Scheduler card/custom component

PLEASE HELP - I’ve asked quite a few questions in the HA forum - ONE was at least responded to - not a dicky bird for any others :frowning: I’ve invested substancially in HA - partially because I thought there was a very stong support community here - but over the 18-months I’ve been here this has not really helped me :frowning: WHAT am I doing wrong ?? cheers - Graham

Do you mean how does one start a new topic? On the home page ( do you see the button ‘New Topic’ ? If not, you need to have submitted a certain number of posts, answered others etc. before it is made visible.
Sometimes a question gets answers, sometimes not - nothing personal (usually ;))

I’m getting this error after upgrading to Core 2023.5.0 anyone who knows what to do here?

Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 22:20:35 (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 22:20:35

Setup failed for custom integration scheduler: Unable to import component: cannot import name 'async_get_registry' from 'homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/

v3.2.9 changelog says it should be fixed!

I’m trying to add timeslots to this component dynamically from pyscript. I’ve got;

scheduler.add( data = {'name': 'a_name', 'timeslots': [{'start': '03:00', 'actions': [{'service': '', 'entity_id': 'input_button.boost_30_mins'}] }]}  )

but I know the functions parameters are wrong. I’ve tried several combinations without success. I need a little help.

Was able to fix this manually this way: Error "async_get_registry" after core 2023.5.0 - #7 by MarvinE

Before creating a FR, perhaps I’m only doing it wrong.

How can I sort the displayed items in a custom order. Not according to start time, nor via title - both orders don’t fit here. I didn’t get it done till now. Is there a way? E.g. internal custom sort_field or something else?

I’m afraid there are no more sorting options than by time or title. I also don’t have time to work on expanding this so opening a feature request will not help. I’m open to accept PR’s in case you’re willing to add this functionality yourself.

Thanks for the quick reply. Really love your integration and card. But this is really missing here. Unfortunately, I’m technically not able to support with a PR. So I’ll wait if you have perhaps have some time in the far future.

Hi there, has something changed with this integration? I no longer seem to be able to add or edit conditions on account of their being no defined groups…


Nothing has changed.
But you need to configure the card with the entities (/entity types) you want to show up.
Maybe the problem is caused here?

Do you know how to a create a schedule to deactivate some schedule already created?

This is the service to use:

service: switch.turn_off
data: {}
    - switch.schedule_ch_amis_semaine
    - switch.schedule_ch_amis_weekend

Hi, how do I add a schedule that starts and ends on different dates and repeats every year?

What is the logic of when it repeats? Ie - what determines the start and end dates?

Any idea why I only see thermostats on my scheduler card?

Sorry if this question already have been done or this is not the correct place to do it.
I love the relative time functionality of this card for future dates.
I want to reuse it in a template, to show relative time format for future dates.
Is possible to use this functionality from a template? If yes, an example would be very valuable as I am just starting with templates and codification.

Is it possible to control the the climate fan speed into the Scheduler card?
I have all the other options provided by my HVAC, but the fan speed setting is missing.


I have a need for a binary sensor switching on and off by the Scheduler. As it seems that is not possible. A binary sensor can only be used for conditions. To work around this I yamled some dummy switches which I use as binary sensors but that is a bit weird.

So can I use binary sensor in the scheduling part ?

I’ve been using he custom scheduler to control a pair of heat pumps running our hydronic heating - working well.

However, I want to set up another schedule (simple - turn on a radio) but need the time step to be 1 minute instead of the default 10 minutes (so I can set 0559 as the scheduled time to turn on).

I’ve put this (see below) in the configuration.yaml but it gives an invalid config check “Integration error: time_step - Integration ‘time_step’ not found.” I’m missing something!
HA is running in a docker & Scheduler was loaded with HACS.

# Custom Scheduler Options
type: custom:scheduler-card
time_step: 1

edit: !! worked it out - put in in the card yaml, not the configuration.yaml !!
… and thanks, again, for a really good custom component.

Hello everybody,
i have a switch.schedule with some attributes, i would like to create a template sensor with the attribute “runtime”.
i made this:

 - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ states.switch.schedule_z2_sinistra_am.attributes.actions[0].data.runtime }}" 
        unit_of_measurement: 'Minuti'
        friendly_name: Zona2AM Runtime
        availability_template: "{{ states('sensor.zona2am_runtime') | is_number }}"

but i get error on startup…

Can you help me to find the right code?
thank you!
