SCREEK Home Assistant 24Ghz FMCW WiFi Human Presence Detector Radar 1U

Do you men the WiFi Access Point (AP) ?

Yes, I assume that is what is meant as for most people their router is their Wifi access point.
If you have an AP, then yes, most it closer so that it has a strong signal to allow the firmware update to happen quickly before it times out.

Ok, so I moved it 15cm from the AP, and indeed - it did update, so now Iā€™m on Firmware 2023.6.3 (Jul 4 2023, 08:40:58), but whatā€™s the difference? Should I expect any improvements or new features? Where do I find the change logs?

the change log is here, The main thing is to add stability to the operation.

Great! Thank you :+1:
My understanding is that the SCREEK unit contains two PCBā€™s; One being the radar part LD2410BLE board, and the other being a ESP32 board, right? And this update that I just did, was for the ESP, right?
So, how can I update the LD2410 firmware?

With the HLKradar app. Connect to the module with the app, the click ā€œmoreā€ in the top-right corner and then click on ā€œparameter settingsā€. The first line is the firmware update option.

Thanks, I tried the HLKradar App on my Samsung Galaxy S23, but could never successfully connect to the module. It just keeps on searching (spinning) foreverā€¦ ?

Do you still have the Bluetooth connected to HA?

Yes, it connects automatically, but I tried disabling the integration, but that didnā€™t help.

If you have connected to HA using BLE, then the BLE is in occupied state, in this case it will not be possible to connect using APP.
You need to disconnect this BLE connection from HA first.

Aha - but I thought disabling the integration did just that. If not so, then how do I disconnect the BLE from HA ?

I donā€™t have such a test on hand right now, so I canā€™t tell you the answer to that, Iā€™m sorry.
But if Iā€™m right, thereā€™s a way to disable this device that would probably be just as useful, just preventing it from uniquely blocking the connection looks like it would create an opportunity for the HLK APP.

Since we donā€™t receive pushes from the HomeAssistant forum - which doesnā€™t seem to happen - we have to check here periodically to find new replies. If you have an urgent question, feel free to find us on our FB community or Reddit community. There always seems to be a timely push there that can arrive.

An old question that I still ask Your Excellency, we seem to have received a medium rating review about not having used it yet. Is there any chance of being able to change this rating? This medium rating seems to be annoying and we often have a hard time understanding it. Although it is entirely up to you to evaluate it.

I will try to find a way to break the BLE connection.
Regarding the rating. Both AliExpress, eBay, Amazon and others requests a rating along with the receipt confirmation. This is very difficult because how can I rate a device that I havenā€™t had the time to test yet? But now that I am well underway with testing - with your support - I will change/update my rating based upon the result over the next few days.

P.S. Iā€™ve already convinced my business associates to buy additional sample units from you for their own testing purposes. :+1:

Thank you for your support, but just because this is an ebay store that tries very hard to maintain well, we take every user review very seriously. And in fact unfortunately the number of reviews that ebay as a whole can give is five modifications out of 1,000 reviews, and thatā€™s in 30 days, and the thing is that, in some days, even if we wanted to do that, it doesnā€™t seem to be possible.

Most people can actually choose not to leave a review, and thatā€™s perfectly understandable.
But still, itā€™s just a little bit unfortunate that itā€™s not a very significant issue.

For the cut off ble issue, we will try some tests tomorrow if possible to see if there is another way to test it.

If there are some very urgent issues you need to contact us about, in those places we will be the first to receive a push. Of course if itā€™s just something else to explore with this sensor, this is a wonderful place to do it.

I tried to find again my own review of the SCREEK on eBay, but I couldnā€™t find it. How can I change/modify or edit my own review on eBay?

Wow, thatā€™s really appreciated that you can change that neutral rating, the fact that it has to be requested by us from eBay and then that number of requests is limited, itā€™s a very complicated set of rules and thatā€™s why itā€™s a little bit frustrating.
Weā€™ve applied, itā€™s a good day, I think!

Viewing and changing feedback left for sellers | eBay

I donā€™t have BLE setup, but imagine that disabling the integration doesnā€™t effect the adapterā€¦meaning the adapter will stay working, HA will just not process the data. The LD2410C will repair to the adapter if itā€™s available. Youā€™ll likely need to reboot the sensor, or toggle Bluetooth off/on, while the BLE adapter is powered off to get it to disconnect. Both actions can be done from the ESPhome devices page.

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We did add the ble switch to the original esphomeā€™s official ld2410 firmware There is also the ability to reboot the ld2410c, which weā€™ll try to test if itā€™s possible when want.
HomeAssistantā€™s Bluetooth functionality has always felt a little less than perfect to me, and Iā€™ve experienced quite a few instances where the data became disconnected. But I think that might be some issue with the Bluetooth agent.
I have often experienced lost connections when using Xiaomiā€™s Bluetooth mesh as well, and my confidence in Bluetooth was never very high.
Especially like HomeAssistant which is a one to one connection for individual devices.
The Passive Bluetooth Gateway plugin represents another idea for capturing packets, but on top of capturing encrypted Xiaomi devices, weā€™ve also encountered places where captured data fails.

Comparatively speaking, I feel that HomeAssistantā€™s current BLE functionality lacks full debugging and visualization and other convenient displays, which makes debugging some specific issues seem inconvenient.
I like the design of the Z2M, itā€™s a very stable system and I often find them more reliable and stable than WiFi, and that includes a couple of my own ZIGBEE experimental sensors.

Well, I tried using the ā€œDisable LD2410 BLEā€ button press, and it did turn off the BLE, but that didnā€™t help much. With the BLE turned completely off, how can it then connect to the App ?

And by the way, after turning BLE off, I couldnā€™t successfully turn it back on again using the ā€œEnable LD2410 BLEā€ button press. Nothing happens.


I had to completely power cycle the SCREEK in order to get the BLE back to life. So pointing fingers at others for lack of debugging, quickly backfires.

Anyway. Bluetooth is very stable, if set up correctly. One should not rely on a standard USB Bluetooth adapter. It is relatively short range, and only capable of a single connection. Home assistant grabs whatever data is presented to it, good, bad or missing. Iā€™m using a Bluetooth Proxy, and Iā€™ve never had stability or connection issues with my Bluetooth devices. But I only use Bluetooth where thereā€™s no other options, i.e. my toothbrush :blush:

So, I guess no one knows exactly how to update the DL2410 BLE firmware, then? Perhaps except master reset on the whole SCREEK device - which is a bit inconvenient, as one looses all existing setup which has to be redone, This in turn means a full new set of entity names where Home Assistant automatically adds a ā€œ_nā€ to distinguish new names from already existing (unavailable) entity names. (where the ā€˜nā€™ is a counter).

Perhaps someone has a better idea?

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To quote myself.


So, thatā€™s how you update the firmware. Your problem is you canā€™t get the LD2410C to unpair from your Bluetooth proxy. I donā€™t think that a reset is necessary (and probably wouldnā€™t work anyways since youā€™d be resetting the ESP module and not the LD2410C).

So, going back, Iā€™d temporarily disconnect whatever Bluetooth device it is paired with (and I do mean remove power), restart the SCREEK sensor (probably best to just pull power for a second and power it back on). Give the sensor a few seconds to fail reconnecting to your Bluetooth dongle and it should fall back into pairing mode. Try connecting with the app again.

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