (and yes I have the TV on a fixed IP and I’ve selected ‘authorize’ on the TV, many times) - any suggestions?



Does the log give clues?

i’ll await the next occurrence

I had this too. There is a menu in the tv ( don’t ask where) that allows you to delete devices. Of which homeassistant is one. Delete that and start over. That solved it for me.


I deleted all entries, turned the setting for permission to be ‘off’ and then it came up asking for permission, I granted it but it continually asks

GitHub open issue

was just about to close that one…

note there are 2 issues in there:

the continous discovery or need to re-cofngiure the integration (seems to have been fixed)


the repeated need to confirm Home assistant on the TV when powered on.

the latter you can ow successfully stop, by going in to the Samsung tv settings as described in the issue, and select ‘Only the first time’ I the advanced settings.

Samsung menu is settings- general-external device manager- device connection manager

First settings (access notification) set to first time only

after not having seen it for some time, this is back once again:

Schermafbeelding 2021-08-25 om 00.02.55

2021.8.8 meanwhile

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I have this problem. It will keep asking over and over until I click Deny. Deleting Home Assistant from the TV alone doesn’t work to fix it, as that just makes the cycle happen again. I have to delete and re-install the integration. Then it’ll work for awhile, until one random day later, it spontaneously happens all over again.

yep, the moment I read this, it actually happened here again too. been away for a couple of weeks I suppose, and yet here it is.

Yes it’s more often lately… and if I select reconfigure itasks on the TV… select allow dos noting and it keepscomjng back until I freak out and press deny…


It’s really a shame. My automation based on the state of the TV was very handy and worked quite well, but this issue happens so spontaneously and frequently, it’s just too much trouble to use this integration.

I’ve noticed this since the upgrade to 2021.12.
I recall experiencing the same problem a couple of releases ago where recurrently I would get prompted to reauthorize, at that time the solution that worked was to delete the integration and re-add it. Will try that next again

Also see: My Samsung TV keeps showing up as a new integration - #37 by Griffelinos

Interesting, I’m on core-2021.12.0 and supervisor-2021.12.2
I’m getting the “Integration requires reconfiguration” approx 1x per day.
I have tried removing integration, removing all access from TV’s settings.
I had the samsungtv option in configuration.yml but that’s now removed.
Looking forward to anyone’s somewhat bulletproof solution here as I had a few automations linked to the TV going on / off. :slight_smile:

I came here as I am experiencing this from the time I started with HA. Coming from Domoticz where I did a similar integration and never was required to reconfigure anything to do the same. Although I love HA, this integration is pretty lame as it doesn’t make sense to me why I should reconfigure this integration sometimes couple of times a day!? Any solution to this problem???

Same here, I am about to remove that integration. I have two Samsung TVs connected. One of them works like a charm, never asked for reconfiguration. The other one (newer) asks constantly. Any solutions?

I seem to have the opposite problem. The newer one isn’t bothering me, the older one needs reconfiguring on every HA restart (I’ve been fiddling with the config recently) and seemingly at least once a day.

Add me to the list of people in the same boat.
Removed all reference on TV, set to ask once or whatever it is, removed it all from HA, reboot.
Worked for a bit then popped up as needs a reconfigure :frowning:

Time for another github issue?