SBFspot Bluetooth homeassistant addon

hmm ok so for a quickfix…
I updated the test version I already had in the repo with HAOS-SBFspot.

So if you install MultiINV-SBFspot you should be able to run them concurrently.
This one has a 5 second offset to avoid BT hardware interference, hopefully.

You should just need to change your BT address and Plantname accordingly for the second inverter.
You can still use secrets if you name them as for example
!secret BTaddress_2 and !secret SBFplantname_2
You need to manually enter that into options or else it will try and use the first inverter defaults.

The other settings like mqtt, mariadb, pvoutput should be the same as the first inverter connection wise.

I am not sure how mariadb will handle the second inverter and consequent pvoutput upload…
Let me know.
You may need to use a second DB and pvoutput account. Not sure. It should in theory combine both inverters into the one DB and upload a merged/combined figure to pvoutput.

The plantname and serial number should be enough to make unique mqtt messages.
(I had to manually test that seeing as I don’t have 2 inverters, so not 100% it will work.)

  • All addons are containers. > I’m learning everyday :slight_smile:
  • Can you open an issue at the repo here > DONE
  • Rebooting maria and HA didn’t remove the ERROR : Got unexpected response from the API: There is already a MySQL service in use from core_mariadb
  • I’ll try MultiINV-SBFspot as soon as I have the full process working with one inverter already.

Full process not working atm.
Mariadb SBFspot tables seems updated…I see my inverter SN and monthdata filled.
I see no error in SBFspot logs.

but still not updloading to PVoutput.
Where/What should I look at in the logs/config for that process ?
Client null sending CONNECT … DISCONNECT > does that part refer to DB connect of PVoutput connect ?
in the sbfspot config, I have my API Key and SID defined (uploadlog level stayed to info)

I haven’t updated any yaml… that might be the problem.
I’ve installed file editor (as visual studio doesn’t seem supported in raspbery)
I can only access /config… when i log in SSH i see (addons backup config media share ssl)
my /config/configuration.yaml
I don’t see any sbf files :frowning:

Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.


Text to speech


  • platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

Containers. The files are in the containers.

You won’t need to put anything in configuration.yaml.
Unless you really want to make the mqtt sensors by hand.

Mqtt and maria/pvoutput are unrelated.
Mqtt will work without mariadb being installed.
Client null etc is mqtt related. Connect and disconnect is normal. You can create the auto discovery sensors now if you like. Just set the options from No to create.
Set it back to No after you make then(not really necessary, just a good habit)

MariaDB and pvoutput are related. Pvoutput relies on a db to send the data from. So if you are still having issues with mariadb, that could be related. You have done a host reboot right? Not just restarted HA and the mariadb addon.
Settings > system >hardware > 3dots top right > reboot host

Don’t forget to open the port in mariadb 3306

The very bottom log setting in HAOS-SBFspot options is for pvoutput logs, set it to debug until you get pvoutput working.

Make sure your SID includes your inverter serial number.




Thx for the container explaination :slight_smile:
I discovered the command :
docker container ls
docker caintainer diff CONTAINER
Helps understanding what you’ve said :slight_smile:
Is there a ‘easy’ way to browse those files ?

Reboot :
Thx I indeed was doing HA reboot and addon restart.
Don’t forget to open the port in mariadb 3306 >> done

ERROR: Got unexpected response from the API: There is already a MySQL service in use from core_mariadb > indeed only appears after mariadb restart

Make sure your SID includes your inverter serial number.
indeed this was not the case. Now corrected …

And tadammm Working !!
Thx a lot

Still have a lot to learn but it’s a every day chalenge

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When you start running both addons for both inverters

keep an eye on

Connecting to 00:80:23:2B:D9:56 (1/10)
Connecting to 00:80:23:2B:D9:56 (2/10)

If you get more 1-3 on MultiINV let me know and I will extend the delay between the two addons to avoid the hardware conflict.

You can poke around inside the addons using the SSH and terminal addon.

For the most part you can’t break much, that isn’t fixed by restart or reinstall of the addon.
You can check the Sbfspot and sbfspotUpload cfg files in there if you like to make sure they are correct.

the command to log into haos-sbfspot is… you need the slug name of the addon.
MultiINV will be similar.

docker exec -it addon_a51a23d8_haos-sbfspot /bin/bash

docker exec -it addon_a51a23d8_multiinv-sbfspot /bin/bash


Hello HasQT,
there is an post HAOS-SBFspot update to version 2022.10.3 failed stating a problem, that i do also have now.
I there a way to solve it?
Thanks in advance

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Thanks I hadn’t seen that post.

The problem is I created a bug trying to sign the addon with codenotary. It doesn’t seem to like multi layer addons.

If you had it installed, it updated the previous version, however I had to remove the signing to allow new installs… Which means you can’t update from signed to unsigned…

The solution is:

Copy your haos-sbfspot options

uninstall the old version of haos-sbfspot

install the new version of haos-sbfspot

Paste your options back in.

(technically the base image is still signed).

I have a question, I actually use Modbus but somehow I’m interested in realizing it with SBFspot. For me, however, only the Lan veriante would come into consideration. Does this work or not?

Believe so. I had a report of it working over lan on github. You would be Ethernet user no2 as far as I know.

To clarify, this addon basically just sets up the cfg files for the underlying sbfspot binaries to use… So if sbfspot works for you elsewhere, it should also work here.

Could you give me the link for it if there is one, I’m not that much of a programming specialist. I tried it via the configuration page with Ethernet, but I always get an error that the program wants a BT address and BT password from me.

So I found something, the BT data are required. Now, however, the question arises where to get it from, because the SMA instructions indicate that BT should be deactivated as soon as a Speedwire is available.

Just put a fake one.
Like 00:00:00:00:00

The password is the sunny Explorer password. Not sure if you need that for Ethernet. Try

The options require an entry on the configuration page, they don’t actually get written to the cfg file in the end.

I’ll have to search there and see if I can find a German manual there.
But thanks for the tip anyway, looks like it should work that way.

I don’t have an Ethernet or speedwire inverter to test…

I think the other person was using Ethernet not speedwire.

It’s in one of the closed issues.

This one

Let me know if the password gives you issues. I can tell you how to disable it to test, and make it not required on the options if need be.

Have to search everything together tediously just created the PVoutput account and the API. Everything that is needed there is quite cumbersome just to access the data internally.

If you just want to test that it works and connects to your inverter.

You can just put fake details in for PVoutput and mariadb. You need the mariadb addon installed though, it just doesn’t need to be configured fully.

You only need haos-sbfspot and mqtt for internal data.

So the instructions in HAOS-SBFspot are actually not really correct if I understand them correctly.

The instructions are designed as a full setup including uploading to PVoutput.

PVoutput account and API are required to use the upload feature.

Mariadb addon or similiar SQL database, is needed to store the data for upload to PVOutput.

phpMyAdmin is required to create the DB structure.

MQTT broker is needed to send MQTT messages to home Assistant.

Anyway, my biggest problem is that I have to laboriously look for everything together and then unfortunately translate it into German.

Yeah sorry I don’t speak German…

This is the official SBFspot github, I am not affiliated with them as such.