Scrape Value is unknown, Pls help to find the correct Select

Hey together,

i try to get the lowest possible Price from here:

So there are two options:

  • get the first index of the list or
  • get the value between the list and the comments.

I wanted to try Option two:

The Problem is: If i set everything up in Hassio, i dont get any value back. it’s just unknown.

also i tried the Python Script:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

# Change these 2 things
# This is the select line you will use in the config
# You may need to use a template after the fact...

r = requests.get(URL)

# Print the output of the request command to see what we even get. 

soup = BeautifulSoup(data,"html.parser")

# See what the select returns
val =

# Try to get to the lowest thing we can...
#value = val[INDEX].text

# From here on out, we have to do template code to pair it down more. 

But got nothing back… What am i doing wrong?

You’re looking for an element with class="lowPrice". This works:"meta[data-itemprop=lowPrice]")[0]["content"]

Turning that into a scrape sensor is left as an exercise for the reader :wink: .

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        resource: >-
        select: "meta[data-itemprop=lowPrice]"
        index: 0
        attribute: "content"

That works, thanks for the help!

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Hi, what’s the select going to be here?

I dont think you can know that without seeing the entire source.

Also, its probably not too helpful to bump a 2 year old thread.

Sorry. I found this thread and didn’t notice the date. However, can it be done somehow?

No. I’ve replied to that thread.