Sending different Messages periodically to KNX

Hi everyone!
I have several binary Sensors of my windows and I want to sent a Massage to the KNX Bus if one of them ist open. Because I want to represent those messages on a small KNX device, the Messages have to be short. Because of this I want the messages to change every few seconds like this:
“WD LivingR open”
→ 3 sec →
“WD DiningR open”
→ 3 sec →
“WD KidsR open”
→ 3 sec →
…and again…
“WD LivingR open”

So I need an Automatation that creats those textes every x seconds and sends them to an Group Address of my KNX Bus. Can anyone help me?

Is there anyone out there who did something like this before?

Anyone here who can give me a hint how to do that?

You can create a entity for that or send the value directly to KNX via the service knx.send

So for example in an automation it would be something like:

  - service: knx.send
      address: '0/0/1'
      payload: "Hello"
      type: string

Thank you for your answer.
That is the easy part, but first I need an automation that creates these massages.

If I’m right, I need an Automation that loops through my group “Windows” and creates a massage for each Window if it is open. at the End of the loop the massage has to be send to the KNX bus and after that the automation has to wait for three seconds before the loop continues.

Perhaps there is an easier solution for this, but I don’t even know where to start.
I think I’m not the only one who is looking for something like this.