SCREEK Home Assistant 24Ghz FMCW WiFi Human Presence Detector Radar 1U

I guess if the brightness of the light is almost constant then this looks possible, this light sensor is very sensitive to daylight but very sluggish to artificial light. But it can distinguish between 1’s and 0’s, which is an interesting phenomenon. So I guess it’s an interesting idea.

If you received it recently, try updating to a newer firmware using ota, it performed a little better in our tests.

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Hi. Just received my first 2 units. Installed the 1st one and connected it to my WIFI and all was well!
I then created a new ESPHome source file, using the yaml from your github page, added my network credentials etc in the source and compiled a new .bin file. I browsed to the device and used the OTA Update button to upload the new .bin file. After a short time, it came up with a “cannot display page” error page in the browser.
Now the device does not connect to the wifi, I cannot update via USB (it says that I need to hold the BOOT button while connecting, but if I try to do that, as soon as I select the port, it says the device has disconnected).
The device is not dead, as I can see it via bluetooth (it was discovered by HA and I configured it) and the “Motion” and “Occupancy” sensors work well.

Can you please help revive it?
Many thanks!

False alarm! I assigned a static IP to the device via my router, and the device now connects to the WIFI. Must have been a problem getting a DHCP address .

However, it is still on the original firmware.

When I try to OTA Update again using my firmware, I see the below in the scrolling log:

OTA Update Start: screek-presence–tv-room-factory.bin OTA in progress: 0.1%
OTA Update failed! Error: Wrong Magic Byte

Any ideas?

Even if I try to use OTA Update to upload your updated binary (ota-screek-humen-sensor-1u-20230704_1.bin), it progress to update 48% and then the browser shows a “cannot display page” error.

When I restart the device, it is still on the old (2023.5.1) firmware

Please help…

I apologize that since we weren’t in the community in time, the community can’t seem to send a forum reply email to me, which is odd.
OTA update please try leaning very close and letting the sensor cool down for a while before trying again. (ref to this)

this is cause by try to rewrite firmware to custom firmware, but with diffrent ota you had doing once factory flash(by usb) to kick in you custom firmware.

OTA Update Start: screek-presence–tv-room-factory.bin OTA in progress: 0.1%
OTA Update failed! Error: Wrong Magic Byte

For initializing the flash to factory factory firmware, you can use the two-flash method. We mentioned this method in github. Plug the usb into the computer, then github download to the usb device, the first time it will fail, wait a few seconds, the device will enter the flashing mode, and then write again, there will be a chance to succeed.
If this doesn’t work then you need to open the box, hold the 0 button and press rst to enter dfu mode, then esphome will write.

We’ll do a guide on this soon if possible.
The s2 mini will be slightly more tricky on this side of things due to the fact that the usb-cdc is enumerated by itself, unlike the c3.

Also on the sensor itself you are welcome to join our fb community, we can always get push messages in there.

@screek-workshop I bought 2, and they worked really well! Thanks!

Would you consider making one with mmWave sensor that can monitor heart rate and breathing?

I have three Screeks and they all seem to overheat and disconnect from wifi after a few days. All three of them. They’re in pretty regular areas in the house, out in the open. Any ideas? Are they just defective?

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 10.17.44 AM

This graph doesn’t look good.

EDIT: Updated from 2023.5.1 → 2023.6.3. This probably fixed it. Also apparently it’s suggested to cut new holes into the old 3D printed case, as there are not vents.

yes, update the new firmware will get help: OTA Update - SCREEK WORKSHOP

The new design housing is now available: SCREEK Personalized enclosure Type 1U-BOX-B for 1U | eBay

If you have a printer, you can ask us for the stl file and print a copy yourself, it will save you cost and time.
We designed 1u in January when it wasn’t so hot, and parts of the summer that were very hot seemed too hot.
We have recently added cooling enclosures.
All subsequent 1u’s will have heat sink configurations.

Thank you for your support.

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Looks like the firmware is the primary solution, but they still get up to 115-120ºF. No more crashing though!

I do have a printer! May I have the .stl? I also have a power drill and experience at adding holes to PLA and may go that route just to be lazy.

Radars have some high heat output, so they’re going to be a little warm anyway.
Temperature isn’t the only factor causing the problem, this S2 mini is used from a different vendor, and when they were manufactured, the most recent batch seems to have swapped out some key components (including crystals, LDOs), which leads to the possibility of a reboot when high power WIFI is coupled with high temperatures, and too many reboots in a row triggers the epshome’s safemode mechanism, which also causes the won’t budge.

The new firmware also optimizes the wifi’s strategy to return it to its default mild power saving. Since the previous us firmware we regulated it at full power.

We have sent you the stl file, please check it.
I don’t know why, but forum messages often don’t get pushed through by email, so please understand that there’s no way to get back to you in time.

I went the DIY route and ended up designing an alternate case with plenty of ventilation. Seems to be working well for me.

Hi, here’s my experience so far - only 2 hours after applying power to my new SCREEK for the first time (and I’m very excited - and somewhat confused):

Immediately after power on, I noticed a blue led inside the case that flashed - so, logically I assumed it to be Bluetooth - and sure enough, my BLE Proxy immediately picked up the LD2410 BLE device and it automatically showed up in Home Assistant. After the default configuration (which is nothing more than to accept the Integration and assign a room to the device), this is what I got:

And when expanded, the entities list looked like this:

Plus a list of 20 Diagnostic entities not shown.

But I could not find anywhere any reference to connection using Bluetooth, so I continued to see If I could get the WiFi running. At first, the SCREEK-HUMAN-SENSOR Wi-Fi SSD didn’t show up on my mobile phone, but after 15 minutes it suddenly did, and I could successfully connect it to my Home WLAN:

However, I do not know how to perform OTA Update as I have no idea where to find the right file. But maybe I will later. So, I went back into Home Assistant, and viola - a new instance of the SCREEK device had automatically been detected by my ESPHome Server and was waiting to be explored in Home Assistant. Again, no complicated configurations, just accept and pick a room. But the resulting list of entities was very different from the BLE Instance:

So, what now?
Which one of these two devices should I use?
How do I calibrate it?
How do I OTA Update it if needed?

(Only qualified answers, please - no guesswork, if you don’t know exactly how)

The OTA updates are done from the web UI of the sensor. Just hit the WiFi up address in a browser and you’ll see the OTA section.

The OTA file can be found here:

I would use the ESP sensor vice Bluetooth since that’s the setup SCREEK is supporting.

You can grab the HLKRadar tool on a mobile device to calibrate. I believe it’s available in the app store for iOS and can be downloaded from the Play Store for Android.

The blue LED is for the WiFi connection for the ESP board. Flashing means it’s disconnected.

Hi, Just received 2. Is there a step by step guide to get them connected to HA? I am completely new with ESP Home.

You bought them from SCREEK?


Updating via OTA didn’t work. It goes offline when I hit the update button, and WiFi connection is lost, but it never comes back online again unless I power-cycle it. Then the FW version is unchanged. BLE seems to work all the time.

And you’re using the .bin file, correct?

Yes, the filename is : ota-screek-humen-sensor-1u-20230704_1.bin
File size: 907Kb

Are you possibly already on that firmware?

No, I’m on Firmware: 2023.5.1 (Jun 20 2023, 22:14:44)