Secondary axis for Statistics Card

It would be nice to have an option to delegate an entity to secondary axis on the graph so we can have 2 differently scaled values on 1 statistics card. For example trying to show power and % on a single statistics card. Right now with power in few thousands W range it completely flattens the % range.
Having an option to show different units on different axis would be a nice addition.

I agree. I would love to see this. On my EMONCMS server I track my instant power usage (kW) vs the outside air enthalpy. This help me see if there are any anomalies in my power usage. As you can see from the screen shot Power should lag behind AOE and track for most cases. Using Statistical Min, Max, Mean woudl make this information even more useful.

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This is something I’m needing as well. I want to see if there is some correlation between different values. And that’s difficult when they are on way different scales.

Is this still an open Feature Requests?

I would find this very useful