Send sensor values to KNX

I try to send some values to my KNX bus, but it does not work.

I have configured a sensor and a binary sensor, values came from MQTT. HA should send these values to KNX bus, but it does not. In ETS group monitor there is no send telegram and even read requests dont get an answer.

    host: !secret knx_gateway
    port: 3700
    #fire_event: true
    #fire_event_filter: ['3/7/*']
    - entity_id: sensor.hpsu_t_ext
      type: temperature
      address: '3/7/2'
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.hpsu_status_pump
      type: binary
      address: '3/7/4'

  - platform: mqtt
    name: HPSU T Ext
    state_topic: 'hpsu/t_ext'
    device_class: temperature
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'

  - platform: mqtt
    name: HPSU Status Pump
    state_topic: 'hpsu/status_pump'
    payload_on: 1
    payload_off: 0

MQTT sensors and other KNX things (like switches) are working fine. I read a lot of docs and threads to knx expose and they are using the same config. So I am lost why it is not working for me…

Found a working solution… Issue is not related to knx, more a include thing. I will have to do more analysis, but expose to knx bus is working now.

not working:

  packages: !include_dir_named integrations

  tunneling: [...]
  expose: [...]


  packages: !include_dir_named integrations

  tunneling: [...]
  expose: [...]

Is the problem that the exposed entity_id s were not yet available at Knx init?

No, as I wrote in my last post it is working well when it is configured in configuration.yaml. It is not working when configured in integrations/knx.yaml file.