Segway Navimow

Alexa is a good start, I just hope they create an actual API for it that we can use to integrate into HA.

FWIW, how I have mine set up is using HA’s schedule utility to match the scheduled jobs in Navimow, while it’s not perfect it does let me have automation run at the times when I know the mower will be running - and since I also have a good idea of how long each zone takes to complete, I can almost nail the stop time on the head.

What I’m missing and really want is the ability to start and stop the mower using automation - like knowing if it rained in the past X hours so it doesn’t mow. I know I can toggle the power to the dock to prevent it from launching but it’s not ideal.


In fact, now we can control the robot with Alexa intgration: GitHub - alandtse/alexa_media_player: This is a custom component to allow control of Amazon Alexa devices in Home Assistant using the unofficial Alexa API. (You have to enable the Alexa skill)

We can use those sentences :

  • Alexa, demande à robot segway de commencer à tondre.
  • Alexa, demande à robot segway d’arrêter la tondeuse.
  • Alexa, demande à robot segway de retourner à la station de charge.
  • Alexa, demande à robot segway quel est le statut actuel.
  • Alexa, demande à robot segway quel est le niveau de batterie.
    Dependent to your country : Segway Navimow : Alexa Skills
action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.bureau
  media_content_type: custom
  media_content_id: Alexa, demande à robot segway de retourner à la station de charge.

Something that inspirate me : HA_Addons/alexa_shopping_list_scraper at main · thiagobruch/HA_Addons · GitHub