FAQ - How To Update Blueprint on Home Assistant Version: 2023.12.0 +
Important: Occasionally, updates may include breaking changes or additional requirements. It is highly recommended to perform a full backup of your Home Assistant before updating any blueprint. Check the blueprint’s post for notifications about changes, but be aware that not all changes may be announced. A full backup ensures you can roll back if any issues arise.
Go into settings / automation & scenes / click on the blueprint tab at the top and then the 3 dots next to the blueprint you would like to update.
A pop up will appear and you will see you have an option to “re-import blueprint”.
When you click on the “re-import blueprint” you will get a confirmation to “re-import”.
STOP Have you done a full backup If you are happy with everything (again, a backup of HA) then and only then should you click the “re-import” button.
Once you click the “re-import blueprint” button a confirmation message will appear down the bottom.
Your done!! You blueprint is updated
- Not Working For You - Looks like you manually installed the blueprint. If that is the case then you will have to manually update it. Click Here to go through the steps on how to do that. You can also see the TIPS section below.
But Wait!! If you would like to take advantage of this new update feature then you will have to import the blueprint again. Then update all of your automations, but check out the “Tip” below as it is not that hard to do.
TIP - In the YAML file of your existing automations is a file path. Once you imported the blueprint into your HA you can just change the file path to the new location in your existing automations. If you are unsure of the file path just add a test automation with the newly imported blueprint and go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, and you will see the file path. Then copy the path of the newly imported blueprint automation.
Before you update the path: First copy the YAML of the existing automation you would like to update and save it in another file as your back up, yes I like back ups.
Once you have the new file path, use this file path in the existing automations you would like to update by replacing it with the new file path and clicking save. Do one at a time and check if it worked. You will then be able to use the new update feature in the future
Hope this helps you.
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