My setup is a HassOS running on my Raspberry Pi 4B and everything has been pretty stable for the few months that I’ve been set up. A key part of my setup is that when some things happen, I play a small (unobtrusive) audio snippet over a speaker in a stairwell. It’s been nice. I’m still pretty new to this though, having written a few configuration bits, and a few simple automations in YAML and that’s all.
I’ve done the HA updates as they’ve been offered, and there’s never been a problem. But with the last update it seems that the audio player I was using ffplay is no longer found.
I’ve noticed that the environment I’m in when I use the Terminal does not seem to be the same as what HA is in. If I do a “which ffplay” in the Terminal for example it would come up with nothing, but if I executed “which ffplay” as a shell_command in my configurations.yaml, and called it from the Developer_Tools>Services it would find the ffplay application and so I was able to use it successfully for months.
I don’t know that I can apt-get and install apps within HA’s run environment, and scanning for other audio players (mpg123 aplay sox…) doesn’t find any alternatives.
How can I either get ffplay back, or find some other audio player for HA automations?