Hi guys,
9 months ago I have solved this issue with Tron is this topic.
[Scrape sensor for more entities - #13 by michal.bohac]
Now, the sensor for CSOB bank stopped working and giving me everyday info about the currency exchange rate.
They have changed the XML webpage from:
to the new one:
It´s in princip completely the same, but only there is a new text before the current date is mentioned.
I tried to change the yonfiguration.yaml with the new link, but is not working.
- resourcee_template: https://csob.cz/spa/exrate/exrates/-/date/{{ now().isoformat()[:10] }}/kurzovni-listek.xml
scan_interval: 28800
- name: Kurz CSOB CZK EUR
unit_of_measurement: 'CZK/EUR'
device_class: monetary
value_template: "{{ (value_json.ExchangeRate.Country|selectattr('@ID','eq','EUR')|first)['FXcashless']['@Sale'] }}"
- name: Kurz CSOB CZK GBP
unit_of_measurement: 'CZK/GBP'
device_class: monetary
value_template: "{{ (value_json.ExchangeRate.Country|selectattr('@ID','eq','GBP')|first)['FXcashless']['@Sale'] }}"
- name: Kurz CSOB CZK USD
unit_of_measurement: 'CZK/USD'
device_class: monetary
value_template: "{{ (value_json.ExchangeRate.Country|selectattr('@ID','eq','USD')|first)['FXcashless']['@Sale'] }}"
- name: Kurz CSOB CZK PLN
unit_of_measurement: 'CZK/PLN'
device_class: monetary
value_template: "{{ (value_json.ExchangeRate.Country|selectattr('@ID','eq','PLN')|first)['FXcashless']['@Sale'] }}"
Any idea what could be wrong?
Thanks a lot