Scheduler card/custom component

@clau-bucur @Canaletto @tmchow Thanks for reporting the bugs. I fixed them in v1.8.1.


These problems should be fixed by using the new heat action (the one with the flame) instead of set temperature. Please update the card to latest version.

@neliss 1.8.1 isn’t working as expected for me either. Has something changed with customisations?

In 1.7.5 I correctly get the number slider but in 1.8.1 I do not

I’ve got the following in my config:

    icon: 'mdi:fountain'
      - service: script.irrigation_back_zone_1_run
        name: Run Time
          field: runtime
          name: Min
          min: 1
          max: 60
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Thanks for the update! Installed, refreshed cache, refreshed browser, and restarted HA.
the new ‘heat’ action only appears at 1 entity.

The other 4 don’t show the new ‘heat’ action? Any idea?

Can you share the properties of the climate entities?
Seems that they don’t support HVAC_mode heat (which is weird if they are intended for heating).

Indeed, it only has HVAC_mode : ‘Auto’, it’s implemented like this ( zigbee2mqtt ) because it’s working with alot of presets, the HVAC modes only allow 4 modes in HA where presets are unlimitted. That’s why they choose to only use/implement the presets.

So the presets are used to set the mode on the TRV, but for the scheduler to work the HVAC_mode must be set at ‘auto’ aswell. ( a lot of info can be found here : )

Offcourse this is a bit ‘vague’ for the scheduler( since this is not how normal climate entities work ), I fully understand when this can’t be implemented ;)!

Is there a way to use different conditions for different timeframes?

For example, I want my heat turned down to 18C between 23:00 - 06:00, but only if the phone is charging.
Between 06:00 - 23:00 the heat should be set to 22C, without any condition.

At the moment, the same condition applies to all the timeframes.

Couple of statements about this:

  1. It is bad that the device only has HVAC_mode auto.
    Having 1 mode, means that you cannot between switch modes.
    The card is smart enough to hide the option for switching HVAC_mode if there is only one option, but it would have been better if the device had no modes at all in this case.

  2. Mode auto is intended to be used when the device internally controls the temperature (see also here).
    So you shouldn’t use set_temperature when in HVAC_mode auto.

  3. For a radiator valve, HVAC_modes off and heat should always be supported. Else it cannot do its job of heating a room…

  4. preset_modes are intended for thermostats that have built-in temperature setpoints. So you don’t combine a preset with temperature control (through a set_temperature command)

With above statements, my conclusion is that the implementation of your climate device is bad (conflicting).
If the set_temperature command does not work, there must be a weird structure in the driver.

Perhaps you need to set preset_mode to none, or manual (don’t ask me what is the difference), before the device accepts a set_temperature command.
In any case, this is not how HA climate entities are supposed to be implemented, so I cannot really fix this.

There is support for this in the scheduler-component.
But there is no support for this in the card.
Bottleneck is how to make it clear for the user. The conditions are in a separate window, and i think its best to keep them there.

But wouldn’t it be better to reformulate your rule to:
IF phone is charging, AND its between 23:00 - 06:00, DO turn down the heat.
It seems to me that you use the timeslot more as a condition than a trigger.

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Is the “remaining time” supposed to be dynamic or only should update on page refresh? Because currently it doesn’t count down. It only changes if I refresh the page.

Its not supposed to count down while you watch.
As far as I know, other HA cards wouldn’t do this either (if you show last_triggered time or a timer entity in a card).
I could make it, but it doesn’t add much. Because I wouldn’t expect people to really watch the screen for minutes and minutes :slight_smile:

Other cards actually do update it, about once every minute. Here’s a sample where the “last-updated” time of the second entity (Bucatarie) gets updated at “14:06:12”.scheduler-card

And if you think about it, the scheduler card should too, IMHO. Not because people stare at it, but you might have it added to a lovelace view which you keep always open (for example on a wall-tablet as in my case) and currently without refreshing the whole page you don’t see when the schedule will actually trigger.

Sorry about it. Should be fixed now.

Hi, firstly, awesome work! I am sure i must just be missing it, but once i have set up an action how do i edit that.


I tried clicking the action section, the boxs… nothing will let me change it. Do i simply have to delete the whole thing and add it again to get back to the action options?


(I tried a quick search but couldn’t find the answer)

This is a feature request, just click cancel. Make an issue on the GitHub to keep track of this.


Good point, but I can’t get phone charging as entities, only as conditions.

I have 2 cards with
discover_existing: false
set. They have 3 schedules altogether.
I have other card where I want to show ALL schedulers so I have
discover_existing: true
I get this:

Any idea why? How can I include the timers? They don’t show up as options to be included.

Use the UI editor, and turn it on as one of the available entities.

They are not there. Only one is. But enabling the one doesn’t make it show up either.