It sounds like that BP is a good place to start. Make yourself a copy of it and build your own version to share on the exchange.
For the first problem you can add motion device class to the sensors using customized or you can remove the line:
device_class: motion
and either way you will see those sensors. (You can also just type the sensor name in as well.)
I suggest customize because the BP will still work as is and if they update it you can update your copy.
With that said, I thank you for pointing this BP out to me, I just might update this for multiples as I have a need. I’ll drop an exchange post in if / when I come up with something.
to do a call notification you could look at something like this
but if you are looking to connect the video doorbell live stream to a phone call so that you can speak with the person at the door, I haven’t seen anything like that here… not to say there isn’t… but I haven’t seen such a thing