šŸ“¦ Send a notification to your mobile device when an add-on update is available - auto-dismissal, customization, start update from the notification

This user has been inactive for some time, the blueprint below is still available, but please be advised it may no longer work.

Original Post

This blueprint is part of the Awesome HA Blueprints project.
Read more about it on the related Community Forum topic. :rocket:

Updates will be published on the projectā€™s GitHub repository.

:arrow_down: Get Started

Option 1: My Home Assistant

Click the badge to import this Blueprint (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.3 or higher)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Option 2: Direct Link

Copy this link if you want to import the blueprint in your installation.

:link: Blueprint URL

:page_facing_up: Description

Send a notification to the provided mobile devices whenever an update for the given Home Assistant add-on is available.
Supports full notification customization, notification groups, auto-dismissal when the add-on is updated and button for starting the update directly from your notification tray, with optional notification after the update completed succesfully.
This blueprint doesnā€™t require any additional sensor to be manually set up, since it uses the built-in add-on sensors introduced with the Supervisor integration starting from Home Assistant Core 2021.4.0.

:closed_book: Full Documentation

Full documentation regarding requirements, inputs and more is available here.

Docs provide all the information you need to properly configure this blueprint on your instance.

:information_source: Changelog

Updated list of changes and improvements is available here.

Huge thanks to the authors of the following blueprints, which I took inspiration from during the process of developing this blueprint: :rocket:

Happy automating to everyone! :fire:


I was JUST about to make a blueprint for this! haha you beat me to it. Love it! And you did it way better than I did too :sweat_smile:

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@epmatt please add instructions about how to enable the sensors required for this blueprint. I didnā€™t find anything about it. Thank you

The sensors are disabled by default, but they can be enabled from the ā€œHome Assistant Supervisorā€ page in the integrations page.

Find this, and click on ā€œEntitiesā€


Select all the ones you want to use, then hit ā€œEnable Selectedā€

Here I just used the select all button to enable all the sensors.

If you have an older home assistant installation, you may not have the ā€œHome Assistant Supervisorā€ in your integrations page, in which case youā€™ll have to actually enable that integration first.

I just double checked though, and all this instruction is on the link provided in the OP under the ā€œrequirementsā€ section.

Thank you @forte! I enabled the necessary entities.

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Hi @forte,

thank you for your feedback and for developing the Home Assistant update notifier blueprint - I mostly took inspiration from it while working on this one!
If you have any suggestion for this blueprint Iā€™d be always happy to listen to you. :slight_smile:

Moreover, thank you for the quick reply you provided here today. :slight_smile:

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Hi @fireport,

sorry for my late response. Iā€™m happy you have been able to set up the blueprint on your system.

By the way Iā€™ve updated the blueprint documentation as you suggested, adding a detailed description on how to enable the add-on entities from the Home Assistant UI, taking inspiration from the reply by @forte. :+1:

Thank you!

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Iā€™ve already made automations with this blueprint for all of my add-ons, so thank you too!

I do like that by using a text input field instead of a device input field you get the option to select a notify group rather than having to have a different automation for each device. I am tempted to update my own blueprint to do it that way insteadā€¦ or maybe having an ā€œadvancedā€ version of the blueprint so the original device selector is still easier for users who may not feel very comfortable using the developer/services to find the right notify service. That was why I decided to go with the device selector myself. At least until the automation blueprints allow for service selectors.

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Hi @forte, Iā€™m glad to hear that this blueprint is super useful for you. :slight_smile:

I used the notify service call as an input to increase the blueprint extensibility and allow users to provide services for notify groups too, but I agree that using a device selector is more user friendly, especially for users who donā€™t want to dive into developer settings, or donā€™t have experience with it.

Actually, I opened a proposal back in February regarding the blueprint service selector in the Home Assistant Architecture repository. Hereā€™s the link to the discussion:

Maybe it was posted in the wrong place, but it didnā€™t receive any feedback at all. :sweat_smile:
If you are interested in the service selector feature, you can also jump into the discussion and post your opinion there; eventually HA developers will notice us and provide a feedback on our proposal. It might be a nice addition to the current selectors collection. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your feedback!

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Hi EPMatt, I want to use your blueprint and I have done this but its not listet in de automations UI. Its listet in the automations.yaml allright but not in the UI. This is my piece off YAML. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong? I really tried al lot now but I cant figure it outā€¦

  • id: ā€˜1649084342274ā€™
    alias: 0200 test automatisering EPMatt
    description: ā€˜ā€™
    path: EPMatt/addon_update_notification.yaml
    notification_channel_importance: default
    addon: core_mosquitto
    addon_name: mosquitto
    addon_sensor_version: sensor.mosquitto_broker_version
    addon_sensor_newest_version: sensor.mosquitto_broker_newest_version
    addon_sensor_update_available: binary_sensor.mosquitto_broker_update_available
    mobile_notify_service: mobile_app_sm_g998b

Hi @AarvdH,

thank you for reaching out here. Did you reload automations after creating the new automation with this blueprint? You can do this from Configuration ā†’ Settings ā†’ Server Controls ā†’ YAML configuration reloading ā†’ Automations.

Please let me know if your issue is solved. :+1:

I have never used a blueprint beforeā€¦ and I am really feeling like an idiot here. Could someone post one of their automations in proper format so I can see how one is built? Also, where do I find the proper name for the add-on that I want to monitor?

So, this is what I have come up with so far:

- id: "Notification_for_Google_Backup_update"
  alias: 'Notification for Google Backup update'
    path: 'EPMatt/addon_update_notification.yaml'
    notification_channel_importance: default
    addon_name: backup_hassio_to_google_drive
    addon_sensor_version: sensor.backup_hassio_to_google_drive_version
    addon_sensor_newest_version: sensor.backup_hassio_to_google_drive_newest_version
    addon_sensor_update_available: binary_sensor.backup_hassio_to_google_drive_update_available
  mobile_notify_service: mobile_app_matts10

The above automation is located in my /config/automation/notify.yaml file.
It does not look right to me but passes the editors yaml check and will not load with the following error:

Logger: homeassistant.config
Source: components/blueprint/models.py:161
First occurred: 9:59:47 PM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:06:55 PM

Invalid config for [automation]: Missing input addon, addon_name, addon_sensor_newest_version, addon_sensor_update_available, addon_sensor_version, mobile_notify_service (See ?, line ?).
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/automation/config.py", line 103, in _try_async_validate_config_item
    config = await async_validate_config_item(hass, config, full_config)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/automation/config.py", line 70, in async_validate_config_item
    return await blueprints.async_inputs_from_config(config)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/blueprint/models.py", line 299, in async_inputs_from_config
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/blueprint/models.py", line 161, in validate
    raise MissingInput(self.blueprint.domain, self.blueprint.name, missing)
homeassistant.components.blueprint.errors.MissingInput: Missing input addon, addon_name, addon_sensor_newest_version, addon_sensor_update_available, addon_sensor_version, mobile_notify_service

Ok, so I found this fileā€¦ /config/blueprints/automation/EPMatt/addon_update_notification.yaml

It looks like I could put in the required info in here, but I am not sure how it would look for more than one add-on. Again, I have never used a blueprint before in all my years of using Home Assistant.

Here are my system info:

System Health

version core-2022.4.2
installation_type Home Assistant Supervised
dev false
hassio true
docker true
user root
virtualenv false
python_version 3.9.9
os_name Linux
os_version 5.10.0-12-amd64
arch x86_64
timezone America/Chicago
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API ok
GitHub Content ok
GitHub Web ok
GitHub API Calls Remaining 4895
Installed Version 1.24.4
Stage running
Available Repositories 1028
Downloaded Repositories 16
Home Assistant Supervisor
host_os Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
update_channel stable
supervisor_version supervisor-2022.04.0
docker_version 20.10.12
disk_total 218.1 GB
disk_used 28.2 GB
healthy true
supported true
supervisor_api ok
version_api ok
installed_addons Backup Hassio to Google Drive (1.7.2), Dropbox Sync (1.3.0), Duck DNS (1.14.0), File editor (5.3.3), Log Viewer (0.13.0), RPC Shutdown (2.2), WireGuard (0.6.0), Mosquitto broker (6.0.1), SSH & Web Terminal (10.1.1), Samba share (9.5.1), TasmoAdmin (0.17.0), Glances (0.15.0), Check Home Assistant configuration (3.10.0), DHCP server (1.2), Network UPS Tools (0.10.0), Samba Backup (5.0.0), Node-RED (11.1.1), Portainer (2.0.0), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.106.2), SDR to Home Assistant (0.1.13b)
dashboards 1
resources 7
views 15
mode storage