Sengled LED bulbs and hub with HA

I opened today the device,connected to UART.
I think is not possible to install OpenWrt, device dont have flash memory,only big amount of RAM. So basically is cloud based device.

All what can be done is to use EM357 like USB dongle,but this require a firmware change.

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Looks like the factory image is 2.7M.

Would something like this work? Not sure ont he flash requirements:

Installed OpenWRT on it (tftp method), not really stable problem with wifi. sometime kernel panic,cc2531 still best option.

can you give instructions here and drop files, so i will try also?

Have somebody backup of EM357 chip?
I managed to flash him, to erase with JTAG.

Guys I have the Sengled bulds with hub working in HA. Still needs work.

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Awesome, looking forward to this. @allenfarmer1, you mention HACS, is that a module like /hassio/addon/core_git_pull/info that can pull GIT? or something else

I’m on Hassio.

edit: found… reading.
loaded the samba addon and used it to get the hacs folder moved to the rasbpi
on you follow the HACS install instructions, navigate to your HACS install here /hacs/integrations and pick Custom Repositories in the triple dot menu in the top right.

@robbruce70 So did you it get working?

Funny, just submitted a bug. It didn’t! Maybe my version isn’t compatible? Maybe I screwed something up. The ‘light’ devices are there, they just don’t work.

There was an issue and now it has been corrected… Thanks for working wit me @robbruce70

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Hi @allenfarmer1 Thanks for creating this. I have 3 Sengled WiFi bulbs that I can test this with. Can you please let me know what the country code for the UK is? Is it gb or uk? I tried both but get the following error:

SengledApi: SengledApi authenticated but could not find any devices.

@esc247 I am still working on support for the Wifi Bulbs. Currently this only supports using the Sengled Hub with zigbee bulbs. I will add this info to the Repo.

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I can help you test wifi bulb support if you need it :blush:

I have added some support for wifi bulbs. You see an update soon.


Cant wait to see update, been having issues with it just seeing one of 3 bulbs and always saying unavailable.

What type of bulbs do you currently have? If you any of the debug logs i can look at them.

Hi, I have the same issue with my 3 sengled wifi bulbs without hub. I get this error after I installed your integration:
SengledApi: SengledApi authenticated but could not find any devices.
There is a fix for this?
Thanks in advance.

Can you turn on Debug and then create a ticket for it and then upload your debug logs . Then with this information I can help you with this.

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I’ve created a ticket on github.
Thank you so much.

I have update the repo. This should help a little. The wifi bulbs are just in the beginning of support. So I am still working on this