🧯 Script Blueprint to play Nabu-Casa tts-cloud-say messages. (NOT an Automation Blueprint)

This Blueprint has been Deprecated and replaced with one that does more. Please see :fire_extinguisher:TTS All Message Blueprint below.

:globe_with_meridians: All My Blueprints

Link to ALL my Blueprints

Here is a list of each of my blueprints, a quick description and jump links to the Blueprints Exchange post…

:cyclone: Scripts

:fire_extinguisher:Broadlink on Script Blueprint

:fire_extinguisher:Tasmota EZ Button Blueprint

This Script Blueprint generates 3 Buttons to help you manage your Tasmota installed base. Restart All, Update a few, and Update all.

:fire_extinguisher:Play Media File Script Blueprint Blueprint

This is a SCRIPT Blueprint. This provides a way to play canned media files with the big long list of YAML entries but keep the main script or automation clean.

:fire_extinguisher:TTS All Message Blueprint

This script can use any of the 11 integrated TTS Platforms in Home Assistant to send a message to a media player.

:arrows_clockwise: Automations

:fire_extinguisher:Auto Fan Control Blueprint

This Blueprint is for controlling a 3 speed fan based on a temperature sensor. Intended for Ifan03/Ifan04 but useful other places.

:fire_extinguisher:Door Open TTS Cloud-Say Message Blueprint

This Blueprint is a TTS.cloud-say version of another Door Announcer I found in the HA Blueprint Exchange.

:fire_extinguisher:Keypad Lock or puzzle Box Tool Blueprint

This Blueprint accepts 5 actions & when done in the right order, flips an input_boolean.

:fire_extinguisher:Zigbee2MQTT - Xiaomi Cube Controller Blueprint

This Blueprint uses a Zigbee2MQTT built sensor to sort out the multitude of commands from the Xiaomi Magic Cube Remote.

:man_juggling:t5: Contact Links or see my other work

What are we Fixing Today Homepage / Website: https://www.WhatAreWeFixing.Today/

Channel Link URL: (WhatAreWeFixingToday) https://bit.ly/WhatAreWeFixingTodaysYT

What are we Fixing Today Facebook page (Sir GoodEnough): WhatAreWeFixingToday | Waukesha WI

What are we Fixing Today Twitter Account (Sir GoodEnough): https://bit.ly/WhatAreWeFixingTodayTW

Discord Guild: (Sir_Goodenough#9683) WhatAreWeFixingToday?

:cheese: If you want to support me

Buy me Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SirGoodenough

PayPal one-off donation link: PayPal.Me

Cash App $CASHTAG: Pay $sirgoodenough on Cash App

Venmo cash link: Venmo | Sirius GoodEnough

