Scheduler card/custom component

Really? You need to enable each entity you don’t want that notice for with the card editor UI, and hit save.

Do you have standard_configuration in your config? true or false?

Set to true

Try deleting the line.

Just set to false. No effect.

Share YAML config?

Card 1:

type: 'custom:scheduler-card'
  - climate.bader
  - climate.kinderzimmer
  - climate.thermostat_arbeitszimmer
  - climate.thermostat_clara
  - climate.thermostat_elternbad
  - climate.thermostat_flur_dg
  - climate.thermostat_flur_eg
  - climate.thermostat_flur_og
  - climate.thermostat_gaste_wc
  - climate.thermostat_jona
  - climate.thermostat_kinderbad
  - climate.thermostat_levi
  - climate.thermostat_schlafzimmer
  - climate.thermostat_wohnzimmer
discover_existing: false
title: Heizungstimer werktags
standard_configuration: false

Card with all timers:

type: 'custom:scheduler-card'
title: Alle Timer
include: []
standard_configuration: false

Well, I changed quite some things in the past week. I guess something is wrong here.

So if I understand you correctly, you have schedules made with cards 1+2 and in card 3 you want to show these?
But in card 3 you cannot include the entities of these schedules, while they are showing in 1+2?
That is very curious :thinking:
Do you use UI or YAML?
In UI mode all entities that are supported by standard configuration should show up, in YAML you should include it yourself…
Can you share some details of your config?

I use UI. YAML pasted above

Holy schnitzels that are a lot of climates!
And in the UI you see none? Or just not the ones you are looking for?
I’m surprised because the card should be very ‘climate friendly’

Not even all my climates :wink:
The climates are fine. Just in the “all timers” card I don’t see the timers.

Waaaaaah. Now I get it.
I have to include the climate entities. Not the timer entities.
I tried to include them like this:
Sorry for the confusion…

Oh good!
I thought something was seriously wrong in the card.
But yeah: the whole point of including entities is to tell the card which devices you want to control with scheduler.
The entities created by scheduler-component (switch.schedule_xxxx) are actually hidden (doesn’t make sense to schedule a schedule)

I wonder what your switch.schedule_kinderzimmer is though. It looks like a schedule, but manually renamed :thinking:
If that’s the case: I wouldn’t advise to do so (good chance that it will not show up in the card anymore).

Well I don’t know what I’m doing then when I have discover_existing set to true I get this warning but with it false I don’t get the schedules even though the entity is included:

Try hitting save, it might not instantly update. Hitting save will force it to re-render.

yes when I hit “save” that’s when the yellow shaded schedules go away. Maybe it’s because they’re very old schedules? I made those as one of the initial releases of the card (I think)

Even the icons are weird instead of the switch symbol as the bottom one. I had something similar I think because I created it in the past with customization directly in yaml, and later switched to the editor UI…

Yes. It was manually renamed. Is renaming scheduler entities(!) not supported?

I tried to rename another schedule’s name but get this:

After install the latest card which fixed the fan speed settings (not longer says “undefined”), I tested your suggestion and it works! So I can just set speed and have a single action. Thanks.

I don’t think there is any reason why they wouldn’t work if the schedules are old.
But it is weird that a switch entity show up with folder icon, it means that the type is not recognized.
Could you share the properties of this schedule entity (from Developer tools → States)?

Renaming the friendly_name is OK (you can even do it from the card), renaming the entity_id is not OK. The entity_id has a fixed format so they can be recognized by the card.
There is a request from @ribbonofblack to allow entity ID to be changed (to match the friendly_name). But i will have to investigate how i can distinguish the schedules from other HA switches.