šŸ“ø Send camera snapshot notification on motion

Hi, Iā€™ve just started using Visual Studio Code on my HA and I keep receiving this error from the blueprint

Is there any solution?

The indentation in de yaml file is not correct.
You can read here more about indentation in yaml files.

The Configuration Validation doesnā€™t find any error though

I donā€™t know i am not a expert but i think that is what de error says you posted.
Indentation is important in yaml files.

Someone found a way to view the shots from the phone ?

I have an error with this code

at: 0:00 String does not match the pattern of "^(input_datetime\.(?!_)[\da-z_]+(?<!_)\s?(?:,\s?input_datetime\.(?!_)[\da-z_]+(?<!_))*|(?:[01]\d|2[0123]):(?:[012345]\d):(?:[012345]\d))$".yaml-schema: http://schemas.home-assistant.io/integration-automation

can you change it to accept a doorbell press?

My captured photo is one behind, meaning it is the previous occurence not the current one. Anyone else have that issue?

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not really, can you see the timestamp on the file name also being the previous one? Seems a bit off if the timestamp is not updated in the notification. (behavior without timestamp could be explained: caching of the image, so itā€™s just displaying old non expired cached one)

Hi, I used your code and adjusted it (badly) to support unifi protect doorbells.

Be cool if you could update the template so it support doorbell press as well as motion,

But im not expert of HASā€¦ but this works for meā€¦ but im sure blueprint could be improved.
GitHub Link

you can paste this into your import blueprint thing and it will create the blueprint in HAS


p.s I did the bare min to get this to work for doorbell and works mint! When you select the doorbell binary_sensor.doorbell_doorbell object. ( I suspect mines called that because I called my doorbell > doorbell)

I did a crap job of making it work. And it works mint.
Just used that blueprint and made some changes so it would work for doorbell.

Works mint.

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i manualy changed it already, to a state change, as my doorbell does a state change

I tried to google this but canā€™t seem to find anything specific, but could someone explain what the %s is doing in the last few lines of the code?

Looks like it is setting up the snapshot location for iOS or Android device, depending on the is_ios variable, but not understanding what the %s does/adds.

  url: snapshot.jpg


image: snapshot.jpg

Based on Frenckā€™s doorbell and Vorionā€™s motion detection blueprint, i combined both and created this blueprint:
Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Slightly odd one from meā€¦ For the last few weeks the automation has kept sending an old image through in the notificationā€¦ I have checked /config/www/tmp/ and a new image is generated correctly every time it runs, however the image sent through in the notification is a different imageā€¦?

Where does it pick this image up from?

The same happens on my system.

The blueprint looks great. I am having some issues. I get the following error ā€œUnable to find notify service for webhook IDā€ any idea on how to fix it?

Seems it uses /config/www/tmp as folder
But uses ā€˜local/tmpā€™ internally to access it


super blueprint. will it be possible to make it so that the trigger is the switch on the doorbell instead? would like it so that my doorbell sends a picture to my cellphone when the doorbell is thickened ā€¦ :slight_smile:

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